“Is there a problem?” Julie was surprised and said.

In Angelina Jolie’s opinion, Laura, the woman who looks like her in front of her, looks more and more like the characters in “Tomb Raider”.

That’s why she brought the other party to her home and wanted to know more about each other. As for the charity banquet, I no longer have the heart to participate.

“Julie, the stills you said… Which movie is it? Laura asked with a solemn expression.

At the same time, Laura had a bad premonition in her heart… Laura couldn’t imagine what if this premonition of hers was true? How should she face all this!

“Tomb Raider…! Laura, you wouldn’t have seen this movie I played, would you? Julie was even more curious in her heart and looked at Laura with solemn eyes.

“Tomb Raider! I haven’t seen it, but if you have the opportunity, be sure to check it out. “Laura is silent, deep down, but she really wants to watch the movie Tomb Raider.

“Laura, it’s easy!” Julie turned on the TV and searched for Tomb Raider movies by voice… Play……

Tomb Raider 1 movie plot… Initially, Lara fights a robot inside a man-made pyramid tomb.

“Hmm…” Laura looked shocked… This is an image of her training not long ago… Was she secretly photographed? Or… Cinematic images…?

Plot development… Laura was more and more surprised by the plot that happened later, she had not experienced … But the plot is all about finding the magic triangle! Moreover, the boss of the Illuminati has also appeared!

“Julie, the movie is very good!” After the movie played, Laura looked calm.

But Julie found that the expressions of the five women, Laura, Giselle, Millie, Liz, and Sophia, were a little solemn.

Julie’s heart was very puzzled…”It can’t be a character in a movie… Is it a clone? Deliberately hyped…! They want to enter the entertainment industry! And their behind-the-scenes boss may be related to that oriental man? ”

Julie is also a brain hole opener… But I can’t believe Laura, they are the characters in the movie!

“Well, Giselle, have you seen Fast and Furious?” Julie asked tentatively.

“Fast and Furious…?” Giselle was shocked, and his face did not change.

“Yes, Fast and Furious!” Julie plays Fast and Furious movies.

It’s Fast & Furious 6… Giselle is dead…

“How so?” Giselle was unwilling to believe in her final fate.

“Giselle, are you all right?” Julie asked.

And Julie’s heart became more and more alarmed… However, Julie still doesn’t want to believe that they are all characters in the movie.

Explain with everything… Clones? Or is it a facelift? But the movie characters… Something weird!

“Well, Ms. Julie, keep playing the Foresight Movie Wang Chen suddenly spoke.

“What people?” Julie was startled, and there was a man talking, as if it was the oriental man before.

However, why don’t you see the figure of the other party?

“Wang Chen, are you saying that I am also…?” Liz was surprised when she heard that she foresaw the future.

Liz knows everything!

Wang Chen has the ability to foresee the future!

“Hmm!” Suddenly, Liz’s gummy body trembled, and Wang Chen suddenly put his arm around her.

“Ms. Liz, are you all right?” Julie noticed something was wrong with Liz.

“Well, it’s okay! It’s the king by my side! He spoke.

“Impossible. Why can’t I see? Julie’s face changed to amazement.

Laura suddenly spoke, “Julie, don’t worry! Think of him as a transcendent man with God-like divine powers. ”

“Extraordinary people… You guys…… Are they really all movie characters? “Julie has made a lot of movies, but now telling her that the women in front of her are movie characters is hard for her to accept and believe.

“Hey, Ms. Julie, hurry up and play Foreseeing the Future!” Wang Chen spoke again.

Julie hesitated and played the movie Foresight the Future… Fast forward playing… Unless Liz called a halt… After playing, foreseeing the future… Play Mind Transmitter…

My God!

“Impossible…” Millie and Sophia looked at each other, they were also characters in the movie… Is this possible?

Aren’t they real?

“Hey guys, you’re all real! I’ve heard of parallel worlds. The world you live in is a parallel world of the Overworld! Wang Chen spoke.

“Parallel worlds… The multiverse…” Laura frowned.

Laura has experienced many supernatural events and believes in myths and legends.

Therefore, among these women, only Laura is the calmest!

At the same time, Laura was also very surprised in her heart, it turned out that the mysterious oriental man Wang Chen had mastered the ability to enter the multiverse world!

What kind of existence is he?

Is it really a god?

God-like existence!?

Wang Chen suddenly appeared…

“Oh, God! Invisible…” Julie covered her mouth, unbelievable, the oriental man has really been invisible.

I was surprised to arrive before, but now I see it with my own eyes, and I am even more surprised and unbelievable…

“Hey, Julie… This is our fate! So, you should understand the next days, right? Wang Chen looked at Hollywood movie star Angelina Jolie and said with a smile.

“Mr.Wang, this is a secret that belongs to God, even if I say it, people will only think that I am crazy!” Julie panicked a little and said.

Julie had a hunch of a bad ending!

But Wang Chen smiled and said, “OH. It’s okay, you really don’t need to be nervous!” Dear Ms. Julie, do you want to get back to everything about women? Do you want eternal youth forever 203? Do you want to live forever? These, in the near future, I can give you! However, you have to go to live in Moonlight Castle! ”


But good-natured captivity!

Julie hesitated!

As a smart woman, Julie knows that like an oriental man with unfathomable abilities in front of her, there must be a way for her to disappear into this world unknowingly!

But the other party gave her a choice!

“Do I still have a choice?” Julie asked rhetorically.

“You have no choice! However, it will be very soon, and you will be free again! It’s just that when the time comes, you will beg me to live in the moonlight castle~! Wang Chen looked at Julie with a smile and said.

“Moonlight Castle, what is that place?” Liz asked curiously.

As for the fact that she is a movie character, Liz thinks it’s nothing. In this world, there is even the ability to foresee the future and teleport, let alone gods, or parallel universes!

Existence is truth!

“You mean that on that desert island, there is a moonlight castle…? That wizard on a magic broomstick is you…? Laura suddenly looked at the oriental man on the side with strange eyes.

How much god-like supernatural power does he hold?

The magicians have appeared!

“Magic Magic Broom… Are you a magician? Angelina Jolie was surprised and said. _

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