Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 442: The trump card is outstanding!

The three of them worked together to strike, and if it was normal, they would be able to penetrate even a mountain.

But it still failed to break the thunder bug net!


Although he killed countless thunder bugs, but immediately after, Ling Mie opened his back armor and released countless thunder bugs to supplement it.

Dead end!

The aura of Lingxie is getting stronger and stronger, and there is even a feeling that he is about to enter the seventh level, full of momentum.

Although he can't control the energy well now, he can only perform some simple collisions.

But every time he collided, everyone had to spend energy to dodge, but the attack didn't work. After the fight, it was like no fight.

Seeing this scene, Ling Mie shouted proudly: "Now surrender, I can still ask for a position in the teaching for you, Long Liang, think about your son, do you want him to die with you?"

Hearing this, the strength of Long Liang's attack was actually a little lighter.

Seeing this, Chen Wangping also silently drew a cross to Long Liang in his heart.

What is this family all about!

He has now figured out the idea of ​​spiritual extinction. He is using the blockade to pull down the realm of several people, turning the lightning energy battle into a physical battle.

After all, the human body is definitely not comparable to the Zerg.

But to know.

The body of the Zerg can't compare with the machine!

Come out!

Spider Mecha!

Chen Wangping grabbed Lingmie and rushed to his own space, turned over and jumped to the open space next to him, instantly took out the spider mecha from the storage compartment, and jumped into it.


As soon as he entered, he controlled the spider mecha with two feet as support, and the other six feet as attack feet, and attacked the nearby thunder bugs.

The attack speed of the spider mecha is 3.5, and this number is multiplied by six, which means that in this second, Chen Wangping can control the spider mecha to attack a point for a full 21 times!

When Ling Mie reacted, Chen Wangping had used the precious five-second fighter he had captured to poke the same position hundreds of times!


No matter how fast the Thunder Bug's response was, it couldn't be faster than hundreds of attacks.

In an instant, a rare vacancy appeared on the Thunder Bug Net.

Immediately, the strong lightning energy poured in along the vacancy under the action of the concentration difference.

The people in Thunder Prison were drinking nectar, and they immediately recovered some spirits.

Lei Prison laughed and said, "Lei Ping, you still have such treasures! Focus on breaking the net, and we will stop the spirit extinction for you!"

But he could see the key, and Ling Mie could also see the key, and immediately turned the worm's head and rushed towards Chen Wangping.

Chen Wangping did not follow Lei Prison's words.

The opportunity to attack is in your own hands.

He controlled the spider mecha to retract the attacking foot, and directly moved all eight feet together, climbing towards the side to avoid the attack of Spirit Extinguishing.

Not only that, Chen Wangping also directly turned on the attack button of the spider cannonball and smashed all four spider cannonballs out in one go.

At this point, he no longer cares whether the aftermath will attack a few people.

Let's keep the healing thing alive and talk about it!

Four spider bombs slammed into Lingxing from the side in a hidden orbit.

Ling Mie wanted to retreat when he found something wrong, but it was too late. After the energy was filled, he was now like a fat man who was not flexible.

If Chen Wangping didn't appear instead, this kind of brute force would be called powerful.

But now in the face of more flexible spider mechs, this kind of brute force is called cumbersome.

"Boom boom boom"

The four spider cannonballs all bombarded Ling Mie's body heavily. The force of the explosion and countless shrapnel ripped apart Ling Mie's worm skin in an instant, revealing the flesh and blood underneath and many hidden thunder insects.


Ling Mie curled up in pain, but he also knew that such an attack must not be many.

If you can bear it, then you will find an opportunity to kill Chen Wangping!

"Chen Wangping, I must torture you to death!"

Chen Wangping sneered in the air, "torture? You deserve it too."

Accompanied by the voice, he controlled the spider mecha to fall from the sky, jumped directly to Ling Mie, and stabbed the eight spiders on Ling Mie's flesh and blood at an extremely fast speed.

Ling Mie was also ruthless at this time, enduring the pain of the stab, turned around and smashed the spider mecha with his head, forcibly smashed two spider feet, and even the outer shell collapsed in a large piece.

Chen Wangping seized the opportunity, grabbed the two spider feet, used them as javelins, and stabbed them into the flesh and blood of Spirit Extinguishing, and turned with force.

Immediately, the barbs on the spider's feet turned around, bringing down countless flesh and blood.

Ling Mie couldn't help but groaned in pain and shook his body vigorously.

Chen Wangping controlled the spider mecha to jump in the air, avoiding the attack of Lingxie, put away the spider mecha, took out the land battle tank, loaded standard shells, and aimed at Lingxie to prepare to fire.

At this time, Lingxie had taken out the spider feet and threw them aside.

But at this time, he was surprised to find that all the flesh and blood that the spider's feet had been contaminated with were rapidly changing, with a faint green fluorescence on it.

"Impossible! I have clearly cultivated to the point where all poisons are invulnerable, and no poison can harm me! Is your poison the poison of an eighth-level powerhouse!"

Chen Wangping sneered, "Even even an eighth-level powerhouse can't escape this poison, so obediently die! A few, defend yourself!"

After speaking, he directly released standard shells.


The cannonball flew out and hit the body of the worm that was hit by the spirit. The huge force combined with the radiation-contaminated and loosened flesh and blood actually blew it into two halves.

At this time, Ling Mie no longer dared to fight, and his mind was full of thoughts of escape. He recovered his body, controlled the rear half of the insect with one hand and self-detonated, and controlled the thunder insect in the air with the other to self-explode, all to escape from here and take cover. .

Under the successive self-explosions, the caves became shaking, and countless stones fell from above, faintly feeling like they were about to collapse.

Ling Mie took advantage of this opportunity, turned around and ran, extremely fast.

At this critical moment~www.readwn.com~Chen Wangping put on the spider mecha again, moved around with countless gravel on his back, and rushed straight to Lingmie's side, he suddenly jumped out of the spider mecha by himself. Leaping out, eighty-one lightning spots emerged from behind, urging the formation with all his strength, and suddenly pouring a full 500,000 lightning energy towards its back.


A huge amount of thunder and lightning energy is poured into Ling Mie's body like a world-destroying thunder, and the electricity is heated to the point of melting, first the flesh and blood, and then the outer shell.

Looking at this scene, Ling Mie cried out in disbelief: "Chen Wangping, I should have directly killed Huo Niu City and killed you!"

Chen Wangping waved his hand: "Think about these words after you go down."

A few seconds later, Ling Mie's entire body burned to the ground, leaving only a small black lump of ash on the ground.

Fortunately, there was a group of system light that the rest could not see flew towards Chen Wangping.

[The upper limit of mental power is increased by 5%]

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