Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 384: Life Essence and Metal Warehouse

late at night.

Lin Dao retreated left and right, and lifted the desk, revealing a head-sized hole under the desk.

I saw his body shrank suddenly and jumped towards the hole.


At this time, Lin Dao was like a loach, slipping into the hole and disappearing.

After a while.

Lin Dao appeared in the tunnel 300 meters below the ground in the east of the city. He walked along the tunnel, and the small black bugs in the nearby soil rustled out of the way, as if he knew him.

Going forward for tens of meters, a gate made of fine steel appeared at the end of the tunnel, and it was firmly embedded in the rock formations around it, which was very solid.

Two men in black robes stood near the gate. When they saw Lin Dao, they all bowed and saluted: "I have seen the sword protector."

Lin Dao nodded and asked, "Have Thousand Foot Heel Poison Hook come before?"

The black-robed man glanced shyly behind him, not wanting to answer.

But he also knew that Lin Dao had a violent personality, and would kill an insect slave like himself at any time.

He bowed his head and replied, "The two guardians are selecting resources from the warehouse."

Lin Dao said angrily: "Take the resources again! All these life essences should be given to me!"

As soon as the words fell, the steel door was pushed open, and they stepped out of the thousand-footed sting in red robes. The two of them looked at Lin Dao with great interest, and sang one after another: "Isn't this the sword protector? The cold insect plan is progressing. how's it going?"

"I heard that some people are selling some kind of cold cake in Thunder Dragon City, Lin Dao, is it possible that the cold insect plan can't go ahead?"

"If it really doesn't work, then just give up the resources. Our elite plan is very smooth. A few days ago, an elite was born on our own. In just a few days, we are about to enter the middle stage of the fourth level."

"Yeah, maybe in the first half a month, after swallowing up the essence of life, my treasure elite will catch up with the sword protector."

"Shut your mouth! Leave the essence of my life behind!"

There is no one here, Lin Dao no longer has to endure the anger that has been squeezed for a long time. I saw him suddenly raise his hands. When he raised them, his hands changed rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, they turned into large arms that were two meters long. At the same time, his body also changed. It has grown a lot longer, revealing an attacking stance like a mantis.


The sword arm flashed silver light in the tunnel, and a line of sword light slashed towards Qianzu and the poisonous hook.

Qianzu suddenly changed color and roared: "Old Dao, are you serious?" In the roar, his body instantly swelled, stretched out the red robe, and turned into a giant eight-meter-long Malu, with his claws and claws to block it with hard nail feet. Knife light.

"bang bang bang"

The knife light splashed all over the place, and when it hit the rock wall, a big hole appeared in an instant.

Seeing this, the poisonous hook also threw out a large translucent poisonous hook from the red robe, tied Lin Dao's body along the ground, and shouted: "Okay, okay, this batch of life essence is half for you, Stop fighting, and if the trouble continues, Long Changming will find out, and we will all become Elder Lei's blood food."

Lin Dao's movements did not decrease in the slightest, and he was still slashing at the thousand feet, shouting: "Take out the essence of life first!"

The poisonous hook reluctantly took out more than a dozen light **** and placed them on the ground, and stepped back: "Here you are, you are really a lunatic, what's the use of being crazy with us, if the cold insect plan really fails, you go crazy with Elder Lei! "

From a distance, each of these light groups is very similar to a baby, the size is similar, and there are traces of a baby on it, but if you look closely, you can find that these light groups are not real objects, but extremely dense. life energy.

Obviously, these life energies are extracted from human beings, rich to the extreme, and naturally become the first human appearance.

Lin Dao stopped, turned his hands to put away the essence of life, pushed open the door with a cold face, and walked into the warehouse.

Qianzu breathed a sigh of relief and muttered: "I'll show off my strength by breaking through the sixth level. When we also break through the sixth level, we must make him look good!"

The poisonous hook put away the hook and waved his hand: "Okay, let's go quickly, looking at him like this, we will cooperate outside the city on the day of launch."

Qianzu quickly recovered his body. He looked at his broken red robe and damaged insect feet. With a casual move, he grabbed the two men in black robes standing beside him, and gnawed them down.

After a while, the black robes on the two insect slaves were stained with blood and turned into red robes.

Putting on the red robe, Thousand Feet and Poison Hook left here.

Lin Dao, who entered the gate, went straight to the storage area where metal resources were stored. In the work area beside him, hundreds of people in black robes were busy with their own work, some forging, some smelting, and they looked carefully. , I can find that these people's eyes are dull, their movements are mechanical, and they seem to be controlled, like a marionette.

The underground metal resource area is a large iron box made of fine steel, like several containers stacked together, and the person guarding the door is Lin Dao's cronies.

Seeing Lin Dao approaching, his cronies immediately stood up and said, "Hello, my lord, I just checked the warehouse this morning. The numbers of thunder iron, bronze and coal are correct, and the steel mantis population is developing normally." After speaking, he took the initiative to extend He took out his knife arm and inserted it into the door lock. After the seam was completely closed, he twisted the door lock forcefully to open the door.

Lin Dao nodded and stood at the gate to look.

Inside the gate, three hills are lined up side by side. Looking left and right, the pieces of forged iron ingots glow with lightning, and they are neatly superimposed. The copper ingots next to it have a cyan sheen, as if something special was added to the forging. Materials, the coal in the corner is like a rough version of the flame crystal, and you can feel the warm breath from a distance.

In addition to these, there is an area behind the hill for feeding the Iron Mantis clan.

Seeing this, Lin Dao breathed out a sigh of relief. As long as he saw the resources he had worked so hard to accumulate over the years, he would immediately feel at ease.

After quietly admiring for ten minutes, Lin Dao took out dozens of resources, left the warehouse ~www.readwn.com~ and told his cronies to strengthen supervision, returned to the Shenbing Pavilion, and busily built it.


The next day, early in the morning, Qian Duoduo knocked on Chen Wangping's door, ran in and said to Chen Wangping mysteriously: "Senior, I have already checked, Shenbing Pavilion has been using various small business channels since a few years ago. They have hoarded a large amount of iron ore and copper ore, but in the past year, they have not sold much weapons and equipment, nor have they transported them out of the city in large quantities, and they are still in the warehouse of Shenbing Pavilion."

Chen Wangping asked: "Good job, do you know the location of the warehouse?"

Qian Duoduo smiled and said, "Roughly I know, I have a cheap brother-in-law who is a gold-type perception ability. He usually likes to steal chickens and dogs. Once when he was chased and killed, he fell into a hole and ran in confusion for several laps, but he felt far away. There's a whole lot of fine metal, like a hill, he says!"


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