Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 362: The Mutation of Thunder Dragon City

"Farming in wasteland is to save (

the next day.

Chen Wangping absorbed the last bit of thunder and lightning crystals in his hand, opened his eyes, and suddenly countless thunder lights appeared in his eyes, and his hair also exploded.

He got up and thought: "Although there are few impurities in this thing, after absorbing too much continuously, the lightning energy in the body is still a little difficult to control, and it is necessary to go to the mine to blow and temper the control ability."

After leaving the room, as soon as he walked to the kitchen, he saw that Tang Xihe had already heated up the porridge, and there were two pans of fried flamingo eggs beside him.

After eating three ways to eat it yesterday, the two found that the mildest way to eat firebird eggs is to eat them, while the best way to eat them is to fry them. They are crispy outside and tender inside. .

While eating the food, Chen Wangping turned on the radio to listen to today's situation.

【Weather forecast】

Tomorrow, the temperature near Thunder Dragon City will drop significantly, with heavy snow and a wind force of level 6.

【Tips for Wasteland】

Popularity is a necessary element for advanced power users.

【Indescribable reminder】

Hoarding or gathering people's hearts.

【The sound of the wind】

【Hoohoo! (The strength is growing so fast!)]

【Hoohoo! (It's so comfortable, we'll be the leader after a while!)

【Hoohoo! (Continue to spread the wind chill!)]

After listening to the radio, Chen Wangping was a little puzzled. Why did the weather forecast turn into Thunder Dragon City?

Moreover, the temperature has dropped significantly, and the sixth-level gale has added snow.

Tang Xihe added: "It seems that the townspeople should be prepared in advance. If there is such a strong wind, people will freeze to death if they are not handled well."

Chen Wangping asked, "What is the connection between the people's heart and the high-level ability user? I saw that my uncle had mentioned similar information before."

Tang Xihe thought for a while and said, "I just saw it in my notes. It seems that we are only studying elements when we advance to level five, but level five ability users must have their own territory when they advance to level six, and It has to be managed well, the stronger the territory, the greater the possibility of promotion, and I don't know the more specific connection."

Chen Wangping nodded, then let's talk about it after advancing to the fifth level.

As for the contents of the last two items on the radio, combined with the weather forecast of Thunder Dragon City, he felt that something must have happened in Thunder Dragon City.

Maybe it's the same group of people who came up with the bugs.

He glanced at the radar and looked at the location of the tamed fourth-level Malu.

Well, it seems that this fourth-level Malu has received a lot of attention. It has only been two days, and the strength has already improved towards the middle of the fourth-level, and its position is also moving towards Yuanshan Town. Base camp moves.

"First find out what happened in Thunder Dragon City, and then see what opportunities there are."

Chen Wangping made up his mind. After the two finished their meal, Tang Xihe watched the big firebird in the base, and he himself went to the black soil forest with the golden eagle.

When we arrived at the Black Earth Forest, we could hear the chattering sound before entering, and it seemed that we had a good record.

One person and one eagle approached the trap area, and from a distance, more than twenty flamingos were seen surrounding the trap, as if they were studying how to rescue the flamingos in the trap.

Just as I was watching, two larger flamingos suddenly flew out from the depths of the black soil forest. Their tail feathers were even more gorgeous, and the tail flames were dragged during the flight, and the scorching temperature could be felt from a distance.

The golden eagle beeps said that this time they have encountered a big one, two of the fourth level.

Chen Wangping said with a smile: "It's good, one male and one female, the eggs will definitely be of higher quality."

It's not difficult to kill these two fourth-level firebirds, but the big thing is how to take them without damaging their bodies.

He thought about it for a while, and warned in the golden eagle's ear, jumped off the golden eagle and went straight to the hunting trap.

Chen Wangping's position was closer to the trap, and the two fourth-level firebirds had not yet arrived when he rushed over.

He moved quickly, holding the steel rope and quickly wrapping it towards the big flamingo who was watching, with electric light surging all over his body.


The big flamingo onlookers quickly spread out, avoiding the steel rope.

Chen Wangping didn't mean to drink, he grabbed the hunting traps on the ground with his backhand, and quickly put away all the big flamingos he caught.

In one night, a total of fourteen new flamingos were transformed, and the harvest was quite fruitful.

At this moment, the two fourth-level firebirds had also arrived. When they saw that Chen Wangping had fallen, they were instantly furious and ready to take revenge.

The long tail feathers dragged flames, and suddenly flew to the vicinity, opening their mouths and spit out two blazing flames.

The temperature of this flame is very high, and when passing through the trees, the skin of the trees sizzles and the moisture on the ground evaporates.

Fortunately, Chen Wangping had advanced flame resistance and was very fast. When he saw his figure flashed, he immediately turned to the side of the two big firebirds, turned his head and fled.

The two fourth-level firebirds chased after the victory, flapping their wings, and the speed was also very fast.

After a while, he distanced himself from the other third-level firebirds.


At this time, the golden eagle sprang out from the diagonal, grabbed the steel plate and rushed towards the two fourth-level flamingos, and at the same time shot countless metal blades at the flamingos.

The fourth-level flamingo immediately burned flames on his body~www.readwn.com~ trying to get rid of the steel plate and the metal blade.

But at this moment, Chen Wangping folded back, raised his arms, the magnetic field reappeared, and from a distance he controlled the melted steel plate and the metal blade into a layer of restraint clothing, and directly tied the two fourth-level flamingos to the appearance of roasting chickens. Also stop their breathing.


The two fourth-level firebirds were not reconciled, and continued to burn the flames desperately, trying to get out of control.

Chen Wangping turned his wrist, and an electric arrow that threw a 10,000-point thunderbolt energy passed by, and he immediately became honest.

He was carrying two large flamingos of the fourth level, "It's so tiring to eat and drink dew outside, why don't you go back to the big chicken coop."

The attributes of the fourth-level flamingo are better than the third-level flamingo, and of course it eats more.

【Big Fire Bird King☆☆☆】

[Fourth-level alien beast]

【Space required: 4】

[Daily food intake: seven servings of feed]

[Animal Products: King Firebird Egg, King Firebird Feather]

[Special effect - Firebird King: The Firebird King can increase the fertility rate and growth rate of the Firebird within 100 meters, and reduce the depression of the Firebird]

[Remarks: One nest is packed and taken away]

After reading the attributes, Chen Wangping nodded with satisfaction, "This special effect is worthy of the name of the royal family, and it will be more convenient to raise a big firebird after taking it back."

Afterwards, he followed the golden eagle to catch another pass, and set up fifty hunting traps.

Just like the remarks said, if you want to catch it, just pack it and take it away.

After finishing this, Chen Wangping returned to the base, threw the Big Firebird King and the Big Firebird into it, and added some feed.

While he was worrying about the feeding of so many big flamingos behind him, Fang Chengcheng's voice came from the entrance of the base: "Mr. Mayor, a group of people came from the village entrance, saying that they belonged to the Volcano tribe and wanted to see you."

"almost there!!!"

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