Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 441: Difficulty turning face!

"Long Liang, what are you doing crazy!"

Thunder Prison shouted angrily and tried his best to stimulate all the lightning energy in his body. He was a little scared at this time.

Could it be that Lingmie and Long Liang were both corrupted by the Insect God Cult?

Two of the three high-rises in Leiyuan Land have gone to two, so, how can we fight this?

Long Liang's momentum continued, and he shouted: "There is something wrong with this person, arrest him first, Lei Prison, don't make mistakes."

Chen Wangping's eyes narrowed slightly. From his radar, Long Liang's spot of light did not look like someone from the Insect God Cult.

Then why did he suddenly come out?

Is it because of his son?

Shouldn't be.

He quickly recalled his work just now, and immediately guessed the source.

its own lightning energy.

That Long Liang suddenly changed from watching to participating after feeling his own lightning energy.

After finding the root cause, Chen Wangping immediately tried his best to stimulate the lightning energy in his body. On the one hand, it was for self-protection, and on the other hand, it was also to test out what was so special about his lightning energy that could make Long Liang so moved.

With all his strength, the phantom of the thunder and lightning tree condensed behind him with all his strength. This is not over yet. There are countless bullets and cannonballs hidden in the leaves of the tree, which looks both powerful and strange.

Being able to condense the phantoms of visual objects that are only available to the seventh-level powerhouses also means that Chen Wangping is stable in the mid-level six, and is very close to the peak of the sixth-level.

At the moment when the thunder and lightning tree condensed, the guardian elder of Lei Chi, who was still standing by the side watching the play, suddenly moved, stood in front of Long Liang, and slapped Long Liang's face fiercely.


This slap can be described as a powerful force, directly knocking Long Liang from the air to the ground, even though Long Liang is a seventh-level powerhouse, his face is swollen a lot.

After the fight, the guardian elder of Leichi scolded angrily: "Long Liang, you are in a bad mood! You should fight!"

Long Liang on the ground covered his face and didn't speak. When he saw Chen Wangping's full-strength use of lightning energy, he knew that his own thoughts were about to be pierced.

After all, how could a lightning-type power user who can use the Thunder Tree King as a visual object be a spy of the Insect God Cult?

That was the unique visual object of the source master back then!

At the same time, the Thunder Prison next to him also widened his eyes and pointed at the Thunder Tree: "This, this is the Thunder Tree King of the Source Lord! Leiping, you, who are you? What is your relationship with the Source Lord? ?"

At this critical moment, Ling Mie on the side also saw the phantom of the thunder and lightning tree, and sighed in a self-deprecating sigh, "Chen Wangping, yes, your surname is Chen, why didn't I think of it, hey, although it started early. But it’s not a loss to catch your extra big fish!”

As soon as the words fell, Ling Mie tore off all the cover on his body, stomped his feet hard, and all the people from the Law Enforcement Division who followed him exploded uncontrollably, their flesh and blood turned into countless thunderbolts than those brought out by Chen Wangping. The giant and terrifying Thunder Insect King covered the entire cave.

"swish swish"

Countless bugs covered the cave like smoke, connecting with each other.

Gu Ding

Seeing this scene, even Long Liang couldn't care less about Chen Wangping, he turned his head and looked at Ling Mie in anger and shock, "You, you are really a spy! Damn it, I want to kill my son for throwing Thunder Dragon City. about you!"

Ling Mie was completely torn at this time, and even the human form was no longer maintained, and it directly turned into a giant insect similar to a cockroach, covered with a carapace, waving its sharp feet, sneered: "Just your waste. Son, if there is no Insect God Cult, he can't manage Thunder Dragon City, why don't he leave it to us."

Lei Prison and the guardian elder looked at each other, and quickly divided the work. The guardian elder protected Chen Wangping, and Lei Prison attacked.

I saw that the energy of the Thunder Prison was aroused, and the shadow of the prison behind it was like reality. With the movements of the Thunder Prison, one after another smashed into the spiritual extinction, and the cave was overflowing with thunder.

But the seemingly powerful thunder prisons did not even smash out a white spot after they actually hit Ling Mie.

Looking at this result, Lei Prison's expression changed, "Something's wrong, how can the power be so small, even if he is a worm, it is only a sixth-level peak, it is impossible to break the defense!"

Chen Wangping glanced at the countless thunder bug kings around, and immediately reacted and reminded: "These bugs are blocking the nearby lightning energy, attack the bugs quickly, and don't let them form a close."

Hearing this, Long Liang Lei Prison Guardian Elder also noticed the abnormality, and immediately attacked the insects in the sky.

But at this time, Ling Mie laughed proudly and said: "Chen Wangping, Chen Wangping, you know a lot about bugs, it's very good, the better you do, the better the rewards will be given to me after I kill you. Many, fortunately you are only in the middle of the sixth level, otherwise, with the protection of the old dog of the guardian elder, there is a real possibility that you will not be able to catch you!" As he spoke, the back armor behind Ling Mie cracked, and suddenly, countless figures flew out of it. The larger mineworms filled the void in the mineworm blockade net in the blink of an eye, covering the entire place.

The moment the thunder worm wrap was formed, they fully absorbed the lightning energy in it.

Under the blessing of the terrifying number of thunder bugs, they absorbed all the lightning energy in the cave in the blink of an eye. Not only that, they were even absorbing other people's attacks with all their strength. When walking, they even forcibly absorbed the energy in their bodies. Lightning energy.

The more absorbed, the stronger the breath, the stronger the blockade net, and at the same time, they also injected energy into the annihilation, making it more powerful.

The guardian elder said nothing, raised his hand and slapped the thunder bug behind him heavily.

But his attack that could knock Long Liang into the air only sent a ripple of electric light on the thunder bug.

Immediately afterwards, countless thunder bugs shared the damage through the existence of the connection network, unscathed.

On the contrary, it was the guardian elder. After attacking this time, the lightning energy in the body was lost again, but it could not be recovered by absorbing it.


"What are you thinking? This is the result of my painstaking research for so many years for you~www.readwn.com~ In my Thunder Insect Divine Net, the thunder and lightning abilities are not as good as dogs! Die!"

Ling Mie laughed happily, and had been in ambush for many years, and finally ushered in this glorious moment!

After killing these people, he can take over the entire Leiyuan Land!

Ling Mie was like a chariot, with lightning flashing from its huge body, and it slammed into Chen Wangping directly, with great power.

Chen Wangping flickered and avoided him.

But hiding is hiding, and the energy consumption in the body is also real!

Thunder Prison said anxiously: "No, if this continues, we will become weaker and weaker. We must gather everyone's strength to break this thunder bug net together."

Long Liang nodded to the guardian elder. They were also very experienced in combat. They seized the gap between Ling Mie and Chen Wangping and attacked the Thunder Worm Net with all their strength.

"Hahaha, it's useless!"

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