The two of them were married, and the two of them were married.

Yin Lihua was the white moonlight in Liu Xiu's heart!

She was magnanimous and kind, and was very suitable to be the queen!

As a result, Yin Lihua did a big job!

She said that Guo Shengtong's family had contributed to Liu Xiu's enthronement, and she also gave birth to a son.

Whether it was for national stability or power transfer, Guo Shengtong should be the queen!

So, for a man, is it more important to be the original wife who fell in love at first sight, or the woman who suffered together?

It should be unlikely that Liu Xiu had no feelings for Guo Shengtong at all.

Although the encounter between Guo Shengtong and Liu Xiu was a political marriage with interests as the top priority, they had experienced wars together after all, and true love was revealed in adversity.

However, for Liu Xiu, Yin Lihua was irreplaceable.

Yin Lihua was the white moonlight that he fell in love with at first sight when he was young!

Guo Shengtong was the cinnabar mole who shared adversity with him!

Even if his love with Yin Lihua was passed down through the ages, there must have been a moment of hesitation!

Otherwise, he would not have had so many children with Guo Shengtong. He was really caught in the entanglement of red and white roses!

Yin Lihua withdrew from the competition for the queen and gave up the position of the wife, which was a very remarkable move in ancient times!

Because under the ancient system of primogeniture, the wife was in charge of the family power, and the son born by the wife had priority inheritance. This is the so-called primogeniture inheritance.

Chengquan, and after the death of the wife, she can be included in the genealogy, the Jin ancestral temple, and can be buried with her husband and many other rights.

Moreover, Liu Xiu had already proclaimed himself emperor at this time. In addition to being the mother of the country and the queen, the children born to the wife were also very likely to be the future prince and emperor.

Yin Lihua knew how much it would cost to give up the position of queen!

Liu Xiu knew it even better.

But at this time, the world had not yet been unified, and Liu Xiu had not yet seized the world, and the situation was still very complicated.

So Yin Lihua's move to give up the queen actually effectively appeased the political power of Guo Shengtong's faction in Liu Xiu's court, and Liu Xiu also avoided a fire in the backyard.

In order to compensate Yin Lihua, Liu Xiu made her a noble lady, the same as Guo Shengtong.

He also lavishly rewarded her family!

This made Yin Lihua's family's title in the Jianwu regime higher than Guo Shengtong's family!

It is said that in 26 AD, Liu Yang, who had his own army, wanted to rebel, but was killed by Liu Xiu.

In order to stabilize the situation, Liu Xiu made Guo Shengtong the queen and Liu Jiang the crown prince in the same year!

This was done to tell the royal family of Zhending that the emperor would not implicate Liu Yang's clansmen!

This was the best choice to ease the anxiety of the Wang clan of Zhending.

Although Guo Shengtong became the queen, she lost Liu Xiu's favor.

Then in 28 AD, Yin Lihua actually followed Liu Xiu to fight against the rebel general Peng Chong!

At this time, Yin Lihua was already pregnant, so why did Liu Xiu bring her with him?

Did he really not want to be separated for a moment? Or was he afraid that Lihua would have an accident?

We don't know why Liu Xiu did this.

We only know that Liu Xiu's army walked slower than a turtle!

Although it was not directly said that this was to take care of pregnant women, and historical records did not record any special circumstances of Liu Xiu.

Therefore, Liu Xiu's unusually slow march was mostly related to the presence of pregnant women in the army.

On May Jiashen, Yin Lihua gave birth to her eldest son Liu Yang in Yuanshi County. As soon as the baby was born, Liu Xiu loved him very much.

When Liu Xiu saw that the baby was rosy, he named him Liu Yang.

Moreover, Yin Lihua became more and more favored!

In the seventh year of Guo Shengtong's reign!

Liu Xiu brought up this matter again. The edict said very straightforwardly that Yin Lihua, who had the beauty of a mother, was the only choice for the queen!

And Queen Guo could become the queen because the noble Yin Lihua gave up!

This was a comfort to Yin Lihua, but an irony to Guo Shengtong.

At this time, Queen Guo was completely out of favor, and Liu Xiu also alienated her.

Later, the regime gradually stabilized, and the national strength of the Eastern Han Dynasty slowly recovered!

After Liu Xiu had established his position, he issued an edict in 41 AD saying that the queen was not virtuous and kind, and had the style of Empress Lü and Empress Huo, and abolished the position of the empress, and instead made Guo Shengtong the Queen Mother of Zhongshan!

Then he made his original wife Yin Lihua the queen.

Two years after Guo Shengtong was abolished, Crown Prince Liu Jiang also took the initiative to propose that he would not be the crown prince!

He was replaced by Yin Lihua's eldest son Liu Yang, who was later renamed

Called Liu Zhuang!

Objectively speaking, Guo Shengtong did nothing wrong!

The reason why she is not as good as Yin Lihua is that she cannot occupy Liu Xiu's heart all the time.

Facts have proved that Yin Lihua is indeed worthy of this long-delayed position of queen!

Throughout the ages, it is a big deal for the emperor to depose the queen and replace the prince!

Generally, it will cause a lot of trouble, and some will even be bloody!

But after Yin Lihua became the queen, not only did she not cause any deaths, but even the deposed former queen Guo Shengtong and former prince Liu Jiang were able to live out their lives in peace.

This shows that Yin Lihua's character is very good, so Emperor Guangwu Liu Xiu would evaluate her as elegant and kind, with the beauty of a mother.

From here we can also see the general image of Yin Lihua, who is kind, gentle and generous, and has no jealousy common among women in the harem.

Yin Lihua's life experience is too legendary. Not only did she experience the pain of separation from her husband during the war!

She also experienced the ups and downs of the dynasty, suffered the grievances of being a concubine, and also had the highlight moments of entering the palace.

But no matter whether it was good times or bad times, setbacks or success, Yin Lihua's mentality was particularly stable.

Among Liu Xiu's women, she was always the one who supported Liu Xiu the most and understood him the most.

So other imperial harems were fighting for favor and fighting in the palace all day long, and the bloody storm, but Emperor Guangwu's harem was much warmer and more peaceful.

What's more valuable is that although Yin Lihua was the queen, she hardly interfered in the government.

After Liu Zhuang ascended the throne, Yin Lihua asked Liu Zhuang to enthrone the youngest daughter of General Fu Bo Ma Yuan as the queen!

Not only that, Yin Lihua also asked Liu Zhuang to treat the family of Queen Guo Shengtong and the Yin family, who had been abolished, equally!

Even the Guo family can be called the four surnames of the capital Luoyang together with the Fan family, Yin family, and Ma family.

In 64 AD, Yin Lihua, who had been in power for 24 years, died at the age of 60.

The filial Liu Zhuang buried her with Emperor Guangwu Liu Xiu in the mausoleum, and gave her the posthumous title of Guanglie. Yin Lihua became the first person in the Chinese history to be given the posthumous title of the empress.

Since then, the posthumous title of the empress was Emperor Shi Jia Benshi, which became a custom in successive dynasties and was used until the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, for 600 years.

Throughout the history books, Liu Xiu and Yin Lihua were extremely rare couples who could live a royal life as warm as an ordinary family!

This is almost unique among the royal family, which is the most ruthless.

So she deserves the title of virtuous queen!

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