No one could have imagined that at this critical moment of the war, Fang Yuan would attack his own people! The situation was obviously critical, even if he was a madman, he should have risked his life to help the Immortal Lord Le Tu!


No one could answer this question!

Even the two Immortal Lords Xingxiu and Juyang were stunned in place,"shocked" by Fang Yuan's actions!

In the eyes of everyone who was in disbelief, confusion and shock.

Fang Yuan, who was standing there, finally stopped hiding his aura!

"It's very simple, I will become a Venerable!"

No one could have thought!

Without making a sound! Fang Yuan, who seemed to be struggling and could only rely on the Paradise and the Countercurrent Protective Seal to fight against the two Venerables, actually passed the barrier that countless Gu Immortals dreamed of without making a sound!

At this moment, everyone was shocked!

Xingxiu and Juyang Immortal Venerable did not notice it, the Gu Immortals present did not notice it, and even Fang Yuan's own clone did not notice it! He has been patient and lurking all the time! Even if he already has enough means to fight against the Venerables, Never exposed!

It was not until the last moment of this battle that the trump card was revealed! He also firmly grasped the victory of this battle!

Insidious, cunning, and forbearing!

Fang Yuan, who had been hiding until this time, was not inferior to the two masters!

He ignored Ju Yang who tried his best to expose his concealed layout, and chanted in front of all the Gu Immortals present. He said loudly!

I knew that the world was difficult at an early age, but I still wanted to fly among the clouds. I was like a piece of cotton in the cold wind, and I was alone in the ups and downs of the sea of life.

Thousands of grindings and thousands of blows to forge iron, and I worked hard to forge one Sword.

Today, the sword points to the overlapping clouds, refining Gu, refining people, and refining the sky!

The war was announced to end at the moment when Fang Yuan became a Venerable!

There is no doubt that every force participating in this war suffered a great blow, even Fang Yuan, who was promoted to Venerable, also suffered heavy losses!

But compared to the losses.

Fang Yuan endured the overall situation of"May 13" and revealed his trump card in one day! It also made him earn crazy rewards!

And the most important gain.

From now on, he went from being a chess piece, letting the Venerable manipulate him, to officially picking up the chessboard and becoming a chess player!

From then on, he can lay out the world and dominate the five domains in an upright manner.

The history of the human race and the history of the aliens have to record his name.

So far, he has stood shoulder to shoulder with the top ten sages, like the sun, shining through the ages!

No matter how heroic the other Gu Immortals are, they are all stars!

Gu Yue Fang Yuan!

The eleventh Venerable in the Gu World. A demon cultivator who became a Venerable by refining the Tao.

According to the title promoted by the Heavenly Court and Changshengtian - the Demon Lord of Refining the Sky!

Fighting the World

"Refining Gu refines people and also refines heaven"

"Although I already knew Fang Yuan's character, it was inevitable that he would reach the top."

"But now seeing it with my own eyes, it’s still a little hard to believe!"

"I still remember how he escaped from the pursuit of the hundred families and flew into the sky like a bird without feet."


"Perseverance leads to the top"

""Stinky boy, when you encounter something in the future, remember to think more about how Fang Yuan did it."

In the picture,

Fang Yuan was full of vigor and vitality! He no longer looked embarrassed as he was being chased before!

Seeing him standing proudly in front of the two masters,

Yao Lao couldn't help but sigh.

Then he said

"Don't worry, teacher! I will always keep it in mind!"

"I dare not say that I can persist as terribly as Fang Yuan."

"But disciples will never give up easily!"

"I just didn't expect that even in such a big battle, Fang Yuan would hide so deeply, and only reveal his trump card at the critical moment. This is too patient."

Xiao Yan said respectfully.

Recalling the disbelief of many Gu Immortals when Fang Yuan"revealed" his trump card.

And the analysis of Juyang Immortal Venerable Xingxiu Immortal Venerable.

In the previous battle, Fang Yuan, even though he could easily fight, still tried his best to conceal his own situation, just for the last blow.

His face was full of admiration.

If it were him, Xiao Yan.

If he was 80% sure, he would definitely rush up and fight the enemy head-on.

By the way, he would make a breakthrough in the battle!

Then he would say it was a fluke after killing the enemy.

"Don't force yourself to endure this kind of thing."

"Fang Yuan was able to endure being hit by various killing moves without resisting, and was placed in a dangerous place, suppressing his temper and enduring"

"This kind of fighting style cannot be learned easily."

"After all, this is dancing on the edge of a knife."

"There is always the risk of capsizing."

Yao Lao was naturally very impressed by Fang Yuan's forbearance.

But he did not remind Xiao Yan to be careful, because, for a fighter, bloodiness comes first.

If you want to hide everything, you can't say for sure that at the critical moment, before you can reveal your trump card, it will be over!

"The disciples understand"

"When fighting with others, one must be brave and courageous. However, this hidden card"

"I think it is worth learning."

