"Isn’t this kind of Gu too scary?"

"Indeed, but it is normal to think about it. The Red Lotus Demon Lord who created the Regret Gu has experienced so many hardships, and the regret he has forged is probably enough to completely destroy a person's sanity. In addition, the special nature of the Gu in the Gu world"

"As a fellow immortal, Paradise can only be suppressed by cultivation. This shows that the regret caused by this regret poison is even more terrifying than normal emotions!"

"It is impossible for a person to be free of emotions, unless he is not a human being! To come into contact with the regret Gu is to face the unbearable self in the past. It is difficult to refine it!"

"With Fang Yuan's character, I have no doubt that he can refine it, but I am more certain that Fang Yuan will be tortured for a long time."

"That's for sure. If it were me, after going through so many desperate situations, I would probably regret every time."

"In this world, it is impossible for anyone to easily refine such a terrifying Immortal Gu!"

The opinions of countless creatures in the heavens and the worlds are surprisingly unified!

After experiencing various scenes, people recognize Fang Yuan's character and will, and believe that no matter what difficulties he faces, he can keep going like going upstream!

But people also unanimously believe that Fang Yuan will experience an extremely cruel test!

Even if there is a layout by the Red Lotus Demon Lord, what about it?

Regret comes from the heart, and it is not up to people at all!

The dignified Venerable has been accepting the teachings of fate all his life, but he would rather die than interpret the word regret. How could such a Gu be so easily refined!

At the same time.

In the light curtain, Fang Yuan, who broke free from the memory of the Red Lotus Demon Lord, set his sights on the regret Gu

"Fang Yuan, I finally waited for you. I don't need to elaborate on everything. I also believe that you will do your best to destroy the fate Gu!"

Red Lotus Will spoke.

What no one expected was that even though they had seen the past of Red Lotus Demon Venerable and saw it with their own eyes, Le Tu Xian Venerable did not touch it directly.

Instead, he suppressed it with his cultivation.

But Fang Yuan still stretched out his hand and wanted to pick up the regret Gu directly!

"Be careful, you cannot touch the Regret Gu directly, otherwise even if you refine this Gu, you will be overwhelmed by endless regret!"

"I have prepared the means for you, you only need to..."

Seeing Fang Yuan's reckless action, Honglian Will immediately panicked!

"There is no need for this!"

Fang Yuan's face was calm, he grabbed the regret Gu and refined it in an instant!

Who doesn't have something to regret in his life?


Fate is destiny and fate is failure!

The Immortal Venerable regrets but I don't!

The world of the sky is covered with a snap of fingers. The heaven is silent!


Full of confidence, Black Emperor took out a basin from somewhere, ready to collect the blood of the Heavenly Emperor.

His two claws suddenly became weak.

The basin fell to the ground.

A series of sounds rang out, waking up the shocked people!


The only person who was not too surprised was seeing Fang Yuan grabbing the regret Gu directly.

Ye Tiandi, who had refined it in an instant, glanced at everyone and said with a smile.

"I'm convinced"

"Fate has determined my destiny and I am doomed to fail. Even the Immortal Master may regret it, but I don’t!"

"Could it be that Fang Yuan's mind is made of some kind of immortal gold?"

"After going through so many things, he actually won't regret it because of any external influence! This is simply not a human!"

Pang Bo screamed. His face was full of admiration!

Although he had guessed before that Fang Yuan could refine the regret Gu.

But he really didn't expect that Fang Yuan could be so cruel!

The control of heaven's will and fate.

It can make a natural immortal betray and resurrect countless times, but in the end he can only regret it.

But what about Fang Yuan?

Up to now, almost every step he has taken has been controlled by heaven's will!

Such an experience can't make Fang Yuan regret or hesitate for a moment.

What else in the world can make him stop?

When everyone heard Pang Bo's words , they all felt the same.

They have all experienced"long" years, and they have accumulated so many regrets in their hearts. The strong will on weekdays can be suppressed.

But if regret is specifically aroused, then you have to be in a trance. But what about

Fang Yuan?

He didn't even blink!

Such a cruel character deserves any praise!

"My God Blood...I regret it so much!!!"

"Why don't I believe Fang Yuan!"

At this moment, Hei

Huang picked up the big basin that fell on the ground and cried loudly. As soon as the voice fell, the Heavenly Court suddenly burst into laughter.


"So terrifying! This kid! So terrifying!"

In the back mountain of Xiao's family,

Yao Lao took a breath of cold air, and felt that what he had seen in his life could not describe what he was seeing now!

Being born as a human, one's mind is complicated.

One is naturally influenced by emotions! Even those who are known to be hard-hearted and ruthless, as long as they are still normal people, as long as they still have normal thinking, after experiencing enough things, they will eventually have emotional fluctuations!

But what about Fang Yuan! He was infected with the regret poison that specifically induces regret!

But he was able to suppress the regret in his heart! Refined it in an instant!

What kind of mentality is this!

