The sky was full of excitement, but the scenery was very beautiful.

At this time, the picture on the sky curtain changed again!

A woman with a beautiful face, wearing a light veil and showing her long legs, and charming eyes appeared on the sky curtain!

The seductive eyes were drawn! The whole body was full of lustful temperament!

People who watch it can't stop!

At this time, the sky curtain narration also sounded!

[Do you think Princess Guantao is the limit? ]

[No, no, no, this one is the real limit. No one has been able to break her record for thousands of years! ]

[She is called the most promiscuous princess in history, a woman living on a mosaic, and her promiscuity is even inferior to the editor. 】

【Not only did she support more than 30 male lovers after marriage, she also used her power to satisfy her desires with her younger brother and uncle! 】

【She is Princess Shanyin Liu Chuyu. 】

【She promoted gender equality with her personal charm. What exactly made Princess Shanyin the most dissolute princess in history, and why she has been criticized for thousands of years? 】

【Today, let us walk into the life of Princess Shanyin Liu Chuyu and see how happy this Princess Shanyin is! 】

Under the sky!

Warring States Period.

Confucius just recovered and heard the sky say that Princess Shanyin was like this!

Confucius was so angry that he trembled all over. He pointed at the sky and shouted: "It's shameless! Such behavior is contrary to human ethics and justice!"

His muscles surged, and a word "virtue" was faintly formed on his back!

Once the back of virtue was opened, the sun and the moon lost their color!

However, no matter how he shouted, the image on the sky continued to play.

Confucius was deeply distressed by Princess Shanyin's indulgent behavior. He could not accept such moral degradation.

He was determined to record this incident to warn future generations to avoid repeating the same mistakes!

Above the sky!

Princess Shanyin's real name was Liu Chuyu. She was a famous Song princess in the Southern Dynasty during the Southern and Northern Dynasties. Later, she was sentenced to death by her brother Emperor Ming of Song, Liu Yu, for "promiscuity and indulgence"!

She was renamed Princess of Kuaiji County at the age of 19.

Her beauty and unruly personality made her famous, but her lust was no less than that of her father, Emperor Xiaowu of Song, Liu Jun!

According to historical records, Princess Shanyin Liu Chuyu once proposed to the emperor's brother Liu Ziye:

"Although your majesty and I are different in gender, we are both born to the previous emperor, and there should be no favoritism.

Why can your majesty have three thousand concubines in the six palaces, but I can only have one son-in-law? This is too unfair!"

Liu Ziye always obeyed his sister's request, so he selected 30 handsome boys to give to his sister as face-shou, that is, male favorites.

This incident caused a sensation and became a topic of conversation after dinner.

Princess Shanyin's behavior caused dissatisfaction and accusations from many people, who believed that she violated traditional moral concepts.

However, some people also believed that she was bravely pursuing her own happiness and dared to challenge the etiquette and constraints of feudal society.

In any case, the story of Princess Shanyin left a deep impression on later generations.

There are also many controversies in history about her father, Emperor Xiaowu of Song, Liu Jun.

It is said that Emperor Xiaowu was extravagant, greedy, and licentious in his later years, and even had an affair with his mother Lu Huinan.

Although there is no solid evidence for this statement, it also reflects his negative image in history.

As the saying goes, like dragons, like phoenixes, like mice, their sons will dig holes.

This sentence is really appropriate to describe Princess Shanyin and her father.

In fact, bloodline does conceal character, and character determines a certain fate.

People also pay attention to breed. If the breed is inferior and degenerates rapidly, I am afraid that even God himself cannot train it.

Therefore, Princess Shanyin grew up immersed in pornography that violates good customs. Like her brother Liu Ziye, she followed the example of her father and inherited his father's career!

She perfectly inherited their father's genes that were worse than beasts!

She played the pleasure between men and women in various ways and in all kinds of strange ways.

He was the first child of Emperor Xiaowu and Empress Wenmu!

Emperor Xiaowu had two sons and four daughters, but they did not bring family happiness to this imperial family.

Speaking of Emperor Xiaowu Liu Jun, everyone should know that he set an extremely shameless precedent! luanlun

This kind of shameful thing, not only was despised by the children, but this spirit was also learned by Princess Shanyin!

Liu Song had two "deposed emperors"!

The former deposed emperor was Liu Ziye, who reveled day and night, fearing that the glory and wealth would be fleeting.

Princess Shanyin Liu Chuyu and her brother had similar tastes, and they kept each other company.

Playing in chaos, angering the heavens and resenting the people, you reap what you sow.

The innate bloodline and acquired education of the Liu Song family made Liu Chuyu a "beautiful freak."

She is thicker-skinned than the lewd perverts and more resourceful than the cruel monarchs.

Although she is beautiful, it does not prevent her from being the same as Liu Ziye!

She can only develop into a bipedal beast that speaks human language! After all, her father is not a good thing!

As the eldest daughter of the royal family, she is beautiful and loved, enjoying supreme power!

She has learned from her parents to play games and spend money like a prostitute since she was a child!

She has tasted all kinds of men at a young age, but even the best men are only worthy of her bed.

But it is difficult for him to become her man.

Historical records show that this princess is not just lustful. The man she wants must be a unique and beautiful man with extraordinary appearance, high talent, and stunning beauty.

But the dissolute Princess Shanyin, who loves novelty and dislikes the old, could not satisfy her lust even with He Ji, a handsome man in the Northern and Southern Liu Song dynasties and known as "Little Chu Gong".

At that time, He Ji was handsome and dignified, and was the eldest son of the noble He family!

His father was Guanglu Dafu, and he was born into a powerful family and was famous in the Southern Dynasty for his talent and appearance.

Sadly, after being favored by Princess Shanyin at first sight, his life began to decline sharply.

As Princess Shanyin lost her sense of novelty, he became a poor and neglected son-in-law.

Their story has to start with Princess Shanyin!

The first time Princess Shanyin saw He Ji in the palace, she was conquered by his beauty, and he looked so attractive!

That was also the first time she wanted to completely own a man, and she immediately had the desire to take He Ji into her boudoir!

It just happened to be the age to get married, and He Ji himself was very outstanding!

So Emperor Xiaowu was pleased to grant the princess a marriage with the lieutenant He Ji, and let the princess marry him.

The two held a shocking and luxurious wedding. The princess was beautiful and noble, and the husband was elegant and of extraordinary origin. The combination of the two made this perfect couple a legend among the people at that time.

After all, Princess Shanyin was always lustful, misbehaving, and unruly, and was famous!

But after the marriage, she was able to stay with He Ji all the time, and every day she and the husband were under the moonlight, floating in the air, and lived a life of ecstasy as a couple.

The crazy Wushan cloud rain between Princess Shanyin and He Ji lasted only a few days!

He Ji's body couldn't stand it!

After all, there is an old saying that "there is no land that can be plowed badly, only cows that can be tired to death!"

After a long time, he will not be able to bear it!

After these days of overwork, He Ji's mental state is not as good as before!

This made Liu Chuyu feel very unhappy, so she came up with the idea of ​​personally casting a large net into the river to catch all the small fish in the world!

In the name of sharing the pressure for her husband!

Facing such a hardworking wife, He Jie could only swallow his anger!

Drinking cup after cup of wolfberry in her mouth and wearing one hat after another on her head!

As for Princess Shanyin, due to the face of the royal family, she did not dare to do too much!

However, God seemed to hear her inner desire for love.

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