Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 383: lack of ammunition

After leaving the rest area, Chen Wangping explained to Qian Duoduo: "Two things, the first thing is to continue to bring the commoners who have eaten cold-dispelling cakes to the rest area. Qiyun Pavilion’s house is all arranged to be bought in secret, hollow out the ground, create a training base, sound insulation, and find the solution to the supernatural person, no problem?”

Qian Duoduo nodded and said: "No problem, but, senior, didn't I say, do these civilians really have combat effectiveness? It's okay to shoot some small bugs, but if you really want to fight against ability users, there are many ability users. Ways to dodge bullets and even kill the shooter remotely."

Chen Wangping thought that I was trained to fight bugs. He reached out and patted Qian Duoduo on the shoulder and said, "Old Qian, you have been with me for so many days, what do you think I want to do?"

Qian Duoduo was about to speak, but shook his head again. After what happened today, he didn't know what the senior wanted to do.

Chen Wangping nodded with satisfaction, "Don't ask if you don't understand, and do things honestly."

It's right to think about it a lot. If you don't ask questions, you have to do it. It's better to go to work quickly, so you go out and make arrangements happily.

Chen Wangping returned to the room, first took out the five mine-devouring worm blood crystals that had just been punched out, closed his eyes and absorbed them.

Counting these five, the lightning resistance to other sources has been increased to 8%, and the progress is very fast.

After absorbing the mine-devouring insect blood crystal, he walked to the free regiment's training ground and began to seriously teach the method of shooting.

Teaching these doesn't take much time.

Sharpshooters are all fed with bullets, and they just need to practice more on their own.

Afterwards, Chen Wangping returned to the secret room and continued to practice.

At present, he cannot leave the vicinity of the Peace Pavilion.

The Insect God Sect has tried several times without success, so he must find a new way.

Gotta stay here and watch.

At this moment.

After finishing the inspection, Long Khan was too tired. He returned to the room and found a box. After opening it, he tied a note to the small Malu in the box, raised his hand and threw it to the ground.

Ma Lu rustled along the small hole on the ground and left, and it didn't take long for him to climb to the position of Shenbing Pavilion.

Lin Dao picked up the note on Malu's body and opened it to check. The above said: "No traces of mine-devouring insects were found. This person has a method of restraining mine-devouring insects. , I can no longer feel the cold insects on those people, and he has something to do with the Dragon City Lord, I can't rashly take action, I must ask you to create opportunities."

After reading the note, Lin Dao's brows were wrinkled, the progress of awakening the Cold Insect King was already almost nine out of ten, and the number of corpses and cold insects was sufficient.

But if it is awakened at this time, the cold insect king has only the strength of the mid-level six at most, and it is still unable to compete with Long Changming, who is at the peak of the sixth level.

No, we must accumulate more corpses.

He turned his head and said to Huo Hammer: "The situation has changed, leave the Peace Pavilion for now, he can only save one or two thousand people a day at most, you can lead someone to take action, even if it arouses Long Changming's suspicion, there is nothing you can do, the day after tomorrow. It is an extremely cold day, the most suitable for the cold insect king to wake up."

The fire hammer slapped the table angrily, "Guan Feifei is really a waste, a waste of time, and an inch of work has not been accomplished. If I say it, it should be thrown directly into a meat field. Maybe it has some value."

Lin Dao turned over and took out a set of red armor and handed it to Huo Hammer: "Okay, when you take down Thunder Dragon City, when you are venting, wear this when you shoot. The inner lining is anti-electric bark."

Fire Hammer took the armor and said: "It's almost the same, just wait, I will be able to gather the meat fields tomorrow evening."

In the following time, Fire Hammer took a group of people from the Insect God Cult and used the information previously collected to directly enter the home of the low-level ability user who was alone or without power, and quickly searched the meat field.

In just one afternoon, the huge Thunder Dragon City was quieter and less lively than usual.

In the City Lord's Mansion.

Long Changming sat on a high place and listened to the housekeeper's report on the situation in the city. After listening, he turned around and asked, "Is the Peace Pavilion still selling cold-dispelling cakes today?"

The steward bowed his head and reported: "Yes, the enhanced version of the cold-dispelling cake that Wang Ping had previously promised was also given out, and the effect was indeed very good. Several forces that did not receive your help before have also tried their best to get the cold-dispelling cake. The epidemic situation in the city is well controlled, and this is because adults rule the city well."

Long Changming nodded with satisfaction, "Although Wang Ping took the opportunity to make money, it is a good thing in the end. Only by stabilizing the people in the city can the situation be stabilized. After this winter, if there are more people in the city, I can try to attack the seventh. level."

The housekeeper bowed again and said, "Congratulations, sir!"

Long Changming smiled and said: "Okay, continue to observe the movement in the city, and report in time if there is any abnormality."



In the evening, today's cold-dispelling cakes were sold out again.

With yesterday's foreshadowing, today's thousands of cold-dispelling cakes quickly attracted more than 400 members for the Freedom Group.

Excluding the spies and those with bad intentions, there are now as many as 500 members of the Free Regiment.

Once there are too many people, the guns will not be enough, and there will be few bullets left for practice.

Chen Wangping was both happy and annoyed.

The happy thing is that there are now several times more people producing small light spots, and his accumulation of popular aspirations has also increased to 10%, and the progress is fast.

The trouble is that the construction of submachine guns is very resource-intensive. The family should have built another hundred submachine guns today, but today and yesterday, these two hundred submachine guns have used up the steel plates in stock.

According to the current iron output of the base, even if it is fully built, it can only build fifty pieces every day, which is far from keeping up with the progress of the Freedom Regiment, not to mention the consumption of bullets.

This is just a regiment, not even an army, and the consumption is so large.

Gotta find a way to get some metal resources.

Chen Wangping first arranged for the members of the Freedom Group to practice on their own with the single-shot function of the submachine gun, and then he went out and found a lot of money to discuss what to do.

Qian Duoduo scratched his head and said: "Food and clothes are easy to buy, but iron and copper are not easy to buy. It's not that they are not allowed to buy in the city, it's because there are not many people who use them, and there are no big companies selling them. Merchant, if you follow the amount you said, senior, you won't be able to buy much even if you empty out the inventory of the small merchants in Thunder Dragon City."

Chen Wangping sighed~www.readwn.com~ He also understood.

Without the soil for trading, the metals market simply does not exist.

If this is also the layout of the Insect Religion, it can only show that there are too many capable people in the Insect Religion.


Insect Religion?

The Lin Dao of the Shenbing Pavilion was taught by the Insect God.

Chen Wangping explained to Qian Duoduo: "Lin Dao's Shenbing Pavilion is used to build weapons and equipment, so there should be a lot of metal resources, right? Go ask them to see the ratio of their purchases and sales, and find out where these things are stored. "

"Oh yes yes yes! Shenbing Pavilion must have it, I'll go and find out!"

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