Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 363: Water sponge and well

"Farming in wasteland is to save (

The group of Volcano tribes came at just the right time.

When Chen Wangping arrived at Zhenzikou, he saw Xiao Fang and Xiao Yuan energetically talking to the refugees next to him.

There were only three of the ten cars left. They were tattered and stained with mud. Obviously, the journey was not so smooth for them.

After seeing Chen Wangping, Xiao Fang and Xiao Yuan walked over quickly.

Chen Wangping felt it for a while, and the strength of both of them has improved a little. It seems that they have not forgotten to cultivate along the way. He patted the two of them on the shoulder and said: "It's hard work, are you all?"

Xiao Fanghui reported: "Of course, although there are some incidents on the road, we would rather lose the car than be ashamed, live up to our expectations, and finally all the staff arrived safely."

Xiao Yuan scratched his head a little embarrassedly and said, "It's just that there are not enough supplies for the past two days, and everyone has been hungry for two days."

Chen Wangping smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, you don't have to worry about running out of food when you get home. Let's go home first, and I'll take care of you tonight."

At this time, Xiao Tieniu jumped out of the car and laughed loudly: "Thank you, benefactor, our Rockets have not been idle this trip, I have advanced to the third level, and the rest have all reached the peak of the second level, I promise. It can also keep up with the rhythm of the battle.”

Chen Wangping nodded and said, "Well done, there are more enemies here in the middle, and some are when your Rockets are playing."

As soon as he finished speaking, Fang Zhounan strode over and saluted Chen Wang in parallel: "Mayor, good morning, I was just about to report the situation to you. You said before that the relief for work effect is very good. Most of them have settled down, and a lot of new houses have been built. I have also arranged the surplus labor in the mine. However, a few thorns are unwilling to accept cash for work, and want to go to Thunder Dragon with some money on credit. The city looked for opportunities and said that after making money, it would be repaid.”

Chen Wangping shook his head and said, "I don't have credit here, you can stay if you don't want to, just dig mines for a few days and pay off the meal."

Fang Zhounan was a little confused: "I also understand what the mayor means, but the strength of those thorns is a bit strong, and it is difficult for me to suppress it alone."

Chen Wangping patted Xiao Tieniu on the shoulder with a smile, and said to Fang Zhounan: "Old Fang, you are not alone now, Xiao Tieniu, I have appointed you as Fangshan Town Guard Captain, responsible for public security and stability. , let it go, you two will cooperate, no problem." After finishing speaking, he handed over a space device with a hundred rounds of rockets.

Xiao Tieniu took the space device with both hands, glanced at the number of things inside, and laughed twice, "Follow me from Team Rocket, Mr. Fang, tell me where the thorn is, I won't beat him until he spit out the bill. The surname is Xiao."

Fang Lao saw that everyone in this team was well-equipped and had amazing momentum, and said happily: "This way, Captain Xiao, I will lead the way." He thought to himself and said that he was not a member of the big family who came out to experience. The guards are so imposing, really strong.

Chen Wangping led the people of the volcano tribe back to the base, and let most of them go to eat and wash. He called Xiao Fang, Xiao Yuan, and Xiao Yu to the living room, and explained one by one: "At present, the mines in Fangshan Town are relatively scattered. Xiao Yuan, you bring a group of people to watch near the coal mine, Xiao Fang, you bring people there. Patrol around the iron mines, pay attention to see if there are insects attacking, and report back to me immediately if you encounter them. Don’t attack. Xiao Yu, I will arrange some feed machines for you. The big flamingo is well raised."

The three agreed in unison, and then Xiao Fang took out a soft sponge-like object from the space device, looked at Chen Wangping and said, "Brother Chen, this is what we got by accident on the road. The locals call it water sponge. It can be used to find a well, put it on the ground, and it will run to the ground where it is suitable for digging a well."

Chen Wangping said with a smile: "It's so amazing, so let's try it now."


Xiao Fang first took out a pile of water and threw the water sponge into it. After it absorbed the water and swelled, he walked out of the living room and put it on the ground.

The water sponge floated on the ground and swayed around, perhaps because the concrete was laid nearby, it circled around the base, and finally stopped on an improved land in the northeast corner where no concrete was placed, and jumped on the spot a few times. , poured the water in the body toward the ground, and gradually turned into the original dry whirring look, looking a little silly.

Tang Xihe walked over and picked up the water sponge, reached out and poked it lightly, and found that the little thing seemed to have entered a dormant state and remained motionless.

Standing on the wet ground, Chen Wangping asked, "Is it enough to make a hole here?"

Xiao Fang nodded and said, "I think the locals really use it like this. The water sponge releases the water in its body like this in its native place, and then leads out the water from the underground well to restore itself."

Chen Wangping chatted with Xiao Fang and the three of them, and asked them to take a rest. Later, Tang Xihe took them to get acquainted with the work place.

Afterwards, he walked to the manufacturing platform and drew a simple well-digging machine based on the electric mining machine~www.readwn.com~ to try it out.

Dig a well earlier to revive the little iron wood.

After a few hours, the mining machine was built, and it started to dig at the position marked by the water sponge.

This dig is two hours.

Dig until lunch is open.

Everyone in the volcano tribe is very happy, and they can successfully reach the central part, and they have a better living environment than before, which is really gratifying.

The dinner table is full of food, mostly male chickens, ducks and geese. They don't grow a few feathers, and they still need to eat feed, so just eat it, just to make room for the breeding of big flamingos.

Chen Wangping also ate and drank with everyone, and was in a good mood. Finally, there were more people, and he was a person who knew the basics, so it would be convenient to do things in the future.

While eating, the drill bit of the digging machine suddenly stopped, and was pushed out by the current.

"The water is dug out!"

"There is well water to eat!"

Chen Wangping arrived quickly, put away the well digging machine, and immediately saw the water spraying all the way along the dug out channel, the pressure was so great that it could spray two meters above the ground.

He took out the lightning strike iron stick and threw it directly at the well.

Lightning strikes the iron stick and falls into the hole, and it swells quickly when it encounters water. In the blink of an eye, it regains the appearance of a small sapling from a stick, and then the branches grow tender buds, trunks grow layer by layer, white and tender roots. Tie to all sides, the canopy is stacked, covering the surrounding.

Looking closely, the regenerated small ironwood is stronger than before, and the growth of branches and leaves is more reasonable.

After recovering completely, it lifted the root of the tree and moved to another place, let the wellhead out, shook the canopy happily, and greeted Chen Wangping.

Chen Wangping smiled, "Long time no see."

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