Giselle said, “He’s still a S.H.I.E.L.D. inspector.” ”

“It’s a teleporter!” Millie, Dao.

“Foreseeing the future…” said Liz.

“Time Keepers…” said Laura.

Julie feels that her brain is messy, and these abilities are all abilities in the movie world…

“Wang Chen, I really doubt that you are God!” Laura said suddenly.

“Laura, I’m not God! But it’s no different from God! Oh yes! Do I still have to attend the banquet? Wang Chen asked.

The women looked at each other, Giselle, and said, “Is Gal Gadot here too?” I really want to meet her! ”

“Is Hollywood actor Christine here?”

“What about Rachel?”

“Honey, can I meet Jessica?” Liz, Dao.

“Well, you guys are going to meet, I have no objection! However, they will need to live in Moonlight Castle just like Julie! Wang Chen said with a smile.

“There are more women, it will be very troublesome!” Laura suddenly spoke.

All the women understood what Laura meant… As for Milly, she had long understood… Wang Chen strengthened her when he saw her… How could Wang Chen let these women go.

“Laura, I’m not afraid of trouble!” Suddenly, Wang Chen’s figure shook and appeared directly next to Laura…

“You…” Laura tried to resist, but found herself suddenly taken inside a castle…

Next…… Laura found that Wang Chen had disappeared… The next second, Julie appeared inside the castle… Liz, Giselle, Millie, Sophia and other women also appeared.

“Oh God! Is this Moonlight Castle? It’s like a castle in a fairy tale, it’s so beautiful! Sophia exclaimed.

“Look, there’s a talking tree here in the castle…” Millie was surprised.

“Is this a ghost? Pumpkin Ghost…”Julie…

“God, why is this little girl standing on a flower pot?” Lizzie……

“Pixiu… Jin Pixiu…”Giselle…


Emerald Toad… Jumped past the women.

Julie, in particular, was shocked by everything in front of her… It’s a magical castle… She made a movie about “The Sleeping Curse”.

Laura was the most calm.

Wang Chen was very satisfied with Laura’s performance. Of all the women, only Laura is well-informed.

Of course, Laura is in the world of Tomb Raider, and she naturally sees more strange things!

“Mr.Wang, did you create this castle with the magic plants you built? Is this another magical world? “Julie is a film and television actress, sleeping curse, so Julie is also the most shocking… It turns out that the characters in the movie, and the magician exist!

At the same time, Julie, as a person who is plagued by illness, also wants to get a healthy body!

The magic is enough to bring Ichi back to health!

“Ms. Julie, wouldn’t it be fun if I told you everything! So Ms. Julie, everything needs to be slowly understood! Wang Chen looked at Julie and spoke.

Julie was stunned, the other party really wanted to imprison her here!

It’s just that Julie suddenly feels that living in Moonlight Castle is also very good. Everything in the world has tired her. It may be lucky in life to have such a fairytale world-like life experience!

“Wang Chen, can we still go back?” Giselle suddenly opened her mouth and asked.

For her own world, Giselle has nostalgia.

Members of the speeding party, just like family.

“Of course! You can return to your world whenever I want! Wang Chen spoke.


Laura looked at him.

At the same time, Julie was full of surprise, looking at the mysterious oriental man… There really is another movie world!

“Everyone, the charity banquet is still to be attended! I brought you here just to let you know that this is your other home from now on! Wang Chen said, activating the teleporter ability.

In the blink of an eye, everyone appeared in Julie’s villa again.

“Oh, God! It was the most magical day I’ve ever experienced! Julie sighed and said.

Julie knew very well in her heart that she couldn’t tell anyone everything she had experienced before.

The oriental man Wang Chen who was watching her must have thousands of magical magical abilities that would make her disappear into this world… There must also be magic that seduces the world.

Wang Chen saw Julie’s inner thoughts from Julie’s eyes… At the same time, the ability to foresee the future is used… For the next few days, Liz will be with Julie… Julie is a smart woman…

“Mr.Wang, their appearance at the charity banquet will definitely attract the attention of the media! Mr.Wang, have you thought about it? Julie spoke.

“Ms. Julie, your worries are superfluous! There are many people in this world who look the same! Do you think anyone would like to believe that they are movie characters? Wang Chen looked at Julie and said.

“Yes. I didn’t want to believe it before! But there will be doubts! “Julie, Dao.

“If anyone is not smart, I don’t mind letting his family be destroyed!” Wang Chen said indifferently.

But Julie listened, and began to mourn several times for those who would provoke the oriental man in front of her in the future.

In fact, Wang Chen will naturally arrange Liz and Julie together, as long as Liz is by whose side, he Wang Chen can prepare in advance by foreseeing the future!

“Wang Chen, I just want to go back to visit my father!” Laura said suddenly.

Her father should still be alive!

After all, Wang Chen had used time to go back in time and gave her father a devil fruit!

“Giselle, let’s go together. Liz, you accompany Julie and them. Wang Chen said, his mind opened the virtual interface, and the scene of the world of “Tomb Raider” appeared in front of him, and then took Laura and Liz together to activate the teleporter ability.


Directly (good) disappeared in front of Julie, Liz, Millie, Sophia, their eyes~!

Julie stood in place, the shock in her heart, unable to calm the dragon for a long time.

And Wang Chen took Giselle to Laura’s castle.

Laura saw the familiar castle environment and looked at Wang Chen, “Wang, can you know my father’s whereabouts?” ”

“Sorry. Give your father the Devil Fruit, and your father should be able to escape! Now, I’ll take you somewhere! Wang Chen spoke.

“What place?” Laura’s expression changed slightly… Tomb Raider 2 plot, she has seen some before, but has not finished it. Julie’s phone was still in her hand.

“Laura, you should have secretly seen Tomb Raider 2! That’s right, it’s where Pandora’s box is hidden! Wang Chen, Dao.

“Pandora’s box, what is that?” Giselle asked in surprise.

Sounds a bit like the Pandora’s box in ancient Greek legend!? _

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