Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 365: sky-high asking price

"Farming in wasteland is to save (

Hearing his son's wailing, he originally wanted to observe Wang Ping's money and couldn't help it. He pretended to have just arrived and walked out from behind the screen. He first said hello to Chen Wangping, "Little brother Wang Ping. , I have no money, please activate the lightning energy in your body first to prevent cold poison infection, and then finish it after I isolate the dog."

Chen Wangping took two steps back and said, "It turned out to be Mr. Qian, and the shopkeeper Qian was really infected with the cold poison? The cold poison is attacking so rapidly!"

Qian Buqu walked up to Qian Duoduo, took out two flame crystals with his backhand, and cooperated with a device to draw out the energy in the flame crystals and burn them towards Qian Duoduo.

The flame energy drawn out was very hot, and it burned Qian Duoduo's hair in a blink of an eye. Of course, the cold-repelling effect was also very obvious. Soon Qian Duoduo's illness was suppressed, and his complexion was much better.

Qian Duoduo said anxiously, "Father, how could I be infected with cold poison? I just went out to pick up Brother Wang Ping for a while, don't you think?"

Chen Wangping immediately raised his hand and said, "I just entered the city, and if I contract the cold poison, the attack will definitely be faster than yours, it's not me who got it."

Qian Buju nodded and said, "It has nothing to do with Wang Ping, think about it again, who else have you contacted today?"

Qian Duoduo thought hard, and kept spitting out a personal name.

If the money is not enough, it arranges people to quickly go to various houses to investigate and prepare to find out the source.

After the flame energy was baked for ten minutes, Qian Duoduo's hair was completely focused, and there were some slight burns on his face.

Qian Buqu sighed, put away the flame crystal, raised his hand and released countless gold energy, sealing Qian Duoduo's surroundings.

Without the flame energy to bake, Qian Duoduo felt a chill to the bones again, and he crossed his arms and said, "Dad, you don't want me anymore, Daddy! You are only a son like me. If I die, you will be dead. Is it possible? Do you still have an illegitimate child? I investigated it before, Dad, you obviously haven't mentioned it for so many years, it's impossible!"

"To shut up!"

Qian Buju's face was ashen, and he secretly asked why this kid started talking nonsense as soon as he had a fever, "You are not a fire-type superpower, you can only bake with flame crystals every few hours. I haven't found a good solution yet, don't worry, you are also a third-level ability user, you can't die if you die, and the most vitality is greatly injured, you should quickly think about who you have come into contact with."

Qian Duoduo breathed a sigh of relief, scratching his head while shivering and thinking hard. When he scratched his head like this, his charred hair fell down, and soon a bright red braised egg was created.

Chen Wangping observed for a while, and determined that there is no good way to do it if the money is not enough. He stepped forward and asked, "Mr. Qian, can you tell me about this cold wave? I have some clues to solve it."

"Do you have a solution?"

Qian Buqun never underestimated the heroes of the world, he immediately took the teapot, took the initiative to pour tea for Chen Wangping, handed him some refreshments, and explained: "That's it, everyone knows that the land of Leiyuan is blocked every winter, so every winter The enemies of Leiyuan Land will always wait for the opportunity to cause trouble and cause many losses to Thunder Dragon City. This year's cold wave appeared a few days ago, and the number of infected people is large. At present, there is no good solution for all parties. This kind of power user is not bad, it can withstand the scorching of flame crystals, and if it is an ordinary person, it will inevitably die for up to three days. According to the news, nearly a hundred people died yesterday, but the news has not come out. "

Chen Wangping said: "Nearly 100 people died? Is it so serious? Do you have any clues about the strength of your gestures? Who are the enemies in Leiyuan Land?"

Qian Buexi showed a puzzled look.

Chen Wangping explained in a timely manner: "I traveled abroad before, and I just returned to Thunder Dragon City not long ago."

Qian Bubu nodded, "The tree is big and attracts the wind, and there are many enemies in the land of Leiyuan. From a distance, the Insect God Cult and the reactionary regiment have attacked several times one after another in the past few years. I haven't seen it in the past two years. The year before last year, several groups of refugees and bandits were exterminated, and there is a shadow of the land of water behind."

Chen Wangping caught the key word, Insect Religion?

With the experience of dealing with the spirit hall and the black oil ruins, he is very sensitive to bugs.

No matter what other forces are said, they are controlled by the human race, and the fights are all in the nest.

But the Zerg are completely alien races, and the goal is either to enslave all mankind or to kill all mankind, which is the number one enemy.

Combined with the red dots the size of pinpoints, he felt that the medium of cold wave transmission was likely to be a bug that was difficult to see with the naked eye like dust mites.

At this time, Qian Duoduo couldn't bear the isolation of Jin Elements, he hugged his head and shouted: "Brother Wang Ping, Brother Wang, brother, don't ask, just come if you can, I really am. It's so uncomfortable, since I awakened my powers, I have never had a cold or fever, and now my head hurts to death, please save me, you save me and you will be my father."

Endless money: "......"

Chen Wangping: "......"

Qian Buexi raised his hand to condense the golden element~www.readwn.com~ Don't let Qian Duoduo make any more noises.

Chen Wangping flipped his hand and took out a big flamingo egg, and said aloud: "I can't say 100% guarantee, this egg is the flamingo egg that I jumped into the crater and obtained by chance after ninety-nine-eighty-one hardships. It contains extremely mild flame energy, which can ward off the cold from the inside after eating it, which should relieve the pain of Boss Qian's cold poison."

Among the golden elements, Qian Duoduo hurriedly stretched out his hand and gestured, impatiently wanting to eat it to relieve the pain.

Qian Buju shook his head helplessly, how could he not see that Chen Wangping deliberately raised the price at this time, but now the initiative is in the hands of others, and his son is suffering again, even the sky-high price can only be followed. "Wang Ping, how much is this bird's egg worth?"

Chen Wangping corrected: "It's a divine fire bird egg. Boss Qian and I are also friends. Let's just give a cost price, one hundred flame crystals."

Qian Bubu immediately turned to Qian Duoduo and said, "Son, I think you can fight for two more days, darling, when you get better, Dad will help you stay behind."

Chen Wangping: "..."

Count this old man cruel.

He took the Shenhuo bird egg and walked towards Qian Duoduo: "Don't worry, Mr. Qian, I haven't finished my words yet, one hundred flames crystallize twelve eggs, ten flames crystallize one egg, and you can pay effectively when you eat them. how?"

Qian Duoduo in the golden element nodded again and again, and almost knelt down and kowtowed.

Qian Bu thought about it for a while. According to his son's disease condition, he treated two flame crystals each time, and ten of them would be the cost of five treatments. Let's try it out. Anyway, it's an effective payment.

He turned over and took out ten flame crystals and placed them on the table, "That's work."

Chen Wangping smiled slightly, and handed the Shenhuo bird egg and a spoon to Qian Duoduo, "Boss Qian, raw food is the best, drink it!"

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