The world of finger-snapping

"Are you trying to make me die of laughter?"

"What ancestor? If anyone dares to do this to me, I will skin him alive and suppress him for 10,000 years, not to mention taking action!"

Looking at the light curtain, anyone from the Xuanyuan family dared to laugh at Xuanyuan Jingcheng.

Hei Huang was immediately furious.

He cursed and cursed, wishing he could rush in and wipe out the Xuanyuan family.

"Back then, I survived by gnawing on coffin boards."

"I thought it was weird enough"

"I didn't expect there would be someone more bizarre than me. This Xuanyuan Dapan is really trash among trash!"

Pang Bo also spoke angrily, and his arms, which were thicker than other people's thighs, closed tightly.

It was as if he wanted to crush Xuanyuan Dapan to death in the air!

"Poor thing"

"His wife has been slept with, and now his daughter is being targeted. He is just an ordinary person, how can he fight back?"

Duan De and Long Ma were sitting not far away, and they looked at each other and sighed.

"That's not necessarily true."

After hearing this,

Emperor Ye Tian suddenly shook his head.

Although he was just looking at the picture on the screen, the look in Xuanyuan Jingcheng's eyes clearly told Emperor Ye Tian that he would definitely do something!

For his daughter and for the Xuanyuan family!...

The World of Qin


""How can such a filthy person who disregards human ethics and etiquette deserve to live in this world?"

Zulong was furious

, and the world was horrified! Qin Shihuang looked at the Xuanyuan family, which was in a mess under the leadership of Xuanyuan Dapan, frowned slightly, and snorted coldly.

Zhao Gao and others who were guarding beside him hurriedly knelt on the ground, and in a flash, cold sweat had soaked their clothes.

"Get up, it's none of your business."

"Martial Arts...Oh, it's such a filthy person, how can he become a god?"

"My great Qin cavalry can also kill him on his horse!"

"However, Xuanyuan Jingcheng can still care about the world in such a family and endure what ordinary people cannot. He is quite like the King of Yue in the past. He is a great talent in the world. It's a pity that he can't join our Qin."

After a while, Qin Shihuang raised his hand slightly.

He signaled everyone to stand up, and then said with regret.......

When Xuanyuan Dapan's absurd style came out, I don't know how many people cursed at the picture in the light curtain.

Some people were extremely contemptuous, thinking that no matter what, Xuanyuan Jingcheng was bullied like this, he should fight back. Is he worthy of being called a scholar if he lives in shame?

However, the next picture made everyone change their views on Xuanyuan Jingcheng in an instant!

In the light curtain, for decades, the Xuanyuan family only believed in the great law cultivated by their ancestors, but did not know that the real people in the world were close at hand!

They didn't know how amazing the nerd in their eyes was!

That day.

For his daughter and for the Xuanyuan family.

Xuanyuan Jingcheng accumulated a lot of knowledge and stepped into the celestial phenomenon by the way of death!

He was originally a person with outstanding talent.

Reading books to enlighten the mind and clarify the truth, the pass of the warriors in this world is just a step that Xuanyuan Jingcheng can cross at will! However

, killing Xuanyuan Dapan is not enough! What Xuanyuan Jingcheng has to do is to change this Xuanyuan family that has been rotten to the bone!

Facing Huishan, which has a century-old foundation.

Xuanyuan Jingcheng swallowed his anger and worked hard for twenty years! He was walking on a dead end with no turning back!

He went to Longhu Mountain and reached a deal with Xu Shizi, who was walking in the rivers and lakes for the second time.

After that, he returned to Huishan!

He killed Zhixuan with the power of Zhixuan with one finger!

Later, he stepped into Guniujiang alone and faced the ancestor of the family, Xuanyuan Dapan, alone!

The two fought a decisive battle at the Daxueping of Huishan. Xuanyuan

Jingcheng fought 216 moves in the Tianxiang realm and was not at all inferior! But Xuanyuan Dapan has been practicing hard for many years and is not something that can be killed by Tianxiang!

That day.

The scholar looked at his daughter from a distance, without any anger, but full of love.

Don't say that scholars have no courage, dare to let the world sink into the sea!

The classic articles I read in the past are vivid in my mind.

"I have become a land immortal."

He was neither arrogant nor humble.

It seemed as if he was just stating a sentence.

But at this moment, thunder roared! The heaven and earth were overturned!

The realm that the number one in the world had not stepped into was stepped into by a Confucian scholar!


Now, he should be called a Confucian saint!......

The World of Qin


"What a land immortal made by reading so much!"

"The words of the saints back then are still fresh in their minds. Now, we must open their eyes and see what a real scholar is! Hidden minions, once they become ferocious!"

"Xuanyuan Jingcheng, the title of Confucian sage, is well deserved!"

Seeing the thunder rolling down from the sky, Xuanyuan Jingcheng relied on his accumulation of knowledge from reading and understanding, and stepped into the realm that needs to be looked up to.

And before that, he also made a careful plan to put the entire Xuanyuan family into the waiting place where they were about to be sentenced to death.

Qin Shihuang turned from anger to joy. He looked at the picture in the sky with admiration.

He used to dislike Confucianism, just because Confucianism advocated Zhou rituals and intended to enfeoff, which would ruin the pattern of Qin's unification of the world!

But now.

Qin Shihuang saw for the first time, the true character of Confucianism!

What does the world's slander have to do with me! I just seek right and wrong! Have a clear conscience!

"Xuanyuan Jingcheng has been hiding his thoughts for many years, just to save his wife and daughter, just to save the Xuanyuan family. In my opinion, he is one-third as good as your Majesty back then!"

Zhao Gao, who has followed Qin Shihuang for many years and knows many secrets, immediately thought that Qin Shihuang was so happy, not only because he admired Xuanyuan Jingcheng, but also because Xuanyuan Jingcheng did not care about a little honor or disgrace, but only wanted to act uprightly. It was quite similar to Qin Shihuang's experience back then.

At that moment, he hurriedly flattered him.

"Ha ha"

"Three points is a little bit inferior, at least eight points."

Qin Shihuang was a man of great talent and strategy, so he naturally would not be shy about the past, but nodded happily.......

Fighting the World

"Thirty years in the east, thirty years in the west, don't deceive...Studying makes you poor!"

Seeing Xuanyuan Jingcheng endure for many years.

Just for today's battle, to clear the dust of Xuanyuan family, Xiao Yan suddenly felt inspired and blurted out

"Good courage"

"Although it was a life-threatening act, everything had been arranged beforehand."

"It's ridiculous that the Xuanyuan family, the real dragon is dormant but they don't know it"

"You deserve to be killed!"

Yao Lao watched Xuanyuan Jingcheng launch the final"challenge" to Xuanyuan Dapan.

Deep in his mind, he couldn't help but think of the time when he was"expelled" from the Yao clan!

Although it was not exactly the same.

But Yao Lao had to admit it.

He had also fantasized that one day he would step into that realm that people admired, and then descend into the clan with an extremely strong attitude, so that those guys who looked down on him in the past would see that they were blind!

"teacher...Are you talking about Xuanyuan Jingcheng?"

"Why do I feel like there is something else behind your words?"

However, before Yao Lao finished speaking,

Xiao Yan suddenly touched his chin and asked in confusion


The next second,

Yao Lao controlled the whip in his hand and swung it on Xiao Yan's back.

"You little bastard, you are the only one who talks too much!"

"Once people enter the fairyland on land"

"How dare you slack off?"


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