Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 424: interests will change

In the evening, Thunder Dragon City became quiet again, and everyone rested in peace.

Near the city lord's mansion, a low figure was dug out from the ground. From the outside, his upper body looked like a human, but his lower body was like a beetle. He shook the dirt on his body and climbed to the back door of the city lord's mansion to knock. Knock.

The housekeeper whispered through the door: "Who is it?"

"Hufa Ma said that it is impossible to take action without seeing the Lei Jingguo. We will take two Lei Jingguo first before we take action."

The housekeeper frowned, "Then Wang Ping is also the enemy of your Insect God Cult. If you kill so many of you, don't you want revenge?"

The voice fell, but the worm outside the door was happy, "Butler, let's call you Dragon City Lord over here, the conditions are here, you can't decide whether to give it to Lei Jingguo or not."

As soon as he finished speaking, a figure flashed by the housekeeper.

It is Long Changming.

Long Changming didn't speak, nodded, flipped his hand and took out two Lei Jing Fruits, put them in the butler's hand, and disappeared in an instant.

The housekeeper felt a little distressed secretly, but he still took Lei Jing Guo out and handed it to the worm. He planned to turn around and leave, but he couldn't help but exhort: "Remember to kill Wang Ping, he is in Fangshan Town!"

The bug man smiled, "Hurry up and prepare the other Lei Jingguo and the house."

After that, the worm made a hole in the ground and quickly left in the distance.

The housekeeper secretly scolded the worm for being really unqualified, and immediately called others to fill the hole here, while he returned to the room and couldn't help asking his doubts.

Long Changming looked a little older than two days ago, and his eyes were full of bloodshots. Looking at the housekeeper, he explained helplessly: "You have been with me for so many years, remember, all actions are It is for the sake of profit. The reason why the sect of the worms wants to attack Thunder Dragon City is for the people of Thunder Dragon City. Now that the horse protector has collected enough people, there is no feeling between the insects, he does not. He will avenge his four subordinates, so it doesn't matter whether he kills Wang Ping or not, after all, Wang Ping alone can't provide much human energy, and what they prefer is to kill civilians and collect human energy."

The housekeeper suddenly realized: "That is to say, the guardian horse will not attack Thunder Dragon City? There are almost no civilians in the city now."

Long Changming nodded and said, "That's right, so he can only rely on profit to drive him to act. This time, he may even reach the seventh level and be qualified to be promoted to the elder of the Insect God Sect, and his goal will be certain by then. It is a key place like the source of elements, and I won't come back to Thunder Dragon City to make trouble."

The housekeeper followed with a sigh of relief and went to work happily.

It's just that he occasionally has some doubts in his heart.

Is it really correct to do so? Instead of cooperating with the enemy, regardless of the revenge of the murder of the compatriots.

Is this all for profit?

When did the old master become like this.

Inside Thunder Dragon City.

Under the cover of the solar crystal hood, Chen Wangping moved on the roofs with all his strength. He kept staring at the radar in the upper right corner. From the radar, it could be seen that the speed of this bug man underground was extremely fast, and he could even After reaching nearly 100 miles, the passage must have been dug, and now it is running at full speed.

"I want to see where you can go."

After chasing for two full hours, Chen Wangping left Thunder Dragon City long ago and arrived at the ruins of an uninhabited village and town in the opposite direction of Leiyuan Land.

The situation here is even more desolate than that of Yuanshan Town. There are almost no signs of life. There are dense forests everywhere, and there are not even footprints on the road.

At this time, the worm climbed out of the hole and climbed towards a hill in front, and the speed also slowed down.

At this moment, Chen Wangping threw a directional detection towards the hill in front.

From the detection results, it can be seen that there is a huge red dot the size of a watermelon on the halfway of the hill, which is scary bright, and there are thorn-like red marks growing around it, a little bit developing towards the shape of durian.

"If I don't come, this old man might really be able to break through the seventh level. No, I can't watch him advance like this."

Chen Wangping estimated the speed at which the worm was crawling, and immediately decided to interrupt the guardian horse.

Even if it can't be interrupted, it can't be in vain.

He quickly took out two marine tanks in place, swishly loaded depleted uranium bombs on them, aimed at the halfway up the mountain, and fired one after another without hesitation.

The advantage of the bomb is that it will bring huge energy fluctuations after it is launched, and it will be too late to run.

After firing the cannon, Chen Wangping put away the two land battle tanks and fully activated the lightning energy in his body. He did not care to expose it. He increased his speed to the extreme, and rushed to the insect man in an instant, killing him with one punch, leaving behind a powerful lightning focus. Paste the traces and **** the space device hanging on his chest.

After doing this, Chen Wangping turned around and ran towards Thunder Dragon City. The road was very direct. After running a few hundred meters, he cleverly left some used Thunder Dragon paste nearby, and then ran directly. road.

Behind Chen Wangping, two depleted uranium bombs flew to the retreat of the guardian of the horse halfway up the mountain at the same time, fell precisely, and exploded heavily.

"Boom boom boom"

The power of the depleted uranium bomb instantly penetrated Ma Hufa's formation, and the hot flame and impact force directly forced him to break through, and even destroyed his carefully arranged secret room into pieces.


Hufa Ma spit out a mouthful of green blood, and before he had time to feel heartache, he immediately bent down, revealing a pair of worm legs that were extremely well developed under his robe, and jumped wildly towards the distance, dodging the scorching flames.

When he fell into the woods, he directly rolled up the surrounding leaves and wrapped them around him, quickly cooling down, and at the same time gnawed at the leaves with big mouthfuls, and in a short while he ate up the leaves of ten big trees.

The body of this horse protector is the kitchen horse, also known as the katydid, which looks like a cricket and has strong jumping power.

After recovering for a while, Protector Ma was deeply heartbroken.

Being interrupted abruptly, coupled with the injuries he suffered, not only did he fail to enter the seventh level, but he retreated a little at the peak of the sixth level.

Damn it! what is going on?

"The Insect God is on top, if I hadn't reacted in time, I might have been plotted. Where can such a powerful weapon come from? Could it be someone from the Revival Alliance? But since he has such a powerful weapon, why did he kill it after the fight was over? run?"

After Hufa Ma rested, he searched for traces in the surroundings full of hatred, and soon found the dead insect body.

Feeling the traces of thunder and lightning on the corpse of the worm~www.readwn.com~, coupled with the lightning fruit that hastily disappeared, Protector Ma felt more and more hatred in his heart.

At this moment, he also saw that a bottle that fell on the road in the direction of Thunder Dragon City was obviously a training material used by the Thunder and Lightning Ability User.

"swish swish"

After a while, the rest of the nearby Insect God sect insect people also gathered.

After seeing that thing, someone recognized that it was the Thunder Dragon Cream that was only available in the City Lord's Mansion.

Hufa Ma picked up Thunder Dragon Cream and looked at Thunder Dragon City with hatred, "Okay, Long Changming, I didn't bother you, but I didn't expect you to be a transgender, anyway, now I'm injured, Mosquito legs are also meat, just wait for me!"

He didn't think about whether it was someone who framed Long Changming. The important thing was that he was injured and needed to recover.

Right now, fighting Long Changming is in the best interest.

This is the point that Long Changming knows best.

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