Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 359: Black soil forest catch firebird

"Farming in wasteland is to save (

Chen Wangping said to Fang Baibai, "This feather is good, and it just meets my requirements. How many firebirds are there in the black soil forest? What kind of bait did you use to lure them?"

Fang Baibai jumped up happily when he saw that the thing was useful, and said, "Duo Duo Duo, we have been searching for a whole morning, and we have seen at least dozens of flamingos, but unfortunately they are in groups. If you can't catch it, you have to come back first."

Fang Chengcheng added: "Those flamingos don't actually fly high, but the body temperature is very high. The bait we used before was sun-dried horse and land meat, which works well as a bait when fishing, so I took it and tried it. try."

Chen Wangping turned over and took out a gold coin and handed it to Fang Baibai: "Thank you, go back to rest, take me into the black soil forest tomorrow morning, how about it?"

Fang Chengcheng swallowed at the gold coin, nodded quickly and said, "No problem, no problem, we have already remembered the way."

Fang Baibai hesitated: "Mr. Mayor, this amount of money is too much, we only spent one day, and a single silver coin is a lot."

Chen Wangping put the gold coin in Fang Baibai's hand and said, "Okay, go back and rest, see you at the gate of the town tomorrow morning."

Fang Baibai no longer refused, and cupped his hands: "Thank you, sir." Then he took Fang Chengcheng and walked into the distance.

After returning to the base, Tang Xihe prepared to continue to absorb flame crystals to improve himself.

Chen Wangping went to the wooden box near the manufacturing station and took out the hunting trap he had built before to check it.

The built hunting trap looks like a piece of wood, but the inside is actually like a trap, which will clip together once triggered.

All he has to do now is to loosen the spring of the trap. After all, the firebirds to be caught this time are for breeding, and it would be troublesome if the legs were broken.

"Twenty hunting traps have been built one after another for so long, and I will try them out tomorrow."

After finishing this, he also returned to the room, took out another lightning crystal, and closed his eyes to absorb it.

The night passed, and the base was filled with escaping elements of lightning and fire.

the next day.

As soon as Chen Wangping woke up, he saw fine snowflakes falling slowly outside the base, and the temperature dropped a lot.

He put away the small piece of thunder and lightning crystals left in his hand, took out the radio and listened:

【Weather forecast】

Tomorrow, the temperature near Fangshan Town will rise slightly, it will be sunny and the wind will be level 1.

【Tips for Wasteland】

When breeding, pay attention to the characteristics of livestock.

【Indescribable reminder】

It takes time to cooperate, and when it is useless, kill it.

【The sound of the wind】

[Conversation between Qian Duoduo and Qian Boundless (omitted)]

After listening to the radio, Chen Wangping smiled.

I still underestimate the heroes of the world.

To be able to open such a big treasure pavilion, the real boss behind this, the pattern of endless money is still open.

Although Qian Buexi didn't show malice, he didn't want to be directly regarded as a so-called cash cow by Qian Buexu.

How can there be so much time to help him be a connoisseur?

However, cooperation in a short period of time is still possible.

Whether it is planting or breeding, the end result is always to be sold.

Treasure Pavilion is a good channel.

Let's talk about it when we enter Thunder Dragon City next time.

Soon, Tang Xihe also ended his practice.

When the two walked to the base, they found that Fang Chengcheng and Fang Baibai were already waiting here, holding a large bag in their hands. From the scattered holes, it could be seen that there were some sun-dried dried malu meat in it.

Chen Wangping saw that their little faces were flushed from the cold, and took out two bowls of beef and handed them over: "It's so early, let's eat something first."

Fang Chengcheng smiled and drank the beef soup unceremoniously, shouting as he drank it, it was delicious!

Fang Baibai was also hungry, so he drank with embarrassment.

After eating and drinking, the four rushed towards the black earth forest, followed by the golden eagle in the sky.

The road to the black soil forest is not easy to find. It has to pass through a small cave, which is very hidden.

Fang Chengcheng explained in a timely manner: "The old hunter found out that it was because he accidentally sheltered from the rain when he was young, and after entering the cave, he found that there was a forest behind him, but he spent a long time in the forest without catching the firebird. If you hadn't asked the mayor, he would have almost forgotten the way here."

Tang Xihe said with a smile: "That's really good luck, I can feel the slight activity of the fire element, it seems that it is ahead."

After arriving at the black soil forest, Chen Wangping asked Fang Chengcheng and Fang Baibai not to go in first, but to wait outside.

After 200 meters into the black earth forest, Tang Xihe turned his head to Chen Wangping in surprise and said, "Brother Ping, I can feel very strong fire element fluctuations here, and these fire elements are solid and solid, three hundred meters away. I haven't felt so strong yet, and I only feel it after getting close."

Chen Wangping said: "It seems that these firebirds are very unusual, Diaobao, you don't have to shoot first."

Looking left and right, you can see that the vegetation inside has basically been burnt~www.readwn.com~ And because the land is dry, the growth is very general, and it can only be eaten by some weak vegetarian animals. Firebird's usual food is estimated to be these vegetarian animals.

He looked for a random direction and used a directional detection to pass it.

His mental power jumped a thousand meters away in an instant, and when he came back, he immediately brought back the news he wanted.

Five hundred meters in this direction, there are six third-level red dot creatures that are standing still.

Chen Wangping pointed the way: "Go, this direction."

After arriving at the location, the two saw six large birds with a height of about 1.5 meters in the distance eating some rodents similar to mice. But it is stronger and plumper than the red-crowned crane.

What moved Chen Wangping was that three of the six firebirds had system light, which meant they could be raised directly after they were caught.

Tang Xihe whispered: "The fire element on them is more solid, which means that their fire element can exert a stronger power."

Chen Wangping nodded and said, "The stronger the better, let's take action together and catch these six first."

Tang Xihe nodded, and many small fire pythons condensed in his hands to wrap the two of them, and quickly approached the fire bird.

After getting close to 50 meters away, Chen Wangping raised his hand and condensed six electric arrows with 3,000 points to hit them, preparing to paralyze these flamingos first.

But at this moment, the six flamingos all raised their heads. Two of the flamingos without the system light rushed forward to catch the six electric arrows, and the remaining four flamingos suddenly burst into flames, saying nothing. Say, turn around and run.

Chen Wangping didn't even look at the two flamingos that were covered in electricity. He pointed at the fourth-level flamingos and shouted, "Taobao, chase me, chase the big one!"

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