After a long time, Wang Zhaojun and Huhanye spent three years together. 】

【During this period, they supported each other, their feelings became deeper, and they welcomed the fruit of their love, a lovely son. 】

【However, the good times did not last long. In 31 BC, Huhanye suddenly passed away, leaving behind the young Wang Zhaojun and the young child. 】

【At this time, Wang Zhaojun was only 23 years old, but she had successfully completed the mission of marriage. 】

【Now she is eager to return home and is full of endless longing for her hometown. ]

[So, she presented a sincere memorial to the court without hesitation, expressing her desire to return to her hometown and reunite with her family. ]

[But the emperor replied to Wang Zhaojun with only three words:]

["Follow the customs of the Huns!" ]

[These three simple words hit her heart hard like a heavy hammer. ]

[It turns out that the Xiongnu had an incomprehensible and unwritten custom - the levirate marriage system. ]

[This strange system stipulates that when the father dies, his wife must remarry the eldest son in his family, and this eldest son often becomes the next leader of the Xiongnu. ]

[Wang Zhaojun looked at these three short and indifferent words in front of her, as if the whole world was collapsing in an instant. ]

[She was deeply influenced by Confucian culture since she was a child, and her heart was filled with unspeakable fear and disgust for this marriage system. ]

[In her eyes, such behavior is simply a violation of ethics and morality! 】

【How could she accept such an arrangement? 】

【This is not only a trampling on her personal dignity, but also a complete departure from the values ​​she believes in. 】

【At this moment, Wang Zhaojun fell into deep pain. She didn't know how to face the future and how to survive in this familiar and unfamiliar environment...】

When people from all time and space saw the bad habits of the Huns, their three views were shattered!

Warring States Period.

Confucius looked up at the sky, his eyes fixed on Wang Zhaojun in the sky.

He saw that her eyes were full of despair and helplessness, and the anger in his heart instantly erupted like a volcano.

I saw that the Confucian robes Confucius was wearing suddenly moved without wind, and the sound of rustling.

His muscles were tense, trembling constantly, and the veins on the back of his clenched fists were bulging!

Confucius, who was so excited, couldn't help but swear: "Fuck! I really can't stand it!"

"How can such a thing that goes against human ethics become a custom?" Confucius questioned angrily, his voice was deafening, as if he was going to tear the sky apart.

The three thousand disciples behind him were shocked to see their usually gentle teacher lose his composure.

However, they soon understood the teacher's mood and echoed him.

"It's just a bunch of beasts!"

"This behavior is simply intolerable!" "We can't just sit back and watch!".....

The three thousand disciples were filled with righteous indignation and cursed loudly. For a while, the voice of condemnation resounded through the sky.

The whole sky was echoing with the sound of cursing!



Ying Zheng clenched his fists tightly, his eyes flashed with a cold light, and stared at the north.

He knew the character of these Huns very well.

These guys, apart from their human-like appearance, have no humanity at all!

What they did was worse than that of beasts!

"I swear here that I will completely wipe out these hateful Huns in my lifetime!"

Ying Zheng's voice echoed in the palace like thunder, full of endless anger and determination.

Fusu, who was standing aside, heard his father's angry words and made up his mind that he would do the same if he controlled the Qin Dynasty in the future!

And the many ministers below were also stunned by the behavior of the Huns.

Such unethical things can be passed down from generation to generation?

This is really incredible!

The people couldn't help but feel resentful towards the Huns, and they all expressed their willingness to follow the emperor to fight against the Huns and defend their country.


Emperor Wu of Han did not speak this time!

He silently looked at Wang Zhaojun in the sky, and an indescribable emotion surged in his heart.

Wang Zhaojun's tragic experience was like a sharp sword piercing his hard heart, making him think of his daughter involuntarily.

At that time, the country was in a difficult period.

The country was weak.

Faced with the situation of being surrounded by powerful countries and constant border wars, as the king of a country, he had to make a painful choice - sending his beloved daughter to a distant place for marriage.

Although the destination was not the Xiongnu, it was also a distant and unfamiliar Western Region power.

"Am I really wrong?"

Emperor Wu of Han Liu Che murmured in a low voice, with confusion and self-blame in his eyes.

This question has been lingering in his mind, tormenting him.

He once believed that he could exchange politics for marriage to ensure national peace.

However, seeing the fate of Wang Zhaojun at this moment, he began to doubt whether his original decision was wise.

Wei Qing and Huo Qubing below felt Liu Che's inner struggle and pain. They stood quietly aside and kept silent tacitly.

These two generals with great military achievements knew that the emperor needed time to think and reflect at this time, and any words might become noise that disturbed his thoughts.

The whole palace fell into silence, with only the heavy breathing of Emperor Wu of Han Liu Che echoing in the air.

His eyes still stayed on the sky, as if he wanted to find the answer through the illusory image.

Wei Qing and Huo Qubing silently guarded this great but lonely monarch and accompanied him through this moment of spiritual torment.

The sky did not end at this time!

[The court ruthlessly shut her out, making it impossible for her to return home and reunite. Faced with such a desperate situation, she had no choice but to commit herself to Huhanye's eldest son again. ]

[From then on, her days in this barren and desolate western land became longer and more hopeless! ]

[The future is no longer expected. Wang Zhaojun knows that she can never embark on the road to her hometown again, and she will never be able to return to that warm home! ]

[The trick of fate has made her imprisoned and separated from her relatives. 】

【Wang Zhaojun and Huhanye's eldest son Fuzhulei spent 11 years together and had two lovely daughters. 】

【However, the good times did not last long. When Wang Zhaojun was 34 years old, Fuzhulei unfortunately passed away. She was forced to remarry the next Chanyu before she even had time to hold a funeral. 】

【For a long time, Wang Zhaojun suffered from inner torment and finally died at the age of 35. 】

【Until the last moment of her life, she still failed to realize her long-cherished wish of returning to the Central Plains that she had long admired! 】

【She devoted her life to defending the peace between the two countries for nearly 40 years! 】

【But she became a pawn of political interests and lived in the desolate west all day long. 】

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