Gu World

"Lord Immortal!"

"In Baohuangtian, many Gu Immortals are spreading the name of Hong Xi Xiang Xu Zhihu! They say that even if they reincarnate, they will stay together and love each other, which is enough to bear the Nine Revolutions Love Immortal Gu!"

A Gu Immortal hurried over, knelt in front of the Great Love Immortal Venerable, and spoke tremblingly

"Since the world is reciting it, my great love alliance of heaven and earth should not lag behind."

"Tell all the Gu Immortals in the world that if there are Gu Immortals who are in love and truly love each other and join our Heaven and Earth Family Love Alliance, I can personally make a pair of Immortal Gu for them!"

"But those who truly love each other need to be tested!"

With an order, the Gu Immortal hurriedly obeyed the order and left the room.

At this time, the Great Love Immortal Venerable slowly stood up and looked at the scenery in the distance. The Great Love Immortal Venerable did not speak. His eyes swept across the sky light curtain. In his mind, a figure suddenly flashed.

Compared with Hong Xi, he would rather give up immortality and give up the opportunity to enter the Heavenly Gate.

The figure from the East China Sea only made the Great Love Immortal Venerable dazed for a moment.

Then, his eyes became indifferent again.

"Love Immortal Gu? Oh, stupid...."

"Compared to the so-called love, eternal life is indeed more worth pursuing!"...

Fighting the World

"Boy, someone is coming!"

Yao Lao was helping Xiao Yan practice, when he suddenly noticed someone coming through the forest. He immediately hid himself and returned to the ring.

"Brother Xiao Yan."

When Xiao Yan looked up, he found a pretty figure standing not far away.

She looked at him and smiled calmly.

But her eyes were red, as if she had just cried.

"Xun'er, what's wrong?"

Seeing Xun'er like this, Xiao Yan hurriedly stood up, walked quickly to Xun'er, and comforted her softly.

"yes...It's about the skylight curtain just now"

"It is really heartbreaking for people who watch it. They have been searching for each other for several lifetimes, but why do they keep missing each other? Brother Xiao Yan, what do you think if one day Xun'er has to leave?"

""Will Brother Xiao Yan come to find me?"

Xun'er recalled the scene just now.

The mood that had just been sorted out became a little depressed again, and her voice was choked with sobs.

"Of course, if I really separate from you, Xun'er"

"I will find you no matter where I go!"

Xiao Yan quickly took Xun'er into his arms. He said confidently :

"kindness...I believe in Brother Xiao Yan."

Xun'er's face instantly turned red with shame, and she spoke in a low voice, her words full of shyness.

At this time, a sigh sounded quietly from within the ring.

"They've all become souls."

"Why do I still feel choked?..."......

One Sword World

"Hong Xi Statue can be repaired for another 300 years for Xu Zhihu"

"elder brother"

"In order to find you, it is worth waiting no matter how long it takes!"

Inside the Jieyu Tower.

The white-clothed Tianming stood on it.

His eyes seemed to have traveled through endless time.

""Senior, what did you say?"

At this moment, Ye Xuan, who had just learned about the mystery of the Jieyu Tower and was practicing, heard some voices vaguely.

He stood up and asked in confusion.

Unfortunately, his active inquiry only earned him a nice back of the head from Bai Yi Tian Ming........

In the heavens and the worlds, countless living beings recall the fate of Hong Xixiang and Xu Zhihu, as well as the hardships of waiting.

Some people also learned this sentence and excitedly made a promise to their loved ones.

For a time,"I will find you in reincarnation" became the new content of many people's vows.

At the same time, the figure in the light curtain quietly changed.

What makes people feel strange is that this time it is not a strange figure that appears, but Wu Su, the Wu family sword crown who has traveled the world before, who has appeared in the light curtain before, dressed as a woman!

In the picture, Wu Su passed by a woman, and when their eyes crossed, the woman seemed to have lost her soul.

Then the picture turned quickly again.

The woman who had a lover in her heart, but never"got what she wanted".

In the end, she chose to marry Xuanyuan Jingcheng out of anger.

At the beginning of the marriage, because of the entanglement in her heart, the woman and Xuanyuan Jingcheng agreed to have only one child in their lifetime, and finally they gave birth to a daughter.

In the Xuanyuan family, which advocates the use of force, the appearance is bright and the reputation is also great in the whole world. But the interior is so dirty!

Xuanyuan Dapan, the ancestor of the Xuanyuan family, has mediocre qualifications and has been defeated repeatedly in battles with others. In order to pursue a higher realm, he even chose to practice the unorthodox technique of"taking yin to replenish yang"!

He extended his claws to the younger generation of his family without any bottom line! Generations of women in the Xuanyuan family have been insulted by him!

With such an ancestor, the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. The atmosphere of the entire Xuanyuan family has been distorted to the extreme!

It is precisely because of this that Xuanyuan Jingcheng, who has first-class talent and is highly expected by the elders, has chosen to abandon martial arts and study literature. Naturally, he has long become an alien in the eyes of others. He has also become the lowest existence in the food chain!

No one looks down on this so-called useless scholar who has his eyes on the temple, the country and the world.

Even his own daughter avoided him without saying a word!

After that, something even more ridiculous happened.

Xuanyuan Jingcheng's wife, however, offered herself to be his lover and became Xuanyuan Dapan's cauldron.

This made Xuanyuan Jingcheng, who was already not valued, even more despised.

The whole clan insulted his wife as a"slut", and even his own brother flirted with his own sister-in-law!

Until that day.

Xuanyuan Dapan ordered to recall Xuanyuan Jingcheng's daughter, Xuanyuan Qingfeng!

Everyone knows why!......

Snow World

"Huishan Xuanyuan turns out...That Xuanyuan Great Pan..."

""How can this man still read books?"

Xu Shizi was dumbfounded.

Even though he was known as the number one"dandy" in Beiliang, Xu Shizi had never seen such a play.

The famous Xuanyuan family was actually harboring such filth!

More importantly, after such a thing happened, why could Xuanyuan Jingcheng actually endure it?

How could he still sit back and watch it happen and read his books with peace of mind?

"Prince, the princess's companion dressed as a man, and Xuanyuan Jingcheng's wife still misses her...."What a bad fate."

On the other hand, Old Huang was not surprised.

Compared with the prince, he had traveled more and seen more dirty things. What

Old Huang was more concerned about was that at the beginning of the scene, the person who attracted Xuanyuan Jingcheng's wife was actually the princess.

If you really count it this way.

All the conflicts between Xuanyuan Jingcheng and his wife are actually attributed to the princess?

"What are you talking about!"

"How can a woman like her be worthy of thinking about my mother? She is a fickle woman, and Xuanyuan Jingcheng respects her so much, but she still offers herself to my mother, putting her together with my mother, which is simply an insult to my mother!"

Xu Shizi immediately frowned. He was very dissatisfied with Lao Huang for involving the princess and this person.

"Yes, yes, it was Old Huang who made a mistake. However, Xuanyuan Dapan has a high level of cultivation. Xuanyuan Jingcheng is not only a scholar, even if he practices martial arts every day, he may not be able to defeat him."

"So what did he say that was worthy of being included in this video?"

Old Huang quickly apologized. But his words were still full of doubts.

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