The Tang Dynasty.

When Li Shimin heard Zhang Yang's words in the sky, his heart was shocked as if struck by lightning!

He originally thought that what he saw was shocking enough and contrary to common sense, but he never expected that there would be something even more shocking waiting for him.

He couldn't help but feel doubts and worries:

"Is it really because I have set a precedent that has led to my descendants following suit?"

"But even so, I didn't let you surpass me?"

Wei Zheng, who was standing aside, witnessed the chaotic scene of later generations, especially when he learned that it seemed that it was their emperor who set such a precedent, and finally couldn't hold back his emotions.

He said to Li Shimin righteously:

"Your Majesty, please expel Yang from the palace! Never let this kind of incest prevail in the world!"

Li Shimin's face suddenly became extremely gloomy, and anger rose in his heart.

He thought to himself:

"What is incest? Wei Zheng, how can you, an old man, talk like this? It's totally nonsense!"

Empress Changsun, who was standing next to him, saw that Li Shimin's face was terribly gloomy, and couldn't help but mutter in her heart: Is it possible that he doesn't want this?

Thinking of Li Shimin's frequent visits to Yang recently, Empress Changsun felt a little unhappy.

Seeing that Empress Changsun had a bad look on her face, Li Shimin hurriedly explained:

"Guanyin...please listen to me and I will tell you in detail."

"I am not greedy for Yang's beauty. It is because Yang is from a Guanlong family. I am doing this just to maintain the balance of power!"

"In the final analysis, I am making such compromises, but in fact, I am making a self-sacrifice for the sake of the overall situation!"

After hearing this, Empress Changsun looked at Li Shimin as if she was looking at a fool, and said coldly:

"Is this the reason why Your Majesty is late every night or even not coming back to the palace?"

"Don't try to deceive me. I know exactly where you have been and what you have done these days!"

Li Shimin was dumbfounded by Empress Changsun's retort, and was speechless for a while...

And at this time, the sky curtain was still playing!

[Simple-minded Yang Yuhuan naturally could not imagine that Emperor Xuanzong of Tang was just going on a trip, and she had no idea that her father-in-law was actually greedy for her body! ]

[In 745 AD, Emperor Xuanzong of Tang thought the time was ripe, so he officially issued an edict to summon Yang Yuhuan into the palace and canonized her as a concubine. ]

[At this time, Yang Yuhuan was only 26 years old, in the prime of her life and full of charm. ]

[When she learned the news, she was shocked as if struck by lightning! ]

[After all, she was only 26 years old, while Emperor Xuanzong of Tang was already a 60-year-old man who was over 60 and dying. ]

[What's more terrible is that he was actually her father-in-law! ]

[She was naturally unwilling in her heart, but the imperial edict was like a mountain, how could she disobey it? 】

】At this moment, her beautiful fantasy of growing old together with her lover was ruthlessly shattered by the supreme imperial power! 】

【Li Mao was angry at his father's bizarre behavior! But when he remembered that his father had executed his three brothers without hesitation, he was frightened and silent, and could only swallow his anger. 】

【In this way, a loving couple was forcibly separated by Emperor Xuanzong of Tang. 】

【So, this absurd farce of "the overbearing eunuch fell in love with me" kicked off! 】

【As the only beneficiary of this drama, Emperor Xuanzong of Tang was fascinated by Yang Yuhuan's beauty. 】

【As the saying goes, "One person's success brings prosperity to all chickens and dogs." Just because Emperor Xuanzong of Tang loved Yang Yuhuan deeply, he also showed great favor to the Yang family. ]

[This is not the case. Xuanzong not only appointed Yang Guifei's eldest sister as Lady of Korea, her third sister as Lady of Guo, and her eighth sister as Lady of Qin, but also promoted her distant brother Yang Guozhong to a high position, allowing him to hold several positions and hold great power. ]

[In this way, the Yang family was powerful and almost occupied half of the court of the Tang Dynasty! ]

[As for Yang Guifei herself, Xuanzong was even more doting. ]

[Not only did he reward her with a bath in Huaqing Pool, but he also gave her the highest honor - there were three thousand beauties in the harem, but he only loved her! ]

[Take the matter of eating lychees for example. Once, Yuhuan casually said that she wanted to eat fresh lychees. ]

[Xuanzong did not hesitate to spend a lot of manpower and material resources, and sent special people to transport them from the distant Lingnan at full speed, just to satisfy her.

Satisfy the appetite of the beauty. 】

【This honor even changed the people's view of childbearing at that time. Everyone sighed: "It is better to have a daughter than a son!"】

【The saying "So that parents all over the world would rather have a daughter than a son" comes from this. 】

【However, behind this endless wealth and glory, is Yang Yuhuan really happy? 】

【If so, why does she drink to relieve her sorrow and get drunk every day? 】

【Even from time to time, she even staged a "New Concubine Drunk" to relieve her depression...】

Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin looked at the extravagant and wasteful scene of Li Longji in front of him, and couldn't help but feel a surge of pain and sorrow in his heart.

"This prodigal son! Such extravagance, doesn't he know that this will destroy the entire Tang Dynasty?"

Li Shimin muttered to himself, his eyes full of disappointment and anger.

Just when he was heartbroken, he suddenly heard a voice from the sky:

"Half of the Tang Dynasty was easily given away by this guy!"

This sentence was like a sharp sword piercing Li Shimin's heart, making him so angry that his eyes turned red and he cursed:

"What a tyrant!"

But what made him even more angry was that the sentence appeared on the sky immediately afterwards.

"So the parents in the world would rather have a daughter than a son!"

Li Shimin gritted his teeth tightly and trembled all over.

"What a 'It's better to have a daughter than a son'! What a 'So the parents in the world would rather have a daughter than a son'!"

He could not accept this concept, because he knew that it was those brave and fearless men who sacrificed their lives to protect the country with their lives that brought today's prosperity.

"If these strong men hadn't stepped forward to defend their country, how could there be such a peaceful and prosperous era?" Li Shimin thought to himself.

At this moment, Li Shimin had clearly realized that if things continued like this, the Tang Dynasty would surely fall into chaos.

The ministers below were all livid and extremely angry!

Even Wei Zheng, who was always known for his outspokenness and courage to remonstrate, couldn't hold back his anger and began to curse!

His voice was deafening and echoed in the court, shocking everyone.

Although the other ministers did not curse directly like Wei Zheng, their eyes and expressions had already said it all, and their dissatisfaction with the emperors of later generations was beyond words.

The entire court fell into a tense atmosphere, as if a storm was about to come.

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