Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 423: Lei Jing fruit

the next day.

Everyone gathered early as arranged, and after having breakfast in the cafeteria, they boarded the truck as arranged.

until everyone is ready.

Only then did someone realize something was wrong.

What about the patriarch? What about the lady of the pavilion?

Nothing came out.

Just as Xiao Fang and others were discussing whether to go in and ask.

Chen Wangping blushed and helped Tang Xihe out.

Of course, fu is just a caring action, in fact, according to the physique of the two, they have recovered a long time ago.

It's nothing more than wanting to stay warm for a while.

Seeing the feelings of the two, everyone laughed ambiguous, and they were not in a hurry.

Qian Duoduo was the thickest-skinned, and the first one ran over and said, "Pavilion Master, why don't we leave tomorrow? Well, we all know that, dry firewood is flaming, and it burns when touched, and it is also a power user, so one night will definitely not be enjoyable. "

Chen Wangping was drinking water when he choked on hearing this.

Tang Xihe glanced at Chen Wangping sweetly, and waved her hand slyly: "No, Brother Ping, be careful, I will wait for you at the place of fire." As she spoke, she wore a woman's hairstyle. , his figure flashed into the leading car, and he waved at Chen Wangping.

Chen Wangping took a deep breath, smiled and waved his hand, "Good luck~"

The convoy started slowly, and gradually moved away with the roar, leaving only a line of ruts.

After a while, Chen Wangping withdrew his gaze, raised his hand and called the golden eagle down: "Diaobao, the next step is to fight independently, you don't have to follow me into the land of Leiyuan, just like Leilong City, you should stay outside to respond. Pay attention to the trend of the Insect God Cult, usually you want to eat what you want, I have left a steel plate in the back mountain on the side of the base."

The golden eagle nodded and flew into the air.

Although the distance is long, Chen Wangping can also make simple contact through the pet interface.

He was sitting on a manufacturing platform casually, looking at the empty base next to him, and he was inevitably a little lost.

"It's all the **** sect of insects, so I can't enjoy life. What kind of horse protector, I must kill you!"

With this spirit, Chen Wangping took out the lightning crystal and continued to practice.

At present, the progress of his popular sentiment is 49.5%, and he is still 0.5% short of meeting the conditions for breaking through to Level 6.

But now there is no chance to see other people, I can only take a step by step.

If nothing else, those people in the Liberty Corps who have been trained by themselves will definitely push some progress after they have made a breakthrough.

Fill up the energy first, and then look for opportunities to break through.

After cultivating for a while, he sighed. After the breakthrough, the improvement brought by the absorption of the lightning crystal is already very slow.

Still have to find higher cultivation resources.

Listen to today's radio first.

【Weather forecast】

Tomorrow, the temperature near the source of thunder will continue to heat up, with light rain and some spring thunder.

【Tips for Wasteland】

Solo action should pay attention to acting secretly and protect identity.

【Indescribable reminder】

Throw away excess kindness.

【The sound of the wind】

Gu Yong

"Hufa Ma! It's exactly as you said. When Long Changming heard that we wanted to deal with Wang Ping, he was very happy. He gave us five Thunder Essence Fruits as a price and three houses in Thunder Dragon City for us. , but the house can be given to us first, and Lei Jingguo will only fulfill it after killing Wang Ping."

"Five Lei Jingguo? This is great. As for the latter condition, hehe, why did you kill Wang Ping to fulfill it? This old boy thinks I'm stupid? Go to the City Lord's Mansion in the evening and ask him if he wants two thunderbolts. Give me the fine fruit, the situation is going well, and I will be able to leave the customs at midnight."

"Yes, I wish the Dharma-protector Ma success!"

Putting away the radio, Chen Wangping let out a long breath.

Spring Thunder is about to appear, and it seems that the Land of Thunder Origin will open soon.

As for the situation of this horse protector.

Fortunately, I didn't take any chances, otherwise it would be too late to let them set off one day at night.

"I want Lei Jing Guo in the evening? This thing is a good thing as soon as you hear its name."

Chen Wangping smiled knowingly, turned his hands and began to practice.

He had been practicing for several hours until he heard a beeping alarm sound on the manufacturing platform, and immediately turned his head to look.

I saw a red alarm flashing on the manufacturing table that arranged to build the spider mecha, and a line of prompts appeared:

[The construction material of the spider mecha is too special, and the current temperature of the terminal of the manufacturing station is too high. Whether to continue to build it may lead to the loss of the manufacturing station. 】

"The material is too special?"

Chen Wangping turned his head to take a look, and found that this step is to connect and install the spider legs, and the rest of the parts are almost finished.

He didn't think much about it, and immediately arranged to "continue to build.".

The manufacturing table is the same, even if it is stopped, it will still be built after all.

But the protector of the horse will come without knowing when, so he can only give it a try.

[Forcibly building, after the spider mecha is completed, the relevant building equipment will be damaged]

"Destroy it, destroy it."

Chen Wangping stopped cultivating, and stood by to observe carefully.

An hour later, there was thick black smoke on the manufacturing table, and it was stuck at the last stroke of the mechanical arm damage. Finally, the construction of the spider mecha was completed.

[The spider mech is completed]

Accompanied by the prompt sound, the manufacturing station crashed on the spot, and it seemed to be a waste product.

Chen Wangping put away the spider mecha, and at the same time cleaned the nearby traces, leaving no trace of fabrication. Finally, he also blew down the top of the back mountain and completely buried it.

Get away!

He glanced at Fangshan Town one last time and ran towards Thunder Dragon City.

Chen Wangping had inquired with those abilities before. After the land of Leiyuan is opened, a passage from Thunder Dragon City to the land of Leiyuan will be specially arranged, and you can get there by paying money, which is very convenient~www.readwn.com~ to It's time to see the effect of contribution points.

At the entrance of Thunder Dragon City, Chen Wangping activated the solar hood without paying the entry fee, and easily bypassed the guards and entered Thunder Dragon City.

There are so many people who are good at doing things, and the majority of the supernatural beings left in Thunder Dragon City. They worked together and restored Thunder Dragon City in just two days.

Only the dark bloodstains in the cracks of the bricks remind everyone of the tragedy that just happened two days ago.

He secretly mixed in the crowd and looked around. The previous sites of Heping Pavilion and Qizhen Pavilion had been re-occupied by the City Lord's Mansion, and there was red dye written on the wall next to the big character betrayal.

The Qizhen Pavilion is okay, there are always some people who have been favored or conscientious people in the Peace Pavilion, and want to erase this betrayal.

But the people in the City Lord's Mansion are determined, and they stay here specifically to stigmatize Chen Wangping and his Peace Pavilion.

Seeing this scene, Chen Wangping sneered, "You play with the power of public opinion, right? Do you understand what you are playing?"

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