"But teacher, with Fang Yuan's personality"

"Maybe he doesn't care about those things at all?

Seeing Yao Lao's shocked expression,

Xiao Yan asked curiously.

"Have you forgotten? Fang Yuan had also taken action in anger because of Qiu Jiu."

"The most terrifying thing about this is"

"He is not a cold dead object, but a living person with normal emotions like you and me!"

"The last sentence can also be heard"

"Fang Yuan still remembers clearly the things that happened when he was manipulated and influenced!"

"It's not that he doesn't care about those things."

"But he doesn't regret it!"

Yao Lao sighed.

Looking at Xiao Yan

"Brat, I am still here today.���Because of what happened in the past, I often feel sad"

"If you give me a Spring and Autumn Cicada, I probably won’t be able to control myself and will try my best to go back to the past!"

"The same is true for the Red Lotus Demon Lord"

"And this is exactly what makes Fang Yuan so terrifying!"

"He is very clear-headed and knows what he needs!"

"Since those things have passed, there is no need to affect him anymore!"

"Iron Mind"

"Little boy, remember what you saw today!"

"In the future, we will enter the vast world"

"Remember, you can remember things you regret! But don't let regrets stop you from moving forward!"

Looking at Yao Lao's serious expression,

Xiao Yan also nodded heavily.


Yes! Teacher , I remember it!

"Nezha, have you realized it?"

In the Golden Light Cave, looking at a wisp of Yuanshen floating in front of him,

Taiyi Zhenren waved his whisk and spoke loudly.

"Master, what did I realize?"

"I never regretted killing that evil dragon! Now, I am willing to sacrifice my life to save the people."

"The people of Chentangguan are safe and sound, remembering my kindness"

"What is there to regret?"

The soul turned into a little child.

With red lips and white teeth.

Although there was a sad look between his eyebrows, he still spoke very stubbornly after hearing the question from Taiyi Zhenren.

"Silly boy"

"I dare to be your master, don't I know what you are thinking?"

"The Dragon Kings of the Four Seas are forcing you to commit suicide with the lives of the people."

"Your father turned a blind eye"

"The cause of this incident was all due to a small evil dragon in the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea."

"If it were me, I would also be furious." (To read exciting novels, go to Flylu Novel Network!)

Seeing that Nezha was so"hard-mouthed" at such a young age,

Taiyi Zhenren spoke calmly. His words made Nezha burst into tears!

"disciple...I regret it! But I understand what the master means!"[]

"The past cannot be undone"

"If you indulge in this regret"

"That would be a waste of Master’s kindness in rescuing me!"

"If the disciple is resurrected"

"We must let go of the hatred of the past that has dissipated with the wind and work hard on our cultivation!"

""To seek the great way!"

The wandering soul looked up at the sky.

Seeing Fang Yuan who had refined the regret poison in an instant, he stopped crying.

After saying that, he dived into the lotus body that Taiyi Zhenren had prepared long ago.


"God wants you to suffer this disaster"

"You cannot disobey, but if you cling to the past, as the sins of killing pile up, even your master cannot save you."

"Now, I can realize this truth"

"I am very pleased."

After saying that, Taiyi Zhenren made hand gestures and chanted a spell.

He glanced at the sky.

He was secretly delighted.

Nezha had a grudge, which was extremely bad for his soul.

Originally, Taiyi Zhenren was still distressed.

But now, with Fang Yuan's deeds of never regretting the past in front of him, he saved himself a lot of effort!

"We are the people who practice Taoism"

"We should all be like Fang Yuan, seeking the truth with all our heart."

"Who cares about grudges!"

"Just the word"no regrets""

"Poor Dao also benefited a lot..."

Gu World

"So, this is why Honglian and the others chose you...."

"Not only because of the complete outer demon"

"It’s not just because of persistence!"

"Holding the regret poison, but not wavering at all"

"No wonder you can still jump up and become a chess player despite being chased and blocked by heaven and controlled by fate!"

Xingxiu naturally knew how many"backhands" of the venerables there were in Fang Yuan....

It can be said that Xingxiu even once thought that the destruction of the fate Gu was the result of the joint efforts of other venerables, and Fang Yuan just happened to become this chess piece.

But now seeing Fang Yuan refining the regret Gu so easily with his own eyes.

Before that, he was able to conquer the countercurrent river, showing unparalleled persistence.

Xingxiu had to admit it. Even without the help of the venerables.

As long as Fang Yuan is still alive, as long as his goal has not changed.

No matter how the will of heaven manipulates,

Fang Yuan will definitely move forward step by step towards the goal of destroying fate!

Without the regret Gu.

He will also try his best to find other means to destroy fate!

This is Fang Yuan!

And what is more shocking than Xingxiu Xianzun.

Naturally, it is the other Gu Immortals!

In their eyes.

The venerables are high above and almost omnipotent!

If every venerable becomes an immortal, the heaven will be unshakable. If it is a demon, then a war that is casually set off will also sweep countless Gu Immortals into it!

