The princess was very happy.

So, Dong Yan, the pretty boy, accompanied the princess out for fun during the day, and slept with her at night!

The servants also respectfully called Dong Yan "Mr. Dong".

In order to let Dong Yan see her good intentions for her, Princess Guantao even said!

"Dong Yan can spend the money in the princess's mansion however he wants, and none of you are allowed to talk about him behind his back!"

Even if he spent 1 million yuan a day, 100 kilograms of gold would use up 1,000 pieces of silk!

Under the sky!

The angry Emperor Wen of Han shouted that he was a spendthrift!

Even so, Princess Guantao still felt that she didn't give him enough!

You have to know that Dong Yan was only thirteen years old at that time!

His body was not fully developed yet, how could he withstand the oppression of Princess Guantao!

He almost died of exhaustion!

Looking at this handsome little boy, Princess Guantao still liked him!

At that time, her husband Chen Wu was still alive, so the two of them always called each other mother and son.

Later, Chen Wu died with a green grassland on his head, and the relationship between Princess Guantao and Dong Yan gradually became clear. At that time, Dong Yan was only 18 years old!

For a while, this abnormal love affair became known to everyone.

In order to give him a status and let Emperor Wu of Han recognize him, it took a lot of effort.

At that time, the Han emperor often went to the Wendi Temple to worship, and there was no place to rest on the way, which was very hard.

It happened that Princess Guantao had a palace called Changwen Garden, which was on the way to the Wendi Temple!

Emperor Wu of Han had been coveting this palace for a long time, so Princess Guantao took out this palace and asked Dong Yan to give it to Emperor Wu of Han first.

Then, while Emperor Wu of Han was happy, Princess Guantao made clear the relationship between the two. It is said that a man should be short-handed if he has taken someone's money, so how could Emperor Wu of Han, who had already accepted the palace, reject it?

So this princess became even more unscrupulous!

It is said that women are like wolves in their thirties and tigers in their forties, and Princess Guantao, who is over fifty, is even more like a wolf and a tiger!

Dong Yan died in his thirties!

After Dong Yan died, Princess Guantao was heartbroken!

And she asked her servants to bury her and Dong Yan together after her death.

They were happy in bed when they were alive, and they continued to be entangled after death!

[At this moment, I wonder how big Dong Yan's heart is! ]

[He was almost squeezed to death when he was alive, and he finally had peace after death! 】

【Who would have thought that Princess Guantao would not let him go even if she became a ghost! 】

People from all time and space were shocked and numb when they saw this scene!

Especially Confucius, he was so angry that he almost died, and he kept shouting: "It's immoral!"

In the Three Kingdoms period, Cao Cao was stunned when he saw Princess Guantao's face!

He saw Princess Guantao's attitude towards Dong Yan again, and he couldn't help but feel an impulse in his heart, and really wanted to say: "Young man, if you can't control it, let this prime minister do it!"

However, it's a pity that he is not Dong Yan.

He can't understand how much pressure Dong Yan is under!

The more Cao Cao looked at it, the more uncomfortable he felt, and he couldn't help but sigh:

"What a good wife! Why can't such a good thing happen to me?"

While he was regretful, he continued to stare at the screen, hoping to find a little comfort.

At this time, the sky curtain turned!

The narration also sounded!

[Although Princess Guantao lived a happy life in the first half of her life, her second half of her life was not so good, and even a little miserable! ]

[Princess Guantao lived a glorious life, and her daughter became the queen. Why do people say that she ended up a little miserable? ]

The reason why Princess Guantao lived a comfortable life in the first half of her life was mostly because she had a powerful backer. There were always people supporting her and cleaning up the mess, so she could do whatever she wanted.

But you have to pay for what you did.

When the backers fell, retribution came.

In 135 BC, Empress Dowager Dou, who favored Princess Guantao, died. Her biggest backer fell, and no one paid for her rudeness and willfulness.

And her proud daughter, Queen Chen Ajiao, also began to have problems.

Chen Ajiao had been married to Emperor Wu of Han for many years, but had never given birth, so Emperor Wu of Han began to favor Wei Zifu and soon had a child.

The jealous Chen Ajiao tried to save her relationship with Emperor Wu of Han, but it didn't work. Chen Ajiao was so angry that she invited a sorcerer to the palace to cast a curse on Wei Zifu.

Unfortunately, it was soon discovered by Emperor Wu of Han, who was furious and not only abolished her position as empress, but also put her under house arrest.

That is,

Commonly known as being banished to the cold palace!

Now the identity of the emperor's mother-in-law was gone, and Princess Guantao seemed to have been beaten back to her original form, and she kept a male favorite.

It had caused a lot of controversy, so her status was not as good as before.

The last straw that broke the camel's back was that Emperor Wu of Han was short of money. At that time, the treasury was emptied by years of war, and Emperor Wu of Han was poor!

So he turned his attention to these rich people.

Princess Guantao, who had always lived a luxurious life, naturally became his first target.

And Jiang Yun, who was sent by Emperor Wu of Han to handle this matter, was a "stubborn person"!

He didn't know how to adapt at all, and he did whatever the emperor asked me to do!

In this way, Princess Guantao was severely punished, and she was unhappy and her vitality was greatly damaged.

In 116 BC, Princess Guantao passed away sadly and was buried with her favorite male favorite Dong Yan!

This was probably the happiest thing for her in her later years.

Although Princess Guantao had a hard time in the last few years of her life!

But her first half of life can really be described as wonderful. She liked power and status, so she helped her daughter become the queen and helped her nephew sit on the throne.

She liked handsome guys, so she could risk the world's taboos and keep male favorites.

Although many of her things were criticized, she was willful and happy in her life.

At this time, the comments on the sky were floating one by one!

——"Princess Guantao has lived a clear life!"

——"I want it too! Sisters, I also want to have an 18-year-old little puppy when I am in my fifties!"

——"Sisters, I have chosen the object of time travel!"

——"If I were her, I would raise more than her! Hehehe!"



After reading her life, Princess Guantao at this time did not feel miserable, but felt that the ending was not bad!

Her life was worth it!

At least she lived a clear life for herself.

However, the story of Princess Guantao caused a great uproar in the Han Dynasty, and people talked about her behavior.

Princesses from different time and space looked at the bullet screen on the sky curtain, and some did not understand how people in later generations could have such thoughts!

Some also admired Princess Guantao, and even envied her, thinking that the bullet screen on the sky curtain was right!

"Why can men have three wives and four concubines, but they can't!"

"It's the first time for you men to be human, why can you men do it, but we women can't do it?"

(The humble author is asking for rewards online!)

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