"In the future, when you are caught off guard in a fight with someone"

"This is definitely a good way to defeat the strong with the weak!" Xiao Yan chuckled.

"I ask you"

"What did you learn from Fang Yuan's becoming a venerable?"

In the garden,

Qin Shi Huang, who had a rare leisure time, brought Fu Su with him. The father and son watched the battle in the Crazy Demon Cave together.

Just after Fang Yuan's voice fell,

Qin Shi Huang turned his eyes and looked at Fu Su and asked

"Those who want to achieve great things"

"Don't be bound by the gains and losses of the moment"

"If Fang Yuan couldn't help being sent into danger and took the initiative to attack, he would expose his trump card. If he couldn't help resisting, his cultivation would also be exposed."

"It's because he endured everything."

"Until the most critical moment, he chose to reveal his trump card, so that he could win a great victory with his own strength!"

Fusu arrived���He was well educated. After just a moment's thought, he understood what Qin Shi Huang meant and said respectfully:


"It is the word"forbearance" that is easier said than done."

"If I had not been patient enough and had not sat idly by and watched Lu Buwei control the government, which eventually caused dissatisfaction among the Qin royal family and ministers, how could I have easily wiped out Lu Buwei's power?"

"The most important thing for a ruler is not to let others see your thoughts."

"You can't let people guess your cards."

"Your Heart is as Deep as the Abyss"

"You must remember this."

Qin Shihuang was very satisfied with Fusu's answer.

Then, he changed the subject.

"In addition, patience alone is not enough, you must learn to be decisive!"

"A ruler must be upright, but he must also understand that everything he does is for the sake of the world! As long as it is for the sake of the world, any sacrifice is necessary!"

"Fang Yuan used the Land of Joy as a defense, but when the time came for him to die, he would do it without hesitation."

"In the future, I don't want you to be vicious and cruel."

"But you have to be willing to take action!"

"Anyone who is detrimental to our Great Qin will be killed!"

"After returning"

"Think more about what happened to Shang Jun and Wu An Jun. You can feel guilty, but you can't hesitate!"

After that,

Qin Shi Huang stood up and left.

Only Fusu, whose back was already wet with cold sweat, was left standing there, muttering to himself with a pale face.

"if...What if it’s a younger brother?"

"if...And me?"

"Anyone can be killed...

To be an emperor, must one be so cruel?

"It is said that on that day, the supreme beings from the six life forbidden areas came together"

"The old Immortal Emperor attacked again."

"Ye Zi was seriously injured, Xiao Song was trembling, and the Holy Prince was so anxious that his hair fell off!" (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"At the critical moment, it is still the emperor who takes action"

"Facing many supreme"

"Reciting poetry"

"I knew at an early age that life was difficult, so the Emperor Wu Shi was at ease.[]

I have worked so hard to forge the iron, and I have spent so much energy to forge the sword.

Now I point my claws at the clouds, and I will treat you as my favorite!"

"The voice fell"

"Several supreme beings cried bitterly, trembled, and fell in front of this emperor, begging this emperor to accept them."


Because the descendants of the Holy Prince were bored with a few juniors in the Heavenly Court, they were allowed to leave the Heavenly Court and wander around Beidou.

As the second generation of the Heavenly Court, this group of youngsters were led by Heihuang and Huahua to travel around Beidou.

After arriving at the holy land of the Ji family,

Heihuang stayed because of the Ji family's cordial invitation.

Surrounded by the juniors who clamored to hear stories, Heihuang immediately processed the story of Ye Tiandi's second life in his later years, and told it in a very exaggerated way.

The eyes of the group of juniors who listened to it were shining.

Everyone wanted to bow down!

"...Is there a basic law for storytelling?"

"in addition...The story plot was copied, so why was the poem copied as well?"

"If Fang Yuan didn't read poetry"

"You can't imagine it, can you?"

Huahua was speechless.

While complaining, she couldn't help but feel sad, why did she have to draw the lottery and follow Hei Huang on this trip?

Now, she has to endure mental torture!

"Bah! No respect for elders!"

"How do I talk to my uncle? Even if Amitabha comes, he has to praise my good writing skills."

"How dare you complain about me!"

The Black Emperor gave Hua Hua a sidelong glance.

Without even thinking, he slapped her smooth head with his claws, making a clanging sound.

"no...Uncle Master, do you really have no bottom line now?"

"If the Saint Prince's uncle knew that you taught his child this way,

Hua Hua felt very aggrieved, but she did not dare to resist the Black Emperor.

She could only point at the little monkey and say

"What are you afraid of?"

"You only saw Fang Yuan forbearing and becoming a master, shocking the world"

"But they don't know that I also have a trump card in my hand. Let alone the Saint Prince, even if Ye Zi is in front of me, as long as I take out my trump card, he will have to kneel down and beg for mercy!"

