The wedding was a big success, but the couple's wedding was a big success.

[Yang Yuhuan was born with natural beauty, good at singing and dancing, and proficient in pipa. At the age of fifteen, she was already a famous beauty in Luoyang City. ]

[This year, Tang Xuanzong's daughter Princess Xianyi held a wedding in Luoyang! ]

[Yang Yuhuan was invited to attend. She wanted to see the world, but she didn't want to meet Princess Xianyi's brother at the banquet. ]

[Prince Shou Li Ying fell in love with Yang Yuhuan at first sight after seeing her stunning face. ]

Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin looked up at the introduction on the sky curtain, with a hint of surprise and curiosity in his eyes.

It turned out that the person was Tang Xuanzong!

He thought to himself: "It seems that this person must be the future king of my Tang Dynasty!"

However, when he saw that the capital was not Chang'an but Luoyang, Li Shimin could not help but feel puzzled.

He frowned and muttered to himself: "What is going on? Chang'an has always been the capital of my Tang Dynasty. When did it become Luoyang?"

This question lingered in his mind, making him full of more expectations and worries about the future of the Tang Dynasty.

At the same time, Li Shimin also eagerly wanted to know whether the future of the Tang Dynasty was really as prosperous as he wished.

He longed to see the dynasty he established continue and continue to grow and develop.

So he stared at the sky curtain, trying to find some clues or answers from it.

As time went by, the picture on the sky curtain gradually changed, showing more information about the future of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin watched every detail intently, and his mood became more and more excited.

He hoped that through these displays, he could better understand his country and people, as well as the changes and progress they had experienced.

However, he could never have imagined how shocked he would be by the next scene!

[The mother of Prince Shou was Wu Huifei, the most favored concubine of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang. ]

[This woman was extremely charming and charming, and was deeply loved by Emperor Xuanzong. ]

[Because of this preference, Wu Huifei made a request to Emperor Xuanzong - to give Yang Yuhuan to his son Li Heng as the principal concubine. ]

[Tang Xuanzong would naturally not refuse the request of his beloved concubine, and immediately agreed. ]

[This news made Li Heng very excited! ]

[He had long heard that Yang Yuhuan was a beauty, and the glimpse of her at the banquet at that time still haunted him. ]

[It is a great blessing in life to be able to marry such a beauty. ]

[Not long after, a grand and solemn wedding was held as scheduled. ]

[The newlyweds were in love and had a very good relationship. 】

【They were of similar age and temperament, and they could find common topics in everything from music, chess, calligraphy, painting to poetry and songs. 】

【Whenever they were under the moonlight, they were together, as if they had forgotten all the troubles in the world. 】

【If nothing unexpected happened, perhaps in a few years, they would have their love crystallized and would spend the rest of their lives together! 】

【At this moment, Yang Yuhuan was still immersed in the beautiful dream of "a lifetime of one couple", completely unaware that the gears of fate had begun to turn quietly...】

【However, this accident still happened. Wu Huifei died of illness in 737 AD. 】

【】^_^】Tang Xuanzong, who lost his most beloved beauty, seemed to have lost his soul. He was listless and unhappy all day long, and he had no interest in the three thousand beauties in the harem.

【Seeing the emperor so depressed, the ministers of the entire court were worried but helpless. 】

【Just when everyone was anxious, someone suddenly recalled the look in Emperor Xuanzong's eyes when he first saw Yang Yuhuan, which was full of undisguised desire for possession. 】

【This person suddenly had an idea and came up with a plan. He lowered his voice and said to others:】

【"Yang Yuhuan, the wife of your majesty's son, Prince Shou Li Mao, is extremely beautiful and charming. Why doesn't your majesty take her into the palace?"】

【Before he finished speaking, a whisper came from the originally silent court. People thought that it was inappropriate to force their daughter-in-law to marry, but no one dared to step forward to stop it. ]

[Sure enough, when Xuanzong heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up, and Yang Yuhuan's peerless appearance and graceful figure kept appearing in his mind, and he thought to himself:]

["This plan is very good!"]

[However, after all, as a king, if he openly took his daughter-in-law, he would inevitably be criticized. After thinking again and again, Tang Xuanzong decided to take a roundabout strategy.]

[First, he issued an edict in the name of praying for the empress dowager and ordered Yang Yuhuan to become a female Taoist priest, and gave her the Taoist name "Taizhen".]

[In this way,

It can not only stop the gossips of the world, but also keep Yang Yuhuan by his side legitimately. 】

【When the time is right, he will take over the palace affairs. 】

【After that, Tang Xuanzong carefully planned a marriage and betrothed another woman from an official family, Wei, to his son Li Mao as the principal wife. ,】

【In this way, Yang Yuhuan's identity is no longer embarrassing, and there is a new hostess in the Shouwang Mansion. 】

【After everything was arranged, Tang Xuanzong could finally implement his plan with confidence...】

People in all time and space were shocked.


Ying Zheng, who was still thinking about the future of Daqin, was numb.

The corners of his mouth twitched a few times, "It's still the people in the future who know how to play!" He couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Three Kingdoms.

Cao Cao admired Tang Xuanzong at this time.

"This old guy is really good at making trouble!"

The angriest person is probably Li Shimin.

Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin stared at the sky with his eyes wide open, his face full of anger.

He was so angry that he was shaking all over, and his hands were clenched tightly, as if he was going to crush something.

Suddenly, he swung his arm violently and threw the memorial in his hand to the ground.

The memorial was scattered like snowflakes, and the ground was in a mess. Li Shimin's chest was heaving violently, and he opened his mouth and let out a deafening roar:

"Fuck! Is this my descendant?" The sound was like thunder, echoing in the palace.

His eyes were full of anger and disappointment, veins on his forehead bulged, and his face flushed. Then, he cursed again:

"I actually want to force my daughter-in-law, I feel ashamed!"

Every word was filled with endless resentment and shame, which made people look at it sideways.

Li Shimin's heart was burning with anger, and he couldn't calm down.

He never thought that his descendants would do such a ridiculous thing. This is simply a trampling on the dignity of the royal family!

At this moment, he wanted to immediately pull out the unfilial son and punish him severely.

However, this is the future after all, and no matter how angry he is, it will be useless.

Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Di looked at the sky and ate melons silently.

I have to admit that the Tang Dynasty is fun.

Even Zhang Yang, who was watching videos, couldn't help but complain a few words when he saw this.

"This Tang Dynasty is really chaotic!"

"Some people occupy their brother's wife, some marry their stepmother, and some princesses have an affair with monks and let their husbands guard the door. This Tang Xuanzong is even more shameless!"

"A bad old man is still thinking about occupying his daughter-in-law!"

"I have to say that Lao Li really started a good start!"

Zhang Yang couldn't help but think in his heart, does this 60-year-old still have that function?

Suddenly, Zhang Yang's complaints echoed in all time and space!


Emperor Wu of Han was so shocked that his mouth opened wide!

I thought that occupying the daughter-in-law was exciting enough, but I didn't expect that there was also a stepmother who married.

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