Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 373: Chilling Cake

"Farming in wasteland is to save (

Chen Wangping said with a smile: "It won't be long before a batch of Firebird Eggs will come over, and the Dragon City Lord is welcome to come and buy again."

Now that the things are in hand, the Dragon City Lord doesn't plan to stay any longer, he got up and waved his hand and said, "Then I can't afford it, these eggs are too expensive, fifty eggs are enough, little brother, more in the future. Move around, this world will always be your young people's world."

Chen Wangping got up and said: "Then I'm welcome. I'm going to open a small shop recently, and I will inevitably disturb the Dragon City Lord."

City Lord Long turned to take a deep look at Chen Wangping, then walked around and said, "It doesn't matter if you open a store, as long as the price is fair. If there are too many complaints about opening a store in the city, I can't keep it. Come on."

After Chen Wangping was sent to the door and returned to the house, he actually understood the meaning of the words of the Lord of Longcheng.

What he means is very simple. If you sell Laozi's things in the first wave, it is expensive, and the second wave is not cheap. If you open a store and sell it at a low price, who will I sell these fifty eggs to? Pay attention to the price!

In fact, City Lord Long's worry is superfluous at all.

Chen Wangping's shop is aimed at the bottom-level ability users, or ordinary people who can't awaken the ability at all.

The two customers are different and there will be no conflict at all.

Seeing that the Dragon City Lord was gone, Qian Duoduo came over and said excitedly: "Senior, you have made a lot of money this time. If you release the two thousand and five hundred contribution points, you won't be able to buy two or three thousand gold coins. Ah! There is no market at all."

Chen Wangping took out the token and looked at it again, "Tell me in detail, what can the contribution points be exchanged for?"

A lot of money didn’t want so much, and immediately reported: “Contribution points are more useful than gold coins within the range of Leiyuan Land, and the price of black market exchange is one to eleven, and even this is not much, because this contribution point comes every People can only trade five times a year, and secondly, the contribution point is related to the level. Once there are too many transactions, it will be troublesome to lose the level. For intermediate thunder generals like Dragon City Lord, the exchange discount is 10%, and the authority is also higher than yours. There are more NVCs; I am not very clear about Lei Jiang’s exchangeable items. Among NVC’s exchangeable items, there are three kinds of most valuable ones, one is the quota of Thunder Pond, the other is Leiyuan Spring Water, and the third is Lightning Stone, the specific price We won’t know until the land of Leiyuan opens, and it will be adjusted every year.”

Chen Wangping nodded, he was not in a hurry, anyway, he had lightning crystals on hand, so he should fill the energy to the peak of the fourth level first.

It is enough to know that the contribution point price is high.

He patted Qian Duoduo and said, "How is the preparation of the land?"

Qian Duoduo patted his chest and said, "There used to be a good house on that piece of land. I sent a skilled person to take care of it today. I have already cleaned it up, and it can be used even if I open a shop tomorrow."

Chen Wangping said: "Yes, have the people who called you to look for in the morning have been found? Are the things ready?"

Qian Duoduo nodded and said, "I've found them all, but I didn't buy that many sweet potatoes, and I bought two hundred more kilograms of rice bran."

Chen Wangping waved his hand and said: "It doesn't matter, you can let the cook cook everything and mix it together, just add a little salt, don't put anything else, just put it in the pot and simmer, don't dry it. ."

Qian Duoduo didn't understand and said hesitantly, "Senior, you can't eat what you made like this. Rice bran is hard to swallow. Even if it's fed to our horses, the horses won't eat it."

Chen Wangping smiled meaningfully, "Go get it, if the horse doesn't eat it, someone will eat it."

Qian Duoduo could only nod and walk to the back kitchen to explain.

Soon, all the cooks were busy working in confusion. Although they didn't understand what it was doing, they could get it if they had the money.

Chen Wangping and Qian Duoduo continued to explain some things, changed their clothes, went out secretly, avoided the nearby surveillance personnel, and went directly to the store in Xindi.

After entering, the guards here recognized Chen Wangping, and hurriedly bowed and greeted the others.

Chen Wangping waved his hand and said, "Don't make a sound, just rest on your own."


After sending these people away, he glanced at the radar and found that no one was following him, so he took out the Nine Thunder Array and began to place it.

"whoosh whoosh"

After the strength is improved, the placement of the Nine Thunder Array is also easier.

After placing the formation, Chen Wangping breathed a sigh of relief. With these 200,000 points of lightning energy, even if the Dragon City Lord turned his face and attacked overnight, he would still have the strength to fight.

Back in the room, he didn't let up, took out the Thunder Dragon Cream and smeared it with a grin, then took out the Thunder Crystal, and absorbed it with one hand and one eyes closed.

Time flies by while practicing.

When Chen Wangping opened his eyes again, it was already dawn. He walked out of the room and saw that Qian Duoduo had put a mixture of nearly three thousand catties of rice bran and coarse potatoes in the yard, and there were twenty cooks waiting beside him.

Qian Duoduohui reported: "Senior, everything is ready, and the signboard of the store is also prepared as you explained last night. What do you think will be done next?"

Chen Wangping walked over to the mixture, reached out and grabbed a piece and tasted it.

Well, it's really hard to eat~www.readwn.com~ It's rough and dry, it has no taste, and it's not oily or watery.

That's right.

He reached out and took out thirty flamingo eggs and handed them to Qian Duoduo, "Let the cook mix the egg liquid, grind the egg shells into powder, add water, mix it with this mass, divide it into half a catty pancakes and steam them. Today we are selling this kind of cold-dispelling cake in our store, one for each silver coin, and each person is limited to three per day, and it will be sold out until the end of the day."

After hearing this, Qian Duoduo's eyes lit up, and he immediately knew why he had to make such an unpalatable cake base. After he explained to the cook, he turned around and flattered: "Senior's hand is really high! Three thousand catties of rice bran and coarse potatoes. The cost is only 50 silver coins in total, and the cost of one gold coin, including the price of the cook, can be sold according to the size of half a catty, and these can be sold for a full 600 gold coins, which is quite a profit!".

As for whether this cake can be sold, Qian Duoduo is not worried at all. He has seen the cold-repelling ability of Fire Bird Egg with his own eyes. Even if it is diluted, the effect will definitely be somewhat.

Chen Wangping is not worried. What he didn't tell Qian Duoduo was that through yesterday's observation, he found that the reason why these cold insects can kill high and low-level ability users is because the cold insects will decide to reproduce according to the strength of the host. Scale, thus forcing the host to stiffen and not die, taking more supplements to nourish the body, so that the dead body has more nutrients and can hatch more cold insects.

The more powerful people are, the more cold insects they had during their lifetime, while the weaker people had fewer cold insects during their lifetime.

For civilians or first- and second-level power users, these egg liquids are enough to remove deadly cold insects.

Now that the number of firebird eggs is small, they can't be cured, so they can only save as many people's lives as possible.

In the backyard, the heavy pancakes were made one by one.

Outside the front hall, a piece of fluttering leaflets were distributed around.

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