But now, they have discovered that the venerables are also human!

Honglian would be sentenced to leave the Heavenly Court because of regret and defy fate, and Le Tu would also regret and not want to directly contact the Regret Gu!

The most terrifying thing is that

Fang Yuan, who is not even a Venerable, can refine the Regret Gu so easily, as if it is just an ordinary Gu worm!

Such a mentality! Such means!

"No wonder the Great Love Immortal Venerable, who was only an eighth-turn immortal, was able to mobilize the four realms to attack the Heavenly Court! Whether in terms of planning or determination, the Great Love Immortal Venerable was so terrifying!"

"You can't be an enemy of such a person! That's simply a nightmare!"

"How dare the little heaven slander such a ruthless person before! It's simply courting death!"

"The Immortal Venerable regrets, but I don't! Throughout history, I'm afraid I won't find such a person!"

"No wonder the venerables chose the Immortal Lord of Great Love as the one who could destroy fate! If it were me, I would definitely choose the Immortal Lord without hesitation!"

"Hahaha, you say, if the people in the Heavenly Court knew that Lord Red Lotus Demon Venerable had chosen a person who dared to hold the regret Gu to destroy fate, would they dare to resist?"

For a time, countless Gu Immortals became the followers of the Great Love Immortal Venerable.

The power of the Great Love Alliance of Heaven and Earth was growing rapidly!

"Holy shit! Does Fang Yuan really not regret anything about his past? Is he still a human being?"

"Even the Red Lotus Immortal Venerable was almost mad because of regret. I thought that someone like Fang Yuan would also be tortured by regret and pain! Now, Fang Yuan showed off to me!"

"I lost some money yesterday and I was so heartbroken that I couldn't breathe.���Faced with so many desperate situations, and with the Spring and Autumn Cicada in his hand, he could make up for his regrets at any time, but he didn't even feel any regret. This is too cruel!"

"Brother! I know you are a ruthless person who dares to gamble with your life and dares to stick to it even when there is no hope. But I didn't expect that you don't even have the emotion of regret!"

"I am more and more curious now, what exactly did Fang Yuan go through in his previous life for five hundred years that allowed him to develop such a style of behavior!"

Everyone who saw Fang Yuan casually pick up the regret Gu and then refine it directly was now standing there in a daze.

After a long time, they came back to their senses from the shock!

Everyone has regrets. After seeing what the Red Lotus Demon Lord had experienced, many people actually put themselves in his shoes and thought about it.

But no matter who it is, no one dares to say that they can have no regrets and will not be affected at all!

It is precisely because of this that even though people have repeatedly overestimated Fang Yuan's determination, they still believe that Fang Yuan will at least be"controlled" by the regret Gu for a period of time, and it is possible that the Red Lotus Demon Lord will need some assistance. Only then can they break free.

Especially when people think that Fang Yuan actually has the ability to redeem himself, this feeling of shock becomes even stronger.

Having means of redemption will only encourage the growth of regret!

But Fang Yuan's feat at the moment is really overturning the table!

What regret!

These two words are not written in the dictionary at all!

Thinking of this, many people silently prayed for the enemy who was about to face Fang Yuan. No matter how fierce and fierce you are.

Can you be more cruel than Fang Yuan who held the regret Gu in his hand and refined it in an instant?

At the same time.

In the light curtain, Fang Yuan, who refined the regret Gu, overturned the The first fateful battle!

Although it failed in the end due to the strong performance of Lord Long.

But the plans of the venerables also broke out at this moment!

Going back to the past with Chunqiu Bicheng.

Fang Yuan made another plan.

After careful planning, the second fateful battle finally succeeded in destroying fate!

From then on, there are more variables in the world!

People's fate will no longer be controlled by fate!

The five domains of east, west, south, north and center are united, and a great era begins!

After that.

The battle of the crazy cave!

In order to pursue immortality, Wuji Demon Venerable showed his madness to the fullest!

Xingxiu Immortal Venerable, as the Immortal Venerable of Wisdom, planned and laid out, Fang Yuan and Ju Yang were trapped in the gate of life and death, fighting with the ghosts.

Countless lives were involved in this war. The sub-immortals could only barely save their lives, and the Gu Immortals of the major forces suffered heavy losses!

The battle reached a fever pitch!

Fang Yuan joined forces with the Immortal Lord of Happy Land, and led his men to fight against the Immortal Lord of Stars and the Immortal Lord of Ju Yang.

But what people didn't expect was that when the Immortal Lord of Happy Land was severely injured, Fang Yuan, who seemed to be going to rescue him, suddenly made a move at the last moment and killed the Immortal Lord of Happy Land! The two Immortal Lords were unscrupulous, and Happy Land was Fang Yuan's only hope! But Fang Yuan killed this hope with his own hands!

"Fang Yuan! Are you crazy?"


Without Lord Le Tu, how can we fight against Shuang Zun Wan!".

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