The dead body was buried in the tomb, and the dead body was buried.

They were deeply indignant at Gou Jian's ungrateful behavior! From time to time, there were bursts of condemnation from the crowd:

"Isn't this repaying kindness with enmity?"

People from all time and space looked at Xi Shi's beautiful face and couldn't help but feel pity.

Since ancient times, beauties have been short-lived!

Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the beauty who died in the sky, and couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

At the same time, he was very sure in his heart!

"It's impossible for her to appear in his Ming Dynasty at this time, and it will never be possible."

Wu State.

Fu Chai stared at the beauty in his arms, his face was frighteningly gloomy, and his eyes flashed with complex light.

Although he knew that the stunningly beautiful woman in front of him was a spy sent by the Kingdom of Yue, he still couldn't let go of his attachment to her.

Xi Shi stared into the distance quietly, her eyes empty and indifferent, as if she had realized her upcoming fate.

However, under her cold appearance, she actually hid a broken heart.

Fu Chai took a deep breath, tried to keep his voice calm, and asked softly:

"Beauty! I don't care what your true identity is, I just want to know, during this time, have you ever had a trace of true love for me?"

At this moment, Xi Shi's state of mind was like a pool of stagnant water. She no longer believed in so-called love after having seen so much.

However, when she looked into Fu Chai's eyes, especially when she felt the deep emotion in his eyes, her heart could not help but ripple, and she was overwhelmed with emotions for a while.

So, did she really love Fu Chai? The answer is undoubtedly yes.

Fuchai was the King of Wu, in a high position and with great power, but he treated Xi Shi with great care, even regardless of the obstruction of his ministers!

How could such a man who treated you well unconditionally not be loved?

Eastern Han Dynasty.

Cao Cao's face was full of regret, looking up at the sky, with an expression of disbelief in his eyes.

He couldn't believe that such a beautiful and charming Xi Shi would disappear without a trace in front of him.

Everyone knew that Cao Cao always preferred other people's wives, especially those women with beautiful appearance and rich talents.

Facing such a peerless beauty as Xi Shi, he was naturally even more moved.

However, at this moment, he could only watch her leave, which made Cao Cao's heart full of endless regret and loss.

"Is the rumor wrong? Didn't it say that Xi Shi finally went boating with Fan Li on the five lakes and lived a carefree life?" Cao Cao murmured to himself, with a hint of unwillingness in his voice.

He couldn't help but despise Gou Jian's actions: it was Xi Shi who successfully seduced King Fu Chai of Wu with her stunning beauty, which enabled Yue to avenge and destroy Wu in one fell swoop.

But now that the great success has been achieved, Gou Jian not only did not treat this meritorious official well, but instead sank her into the lake, which was simply ungrateful!

Thinking of this, Cao Cao cursed indignantly:

"Gou Jian, Gou Jian, you are really cheap! So cruel and ruthless!"

"Xi Shi just helped you complete the great cause of restoring the country, and you put her to death in a blink of an eye, you are so shameless!"

The words were full of resentment and rebuke to Gou Jian.


"Xi Shi sank because of her beauty!"

Sometimes being too beautiful is also a mistake, not to mention living in such an era of endless war.

The sky curtain continued to play.

[The Wu-Yue War ended with the death of Xi Shi. 】


[The following person also sacrificed for the country and justice. 】

[Her experience was even more tragic than Xi Shi! 】

Western Han Dynasty.

When Emperor Yuan of Han saw this, he suddenly became angry.

There is no doubt that the person in the sky is a real citizen of the Western Han Dynasty.

To be more precise, she should have been a concubine in his harem, but she was not favored because she was not beautiful enough.

Seeing Wang Zhaojun's bubbling beauty on the sky, Emperor Yuan of Han understood what was going on, no matter how stupid he was.

It turned out that the painter deliberately painted Wang Zhaojun so ugly!

When he thought of this, he was furious. A few days ago, he even planned to marry Wang Zhaojun, who was trapped in the deep palace, to the Xiongnu, hoping to stabilize the relationship with the Xiongnu through marriage!

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and he immediately ordered Wang Zhaojun to be brought here.

When I really see her in person, she is indeed as beautiful as a fairy and stunningly beautiful.

Wait until the whole thing is investigated

After knowing the truth, the furious Emperor Yuan of Han immediately issued an order to have the painter torn into pieces.

[She was one of the four great beauties in ancient times, but her fate was rough and her life was bumpy, and all this was caused by a painter! ]

[In the end, she exchanged her precious life for peace and tranquility between the two countries. ]

[This video will lead everyone into Wang Zhaojun's legendary life journey. ]

[Wang Zhaojun was born in an ordinary family, and her father was named Wang Xiang. ]

[At that time, the young Wang Xiang had not been able to have a child for a long time, and he looked forward to it day after day, longing to have his own children. ]

[Finally, the heavens rewarded those who worked hard, and when he was getting older, he was blessed with a daughter - Wang Zhaojun was born. ]

[The arrival of this new life made the whole family excited and overjoyed, and they took good care of it and regarded it as a treasure. ]

[Time flies, Wang Zhaojun gradually grows up, and her already stunning appearance becomes even more beautiful. ]

[She is gifted and clever, and is proficient in all arts, including music, chess, calligraphy, painting, and other arts. She has a beautiful face like an angel, and has amazing skills. ]

[As we all know, in ancient times, a woman with peerless talent and beauty would definitely not escape the palm of the emperor. ]

[Emperor Yuan of Han Dynasty was selecting beauties among the people at that time, and Wang Zhaojun had long been famous for her beauty. ]

[So she became the first choice of Nanjun by virtue of her strength. Emperor Yuan ordered Wang Zhaojun to choose a good day and take a car to the capital. ]

[Her father Wang Xiang was reluctant to let her go! ]

[He said, "My little girl is still young, and it is difficult for her to obey the order." But who dared to resist the emperor's will? No matter how reluctant Wang Xiang was, it was useless. ]

[Young Wang Zhaojun bid farewell to her parents in tears and went to the capital. ]

[However, the selection of the Han Emperor Yuan had a unique rule: first, the painters had to draw the appearance of these women, and then present them to Emperor Yuan for selection. ]

[As a result, the profession of painters instantly became very popular. ]

[The reason is simple. Every day, all kinds of women come to bribe them, with only one purpose, hoping that the painters can paint themselves more beautiful. ]

[However, when Wang Zhaojun entered the palace, she did not choose to bribe the painter. ]

[Perhaps it was because of this decision that the painter felt resentful and deliberately portrayed Wang Zhaojun as ordinary and even a little ugly when painting. ]

[When Wang Zhaojun saw her own portrait with her own eyes, she couldn't help but feel angry. ]

[Although it is not completely unlike her, this portrait is really far from the real her! Even she could easily recognize that the person in the painting was herself. ]

[It was because of this painter that Wang Zhaojun ultimately failed to catch the eye of Emperor Yuan of Han, and naturally had no chance to become one of the beauties in the harem. ]

[So, Wang Zhaojun could only spend her days quietly in the deep palace, unable to step out of the palace gate, and difficult to get the emperor's favor, and her life was extremely miserable and depressed. ]

Emperor Yuan of Han stared at Wang Zhaojun's peerless appearance, rushed forward, and hugged her tightly in his arms. He felt so regretful in his heart that he really wanted to slap himself. Why did he listen to the nonsense of that damn painter in the first place!

"I regret it so much!"

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