Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 364: The truth of the cold wave

"Farming in wasteland is to save (

After chatting for a while, Chen Wangping told Xiao Tiemu to check the water source to prevent bugs from appearing.

To learn the lessons of previous mole crickets.

After a while, the little iron wood stretched the roots of the tree, circled around the wellhead, and used the roots to create a filter.

After arranging these, Chen Wangping took a look at the resources at home. Since there is no shortage of water now, he can fully develop steam power generation. He also arranged fifty second-level steam generators according to the task and called Xiao Yuanxiao. Fang, teach him how to install and maintain these devices.

The teaching process lasted for a long time, and Xiao Fang and Xiao Yuan felt a little dizzy when he heard it.

Seeing that it was getting dark again, Chen Wangping told Tang Xihe: "The temperature will drop in the past two days. You are guarding in Fangshan. If there is a real bug, stick to the base and wait for me to come back."

Tang Xihe nodded, "Don't worry, the people from the Volcano tribe are back, we are not weak now."

Chen Wangping nodded, called the golden eagle, and rushed towards Thunder Dragon City.

On the way, he deliberately changed his clothes, made some disguise on his hair, and learned how to enter Thunder Dragon City for the first time before, and entered Thunder Dragon City again.

Arriving in the city, Chen Wangping heard the door behind him rumble shut as soon as he entered.

At this time, he just heard the owner of the grain store next to him worrying: "The city gate is closed so early, it seems that the wind chill is already spreading."

The little Er next to him heard the words and said cheerfully, "Boss, isn't this a good thing? If the city were to be closed down, our grain store would be worth a lot of money."

The boss slapped Xiao Er's head with a slap, "Yes, the grain store is valuable. Can you keep it up as a waste? Close the door immediately and pack up."

"Yes, yes, that's it."

Similar conversations are also spreading in other stores in Thunder Dragon City. After all, the people who can do business in Thunder Dragon City are all human beings, and everyone can smell it.

Chen Wangping observed these situations, and immediately changed his mind, preparing to go directly to Zhenbaoge Liang to investigate the situation.

There are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in Thunder Dragon City. I don’t know how many talented people there are.

It is safest to go to the familiar Treasure Pavilion.

Of course, the most important thing is that even if he turns his face, Chen Wangping has the confidence to win the two father and son of the Qian family.

Arriving at the entrance of the Treasure Pavilion, Chen Wangping saw that the door was already closed. He glanced at the radar, and there was a team of guards patrolling at the side door.

Someone is fine.

He jumped and jumped to the side of the guard.


As if the guards were facing the enemy, they immediately took out their weapons and prepared to fight.

Chen Wangping said: "Don't move, I'm the person your master is looking for. I won't move here, you will know when you pass the news."

Hearing this, the leading guard captain immediately breathed a sigh of relief, flipped his hand and took out a picture scroll that was very similar to Chen Wangping from the space device, looked at Chen Wangping, and said doubtfully, "It's not like that, what's your name? "

Chen Wangping flipped his hair helplessly, looked up and said, "What about this time?"

The captain of the guard suddenly realized, nodded and said, "That's right this time, sir, please wait, Xiao Liu, hurry up and report."

Chen Wangping took a stool, flipped his hand and took out a thunderbolt crystal, and absorbed it on the spot, ignoring the surrounding guards at all.

The captain of the guard didn't know what to do when he saw this, so he asked his subordinates to form a circle and guard them.

After a while, Qian Duoduo hurried over in his sleeping clothes. Seeing Chen Wangping from a distance, he smiled and said hello: "Brother Wang Ping, I have seen you, but it's so hard for me to find you!"

After getting close, he watched Chen Wangping's speed in absorbing lightning crystals, and was secretly surprised. Although he was a gold-type ability user, he also knew that the absorption of lightning crystals was more difficult than other elemental crystals. This person's absorption speed It's so fast, it's no wonder that high-quality lightning crystals can be distinguished.

This is the lover of the elements!

When Chen Wangping heard the sound, he put away the thunder and lightning crystals, and lightning flashed in his eyes. He got up and smiled and said, "It's better to settle accounts with me. What are you looking for?"

Qian Duoduo smiled and hugged Chen Wangping's arm and said, "Let's go, it's so cold outside, let's go in and talk."

As he was talking, Chen Wangping suddenly saw a red dot the size of a pinhead floating on the radar, floating towards him and Qian Duoduo from the direction outside the wall.

He immediately lingered with electric lights all over his body, and when he bounced Qian Duoduo away, he also killed all the red dots that were close to him.

Immediately, there was more dust in the air that was hard to see with the naked eye.

Seeing that he was bounced off, Qian Duoduo smiled embarrassingly, thinking that Chen Wangping didn't like this way of hugging his arms, so he warmly reached out and invited him into the room again.

Chen Wangping turned his head to look, and Qian Duoduo obviously didn't feel these tiny red dots. At this time, those red dots had already fallen on him, and instantly merged with his breath, making it difficult to tell them apart~www.readwn.com~ him He smiled and said, "Okay, since Brother Qian invited me, then I'm welcome."

Qian Duoduo was overjoyed when he saw this, thinking that this opportunity had finally come back, he turned his head and said, "This time you have done a good job in patrolling, and the Zhou Prize will be doubled, so let's continue patrolling."

All the guards looked happy and saluted, "Thank you, the treasurer, and Lord Wang."

After entering the room, Qian Duoduo glanced at the screen without revealing a trace, and found that the folding screen did not mean to open. He knew in his heart that this was because his father did not intend to meet Wang Ping, so he led Chen Wangping to the living room with a smile, and ordered someone to bring it to him. Good tea and refreshments.

Chen Wangping pretended to be chatting, and said casually: "Treasurer Qian, I left Thunder Dragon City for a few days before, and I came back today. Why does the atmosphere in the city feel weird?"

Qian Duoduo said in a low voice, "Brother Wang, that's what you asked, I would definitely refuse to say it if I were someone else, this Thunder Dragon City was targeted by thieves, and it was specially stuck in the days when the land of Thunder Source was blocked. The incident brought a cold wave from outside the city, and through the defense formation, it invaded the cold poison to ordinary people. Once infected, it immediately felt uncomfortable, the eyes were bulging, the fever was high, and it took a few days to die, and it was very contagious. Qiang, even the big people in Thunder Dragon City have people who are sick, do you think everyone can not be nervous?" As he spoke, he seemed to feel a little hot, stretched out his hand and tore off his collar, picking up the usual He had taken a sip of the herbal tea. "

Chen Wangping controlled the lightning energy to cover his body strangely, took out a mirror and said, "Treasurer Qian, will people who are infected with cold poison still look extremely red."

Qian Duoduo nodded and said, "Exactly, how do you know?"

Chen Wangping handed over the mirror and said, "Treasurer Qian, see for yourself."

The next second, Qian Duoduo cried out loudly: "Father! Help me!"

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