Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 372: Donate to buy eggs

"Farming in wasteland is to save (

With the continuous injection of lightning energy, the iron wood branches of the lightning strike became harder and harder, and a layer of metal-like light appeared on it, which was very strange.

Chen Wangping casually smashed the stone next to him.

"bang bang"

During the touch, there was a sound of gold and stone touching.

"It's interesting."

Chen Wangping kept injecting energy, and kept injecting 10,000 points of lightning energy before stopping. He tried to use the lightning strike iron wood branch to transmit the lightning energy, stretched out his hand against the rock wall, and threw an electric arrow.


Darkness exploded on the rock wall.

In terms of power, it seems that the damage effect caused by the lightning strike on the iron wood branch is better than that of simply throwing it by hand. First, the accuracy of the head is better, and second, the contact area of ​​the end of the iron wood branch is very small. The attack power has been increased, and the effect is very good.

Chen Wangping put it away with satisfaction, touched the canopy of Xiao Tiemu and said, "It's amazing, wait until I come back next time to bring you some good things, and take good care of your home."

Little Tiemu hurriedly tapped the canopy, making a rustling sound.

Chen Wangping familiarized himself for a while with the lightning strike iron wooden branch, then cooked a pot of red boletus soup, connected it to the power grid, and concentrated on using the two remaining black pearls to reconstruct a set of 200,000 yuan. Nine thunder arrays of lightning energy.

He plans to place this Nine Thunder Array at the new location of the Treasure Pavilion, just in case.

After all this was done, it was almost dark.

Chen Wangping was also about to go to Thunder Dragon City. He walked to the giant ice fir bird shed and was pleasantly surprised to find that these flamingos could lay a wave of eggs in the daytime. Fifty flamingos laid more than 30 eggs in total. , Counting the previous collection, there are already more than 100 large flamingo eggs in the storage compartment.

Enough to work well.

Leaving the base, Chen Wangping quickly rushed to Thunder Dragon City and entered the city before the curfew.

When he arrived at the Treasure Pavilion, as soon as he returned to the backyard, he heard Qian Duoduo knocking on the door: "Senior, you are finally back, Lord Long has been waiting for you in the living room for two hours, do you want to meet? "

Chen Wangping frowned and agreed, "Of course I want to see you. Go make some good tea, and I'll change my clothes."

While changing clothes, he released radar directional detection in several directions to check, and found that the Dragon City Lord didn't bring anyone here, except for him in the middle of the fifth-level, only three of the middle-level of the fourth-level followed.

Shouldn't be a mess.

That's what you ask yourself to do.

After leaving the house, Chen Wangping smiled and said: "I really didn't know that the Lord of the Dragon City was here, and I would like to apologize."

The Dragon City Lord smiled and said: "It's okay, I came here on a whim, little brother Wang, we've met a few times, I'm really curious, you

What is the origin? "

Chen Wangping took out the intermediate NVC token he got from Fang Bie and put it on the table, he said with emotion: "I'm just a commoner, I was lucky enough to awaken the lightning ability, and I worked hard in the land of thunder for a few years. Wounded by love, I traveled thousands of miles to practice, and I was lucky enough to break through to the fourth level."

The Dragon City Lord was surprised, "Really? I don't think the younger brother is very old. This talent is really powerful, and there are geniuses among the common people." Cards, secretly believe in my heart.

As the lord of Thunder Dragon City, he is all too familiar with the token issued by the land of Thunder Origin. This token is real, and there is not much blood on it, it is not like it was taken by a murderer.

Since they are all people from the Land of Thunder Origin, it is necessary to take back some thoughts.

All infighting is prohibited within the range of the Thunderhead.

At least on the surface.

Without waiting for Chen Wangping to continue to say some polite words, the Dragon City Lord took the initiative to get straight to the point: "Little brother, everyone is a person who cultivates the ability of lightning, and I want to buy some more Firebird Eggs. I don't need King Eggs. Can."

Chen Wangping smiled slightly, "Longcheng Lord is worthy of being the City Lord, and he recognized my nickname of Phoenix Egg so quickly."

In fact, he also knew that the big flamingo egg wouldn't be fooled for too long.

After all, this thing was not brought from the vicinity of Huo Niu City. For so many years before and after Fangshan Town, there will always be someone who has caught the Big Fire Bird and sold the Big Fire Bird Egg.

But that was in the past, and no one else will sell Big Firebird Eggs in the future.

The Dragon City Lord smiled and said: "Little brother, let's be honest, even if you sold me the Firebird King Egg, the value would certainly not be that high, even if I needed Firebird Egg urgently to save my son, but this You have to admit that you made a lot of money."

Chen Wangping nodded, picked up the tea and took a sip, "Indeed, it is urgent to save people. The Fire Bird King Egg is not worth that much money, but I know that the Fire Bird King Egg can save your son and it is worth saving."

The Dragon City Lord nodded and said, "That's right, so I'm not going to investigate the past, just talk about this transaction, how much Firebird Egg do you have on hand? What price are you going to sell it at."

Chen Wangping thought about it, and now what he wants most must be all kinds of resources, metals, oil, and sulfur.

But these things can't talk to the main ~www.readwn.com~ of Dragon City, and once they open their mouths, their nature will change.

After all, these are things used to develop territory, and they are very sensitive.

In addition to these, the fourth-level cultivation resources of the Thunder and Fire Elements are sufficient, and the fifth-level cultivation resources should not be much for the Dragon City Lord.

Otherwise, he himself wouldn't be stuck in the mid-fifth level now.

Want gold coins? There are so many on hand, and there is no shortage of them for the time being.

It seemed that he could see Chen Wangping's entanglement.

The Dragon City Lord simply said bluntly: "Little brother, let's see, I don't think you're lacking anything now. I'll just buy it with the contribution points from Leiyuan Land, 50 contribution points for an egg, what do you think?"

Chen Wangping came to the spirit and wanted to ask about the usage of contribution points, but he also thought that he said that the intermediate NVC was obtained by himself, how could he not know how to use the contribution points?

He pondered for a moment, and Yu Guang saw Qian Duoduo nodding vaguely, so he said: "Okay, Lord Long, since you have spoken, then I will not bargain anymore, I have fifty ordinary eggs in hand now, How much do you want a Firebird King Egg for Linglang?"

The Dragon City Lord smiled and said: "There are so many, it seems that you have some means, little brother. I want fifty pieces, and the Firebird King Egg is fine. There is no need to give this kind of good stuff to others." After that, He turned over and took out a more exquisite sign than the intermediate NVC. It said intermediate thunder generals, and no contribution points were displayed. Then, he put the two signs together, reached out and operated on his own sign for a while, and then again Return Chen Wangping's brand to him.

Chen Wangping took a look at the sign and saw that the number on it had changed to 2735, and the text had changed to Advanced NVC (to be tested).

The Dragon City Lord smiled and said: "Little brother, after the land of Leiyuan reopens, you can check it out, and then you can enjoy the 5% discount of high-level NVC."

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