The Black Emperor snorted coldly.

He put on an attitude of looking down on the world......

Before he finished speaking, a hand was already touching the back of his neck.


"I don't know if we have followed the Black Emperor of the Wu Shi Great Emperor."

"What's your trump card?"

Ye Tiandi, who had arrived at some point, pressed down with his big hand as he spoke.


After a while

"Hey, wake up! Don't die!"

""Accidentally" Ye Tiandi slapped Hei Huang's face with great force, trying to wake him up.

"Amitabha, the infinite celestial being"

"Uncle Heihuang, so this is your trump card?"

"The Emperor of Heaven would bow down and beg"

"It really lives up to its reputation."

Hua Hua chanted the Buddha's name.

She had to force herself not to laugh out loud.

"This is good! This is good! So there is such a way!"

"Why didn't I think of it before?"

After watching Fang Yuan

's battle in the Crazy Cave and all the hidden tricks,

Han Lao Mo's eyes lit up!

In the past, when he went to a dungeon, he would protect his teammates in front of him, and he also liked to hide some tricks. Naturally, he didn't like Fang Yuan, a ruthless character who would rush forward to gamble his life when he encountered a desperate situation.

After all, this style of behavior was not quite in line with his own.

But now, seeing Fang Yuan's shocking operation after revealing his style, it touched Han Lao Mo's heart!

Usually, you should be a little bit cowardly.

That's to save your life! It's right!

But what if you are the best in the world? If you are already the best cultivator in the future, do you still need to be called Li Feiyu? How is it possible! Then you must go around the world with your real name and show your saintliness in front of people!

"That's right! This is the model for how monks of my generation should act!"

"Hide yourself and let the enemy relax their vigilance"

"Give a fatal blow at the critical moment!"

"If there is no factor that can threaten you!"

"Then show it openly and show off your prowess in front of others!"

"Daoist Fang Yuan, I have misunderstood you before! It turns out that we are actually fellow Daoists!"

At this moment,

Han Lao Mo felt that the separation between the worlds was nothing!

After all, even if they were separated by two worlds,

Fang Yuan and himself had very similar reactions in the"absolutely safe" situation!

This is fate!


"Now, Fellow Daoist Fang Yuan is probably already successful and famous."

"Known as the Demon Lord Lian Tian"

"Respected by the world"

"I still have a long way to go"

"However, Fellow Daoist Fang Yuan, I will remember the persistence and forbearance you demonstrated by setting an example yourself!"

"Wait until one day I reach the peak of the immortal road"

""I must follow your example! Shock the world!"

At this moment,

Han Lao Mo happily imagined himself reaching the pinnacle of the world of immortal cultivation.

He no longer needed to walk around with an alias, but could openly announce his own name!


"What poem will I recite then?"

"The Demon Lord of Refining Heaven! What a fitting title! Fang Yuan has been an undisputed peerless demon all along! He became a master through practicing Taoism. Even Fang Yuan himself would not refute such a title!"

"Fang Yuan's ambition is truly terrifying, as he is not only refining the Gu, but also refining the heavens!"

"If there is a chance in the future, I have no doubt that Fang Yuan will really refine the so-called Heavenly Dao!"

"A big battle, Fang Yuan was too patient to reveal his trump card until the end! If I had the strength to step into the ninth level, I would definitely not be able to endure until the end, I would break through in the middle and then act big!"

"So you are not Fang Yuan! In addition, when Fang Yuan broke through, Xingxiu and Juyang Xianzun were still a little unconvinced. Why did their faces change drastically when Fang Yuan recited a poem?"

"Hmm? Now that you put it that way, does it mean that to break through in the Gu World, one must not only improve their cultivation, but also recite poems to reveal their state of mind?"

"How could there be such a weird world?"

"Why is it impossible! Don't forget, when Fang Yuan was refining the Immortal Journey, he also recited a poem!"

Compared to the previous situation where Fang Yuan seemed to be in a desperate situation wherever he went, and had to pay all kinds of prices to escape.

The battle in the Crazy Demon Cave and the scene of chanting poems to become a Venerable really made the creatures excited!

Who hasn't dreamed of showing off in front of people?

And Fang Yuan's battle can be said to have performed the"climax" scene to the fullest! From Fang Yuan's perspective, it was really too cool!

However, at the same time, some creatures noticed some strange places. They began to study secretly in private.

They were ready to wait for their turn to show off in the future.

They also learned from Fang Yuan and chanted a poem to shock the heroes!

At the same time,

Fang Yuan in the light curtain returned to the East China Sea. Because he had become a Venerable, the monks who had interacted with Fang Yuan before racked their brains to think about their relationship with Fang Yuan.

After all, although he was a Venerable, Fang Yuan's enemies were two Venerables.

At the same time, Fang Yuan himself was also a cultivator of the magic path, which made people worry!.

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