Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 361: cold wave

"Farming in wasteland is to save (

two hours later.

Chen Wangping came back full of rewards, with a high level of flame resistance, he was not afraid of the flames of these big flamingos at all, and he caught it when he saw it.

Fifteen large flamingos huddled together on the golden eagle's claws looked like a hot air balloon from a distance.

After flying to the vicinity of Tang Xihe, Chen Wangping hung up the remaining three, and explained that the golden eagle and Tang Xihe flew back to the base from the outside and waited.

As for himself, he's going to the hunting trap.

Half an hour ago, there were five hunting trap icons indicating that they had been triggered, and they should have caught something.

Approaching the hunting trap, Chen Wangping could see the wings of two large flamingos sticking out of the steel skin from a distance. At this time, they were constantly releasing flames to scorch the steel plate.

If the material is poor, you won't be able to catch anything at all.

As for the other three hunting traps, all they caught were rats that were the rations of the great flamingo.

No way, this is the problem with traps, and you don't know what the bait will attract.

Near the steel skin, he took out ice water and poured it on it. After lowering the temperature, he opened the trap and felt it carefully. He was pleasantly surprised to find that one of them was actually marked by lightning energy before.

At this time, it was glowing with a strong system light.

Chen Wangping looked at the attributes and found that it also has the attributes that can be raised.


This hunting trap is a treasure. Using this thing, it can completely turn all the big flamingos that could not be caught into big flamingos that can be raised.

When he thought about the nearly 100 large flamingos remaining in the black soil forest, his heart became a little hot.

But looking at the sky, Chen Wangping was so excited under the button that he was going to go home and raise these twenty big flamingos first.

Pulling two big flamingos, he left the black soil forest, called Fang Baibai and Fang Chengcheng, and returned to Fangshan Town.

Along the way, the two children were very curious about the flamingo, especially Fang Baibai, who kept swallowing, obviously curious about the smell of the flamingo.

Seeing the entrance of the base, Fang Baibai couldn't help but say: "Mr. Mayor, I heard you say that this big flamingo is difficult to raise. If it really died accidentally, let me give it its last ride."

Fang Chengcheng covered his face helplessly, pulled Fang Baibai and waved to Chen Wangping: "Sir, don't listen to his nonsense, we're going home, thank you for your generosity."

Chen Wangping smiled, "Fang Baibai, if there is such a day, I will invite you to eat together."

Fang Baibai, who was dragging on the ground, hurriedly shouted: "Thank you~ thank you~ Town~ Mayor!!!"

Entering the base, Chen Wangping saw Tang Xihe using the fire element to look around these incomparably excited flamingos. When he saw him coming back, he hurriedly asked for help: "Brother Ping, these flamingos are chattering, are they hungry?"

Chen Wangping thought so too. He pulled ten bags of feed and put them in the giant ice fir bird shed, and followed Tang Xihe to drive the big firebird in.

The fire element of the big flamingos who entered the giant ice fir bird shed was reduced a little, but soon they were attracted by the fragrant feed and quickly ran over with their long legs, bowing their heads and gulps.

Chen Wangping kept staring at their satiety. After observing for a while, he found that their satiety was rising very fast. Moreover, it was just right for each big flamingo to eat half a bag of feed at a time. .

He turned his head to look outside the town, wondering when the people from the Volcano Tribe would arrive.

If you don't come back, you won't be able to raise firebirds.

After feeding the flamingo, Chen Wangping breathed a sigh of relief and touched six hot flamingo eggs, ready to taste the eggs.

Tang Xihe agreed with this, and suggested adding more shallots, it must be very fragrant.

The big flamingo eggs were big and had a lot of egg liquid. He used three flamingo eggs and wild onions to make a scrambled egg. The remaining three flamingo eggs were boiled in water and steamed into custards. Try them all.

The food is being cooked here, but there is a cold breath lingering in Thunder Dragon City in the distance.

In the treasure house.

Qian Duoduo held a hand warmer in his hand and was wearing thick animal skin clothes, but he couldn't help sneezing. He looked at the sky suspiciously and muttered that it wasn't snowing here, why is it suddenly so cold .

Not only is his body cold, but his heart is also cold.

Yesterday, the person that my father arranged to look for was still not found. Although I heard that someone was watching to go to the market, there was no more information.

Combined with the behavior of these two people giving the city entry fee, there is a high probability that they have already left Thunder Dragon City.

Entering the house, Qian Duoduo said helplessly: "Dad, those two people are probably gone, it's a pity."

Qian Buqun drank the ginseng tea, "Let's arrange more people to pay attention in the future. Shopping malls are like battlefields. If you are not careful, you will lose your opportunity. Remember this lesson. Okay, let's not talk about this first, there is a cold wave in the city. , the youngest son of the Dragon City Lord has already felt a cold, and I heard that he has a high fever, what do you think?"

Qian Duoduo was surprised: "What? Long Jiao often catches a cold? That eight-year-old brat?"

Qian Buju frowned and said, "Don't say this in the future, pay attention to the way you speak."

Qian Duoduo smiled embarrassedly~www.readwn.com~ sat down, took out a flame crystal and played with it, muttering: "If the wind is cold and the fever is high, the most important thing is to ward off the cold, if you have practiced supernatural powers, it is good Do it, absorb some flame crystals, except for the wood attribute, he can force the cold out, but he has not even awakened his supernatural powers, so troublesome."

Qian Buqun reprimanded in dissatisfaction: "That's all? With your little brains, how can I trust the Treasure Pavilion to you? Think about it again, our Thunder Dragon City has such a little influence?"

Qian Duoduo pondered for a while, then slapped his thigh and said, "Ah, I know, Long Jiaochang's colds should be paid attention to. Although there is no way to use flame crystals directly, you can also find some mild flame supplements and send them over to gain favor. But the more important thing is to pay attention to the situation of the entire Thunder Dragon City. Even Long Jiao is often infected with the cold, so other people are more vulnerable to the cold. We must fully purchase fire-related treasures, hoard them for a period of time, and at the same time Send someone to the land of fire to buy treasures and bring them back."

Qian Bubu finally nodded with satisfaction, "I finally think more, I will correct you a few points, it is better to be low-key when looking for mild flame supplements. At present, the city owner does not want to make this matter a big deal, and it is about hoarding fire-type treasures. Be quick, get in and get out quickly, and make some quick money. As for the land of fire, don’t think about it, it’s too far away, unless you’re prepared, it’s too late.”

"Yes, Dad, I'll do it right now."

At this moment.

Thousands of miles away in the land of fire.

Tang Bing patted the shoulders of the two fifth-level powerhouses with a smile and explained, "Remember, this time we went to Thunder Dragon City, we need to sell things quickly. As long as we sell them, we will all make money."

The two immediately replied: "Don't worry, the elder, we will deliver the things safely and sell them all."

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