The king of the Xiongnu was defeated.

【Wang Zhaojun thought she would live a dull life, but she didn't expect that this was the beginning of a nightmare! 】

【In the far north, a fierce dispute broke out among the Xiongnu. 】

【The tribes refused to give in to each other and quarreled endlessly, which eventually led to serious divisions. 】

【Among them, the Xiongnu in the south had been suppressed by the north and suffered repeated defeats. 】

【However, these southern Xiongnu did not follow the rules of war. They decided to take an immoral approach and ask for help from the Han Dynasty. 】

【In 33 BC, Huhanye, the leader of the southern Xiongnu, personally went to the Han Dynasty to meet Emperor Yuan of Han, expressing his willingness to surrender and hoping to get support and help from the Han Dynasty. ]

[In order to express his loyalty to the Han Dynasty, Huhanye even made an astonishing request: to become the son-in-law of the Han Dynasty and marry a Han princess. ]

[Emperor Yuan of Han was naturally very happy about such a proposal, thinking that this was an excellent opportunity to consolidate the relationship between the two sides. ]

[But when it came to choosing which princess to marry, Emperor Yuan of Han was in a dilemma. ]

[After all, Huhanye was already an old man over sixty years old at this time. No matter which princess was married to him, it seemed to be an injustice to this golden branch and jade leaf. ]

[Emperor Yuan of Han thought to himself: "What should I do?" ]

["If the princess is really betrothed to this person, wouldn't it be a waste of her life's happiness?" ]

[For a while, there was a lot of discussion in the court, and the ministers also expressed their opinions, but they could not find a solution that satisfied everyone. ]

[Emperor Yuan of Han was worried and anxious about this matter, and he was frowning all day. ]

[Just as he was thinking hard, a wise man suddenly said to him:]

["Your Majesty, why not choose one of the palace maids and directly confer her the title of princess?"]

["In this way, it can not only meet the Xiongnu leader's marriage requirements, but also avoid marrying the real princess far away."]

[When Emperor Yuan of Han heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up and he thought this plan was great!]

[In this way, the Xiongnu leader would become his son-in-law, and his beloved daughter would not have to marry that old guy!]

[Having decided on the idea, Emperor Yuan of Han acted decisively and immediately ordered people to present the portraits of the palace maids.]

[However, fate played a trick on him, and Wang Zhaojun's portrait was chosen.]

[You must know that Wang Zhaojun was only 20 years old at that time, in the prime of her youth, but Emperor Yuan of Han had never seen her beauty with his own eyes. ]

[It was not until Wang Zhaojun was about to be married to the leader of the Xiongnu that Emperor Yuan of Han saw this stunning beauty for the first time. ]

[Seeing Wang Zhaojun's beauty, like a fairy descending from heaven, Emperor Yuan of Han regretted it and complained in his heart. ]

[It's a pity that as a king, he can't go back on his words. Now that he has made a decision, he must not go back on his word. ]

[In desperation, Emperor Yuan of Han could only bear the heartache and send Wang Zhaojun to marry with tears in grief. ]

Western Han Dynasty.

Emperor Yuan of Han stared at the clear picture on the sky screen video.

It was playing the ugly appearance he showed when he saw Wang Zhaojun before.

It was like he had just eaten a mouthful of disgusting dog shit!

His face turned livid in an instant, veins popped on his forehead, his hands clenched tightly, and his nails sank deeply into his palms.

Emperor Yuan of Han was furious when he thought that he had missed such a beautiful woman because these damn painters deliberately painted Wang Zhaojun so ugly.

He felt that he had been deceived and insulted like never before, and all this was caused by those hateful painters!

"Come here!" Emperor Yuan of Han roared, his voice deafening.

"Immediately arrest all the painters in the palace and execute them all! No one will be spared!"

After hearing the emperor's order, the guards did not dare to be negligent at all, and quickly took action to arrest all the painters in the palace and take them to the execution ground.

These painters were terrified and begged for mercy, but Emperor Yuan of Han was unmoved and insisted on making them pay a painful price.

At this moment, Emperor Yuan of Han was filled with anger and regret.

If it weren't for the fraud of these painters, how could he have missed such a beautiful woman?

Now, he can only vent his inner dissatisfaction in this way, and hope to warn others not to make the same mistake again.

Fortunately, it is not too late now. Looking at the moving Wang in his arms

Zhaojun, Emperor Yuan of Han was so weak!

【However, at this time, the young and beautiful Wang Zhaojun had just turned 20 years old. 】

【A young girl like this had to leave her hometown and go to the frontier to marry. Who could understand and care for her anxiety and sorrow? 】

【Wang Zhaojun, holding a pipa, stepped into the land of the Hu alone and was forced to marry Huhanye Chanyu, who was much older than her father. 】

【During this long and arduous journey, she was full of sorrow, so she picked up the pipa beside her, gently plucked the strings, and played a song full of sorrow and resentment, "Pipa Yuan". 】

【The beautiful face and the sad and sorrowful sound of the pipa complement each other, forming a heartbreaking picture. ]

[Even the wild geese flying in the sky were intoxicated by the plaintive melody and forgot to continue flapping their wings and fell from the sky. ]

[Since then, Wang Zhaojun's reputation as "Falling Goose" has spread like wildfire and has been passed down through the ages. ]

[When Wang Zhaojun arrived at the land of the Xiongnu with grief and indignation, she could not help but feel endless sadness in her heart. ]

[Everywhere she saw was desolate, as if she had come to a corner forgotten by the world. ]

[There were no birds singing or flowers blooming; there was only the flying yellow earth and the raging sandstorm. ]

[Such a harsh environment made Wang Zhaojun feel terrified and she did not know how to face her future life for a while. ]

[Despite the adversity, fortunately, Huhanye cared for Wang Zhaojun. 】

【He knew that Wang Zhaojun was homesick, so he ordered a magnificent palace to be built for her according to Han customs. 】

【Although this palace was not as magnificent as the Han Palace, it could at least bring Wang Zhaojun a sense of home. 】

【Although everything around her was still unfamiliar and difficult to adapt to, Wang Zhaojun never forgot her mission and responsibility of marriage. 】

【She tried to adjust her mentality, actively integrated into local life, and tried to understand the Xiongnu culture. 】

【Since Wang Zhaojun arrived outside the Great Wall, the relationship between the Han Dynasty and the Xiongnu has improved significantly. 】

【Both sides stopped provoking trouble, and the border area was peaceful. 】

【The people finally lived a peaceful life and were free from the suffering of war. 】

【And all this is inseparable from Wang Zhaojun's efforts. 】

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