The emperor died of a stroke, and the emperor's death was a disaster.

I believe many people want to ask why the emperor didn't send people to provide disaster relief!

At this time, the sky screen turned,

"The king dies for the country!"

The biggest reason why Emperor Chongzhen didn't provide disaster relief was that the Ming Dynasty was poor!

The Ming Dynasty used silver as currency, but the Ming Dynasty did not produce silver. The government had less and less money, while the local officials had more and more money.

It was so poor that it couldn't even pay the army's salary.

Since Emperor Chongzhen came to power at the age of seventeen, the Ming Dynasty has been shaky.

The root cause of all this was the Donglin Party.

They represented the interests of the Jiangnan scholar-official class and opposed the court's taxation of industrialists and businessmen, which greatly reduced the country's fiscal revenue.

Although Emperor Chongzhen wanted to reform, he was helpless against many obstacles.

In addition, natural disasters continued, people were living in poverty, and uprisings broke out frequently in various places.

At this time, Emperor Chongzhen was like being in a dark fog, unable to find a way out.

He was exhausted, but still tried to turn the tide.

Emperor Chongzhen was meditating on the dragon throne. He knew that the Ming Dynasty was facing severe challenges.

The obstruction of the Donglin Party, the exhaustion of the national finances, and the frequent natural and man-made disasters all made him feel powerless.

However, Emperor Chongzhen did not give up. He decided to take some radical measures to save the Ming Dynasty.

He convened a group of loyal officials to discuss how to increase the country's fiscal revenue and weaken the influence of the Donglin Party.

At the meeting, Emperor Chongzhen proposed a series of reform plans, including levying industrial and commercial taxes, rectifying the administration of officials, and strengthening military power.

These plans were supported by some officials, but were also strongly opposed by the Donglin Party.

Faced with the pressure of the Donglin Party, Emperor Chongzhen did not back down. He firmly believed that only through reform could the Ming Dynasty rise again.

So, under tremendous pressure, he began to gradually implement these reform measures.

But everything turned into a bubble in the end.

Finally, Chongzhen set his sights on the court.

He began to eradicate Wei Zhongxian and his eunuch party!

The new emperor took the throne for only three months, and he used thundering means to eliminate this cancer that endangered the court.

However, this move broke the original power checks and balances in the court, allowing the Donglin Party to rise again.

Time came, in 1628, facing the increasingly declining situation of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Youjian was worried.

In order to turn the tide and revive the glory of the Ming Dynasty, he resolutely decided to re-employ the deposed Yuan Chonghuan, hoping to recover the lost land in Liaodong occupied by the Later Jin.

Coincidentally, in the same year, droughts raged in Shaanxi and other places, famines were frequent, starving people were everywhere, and plagues were rampant.

At this time, the court failed to provide relief to the victims in time, causing the people to live in misery and lose the people's hearts.

Some people even asserted that since Zhu Qizhen killed Yu Qian and some meritorious officials, the Ming court had lost its credibility with the people.

At this time when the land was devastated, countless hungry people were displaced.

Wang Er in the Weibei area took the brunt of it and launched a vigorous peasant uprising.

After that, Gao Yingxiang, who called himself "King of Chuang", and others also followed suit. For a time, the flags of rebellion were everywhere and the world was in chaos.

This marked the beginning of the peasant uprising.

In 1629, Zhu Youjian began to lay off employees at various post stations in order to reduce fiscal expenditures!

As a result, a soldier of Li Zicheng in Shaanxi was forced to be laid off!

In order to survive, Li Zicheng had to surrender to King of Chuang Gao Yingxiang and participate in the peasant uprising.

Li Zicheng showed extraordinary leadership and fighting courage, and soon emerged in the army. He

led the rebel army to defeat the Ming army repeatedly, and his reputation spread far and wide.

As his strength continued to grow, Li Zicheng had the idea of ​​becoming king.

He secretly contacted various forces and actively prepared for his coronation ceremony.

At the same time, the political struggle within the Ming Dynasty intensified.

In order to protect their own interests, the Donglin Party members did not hesitate to engage in fierce battles with other factions, making the government more chaotic.

In this turbulent era, everyone is fighting for their own destiny.

Ming Dynasty.

"You kid, tell me, what are you laying off! Now you've laid off Li Zicheng!"

Zhu Yuanzhang said with some regret.

Looking at the chaotic situation in the world under the sky, Lao Zhu knew in his heart that the Ming Dynasty would eventually come to an end!

At the same time above the sky,

[In the same year, after Yuan Chonghuan killed Mao Wenlong who was guarding Dongjiang River, Huang Taiji, who had no more worries, led 100,000 Later Jin soldiers to march straight into Beijing and besiege Beijing! ]

[Yuan Chonghuan immediately led his troops to rescue

, Huang Taiji left Beijing after seeing this and left a peace letter. 】

【Yuan Chonghuan, who came thousands of miles away, was forced into prison by the remnants of Wei Zhongxian for killing Mao Wenlong without authorization and colluding with the Qing Dynasty. 】

【The following year, Zhu Youjian listened to the one-sided words of the ministers and ordered Yuan Chonghuan to be executed by slow slicing and his property was confiscated! In fact, there was no money left in the family! 】

【So far, the only general who could protect the Qing Dynasty was killed! 】

【In 1633, Kong Youde, Geng Zhongming and others in Dengcai, Shandong Province, launched a mutiny and defected to Huang Taiji, not only leading the Later Jin army to capture Lushun, but also passing on the technology of the red cannon to the Later Jin. 】

The Later Jin thus developed a tactic of coordinated combat between Han artillery and Manchu and Mongolian infantry and cavalry, making the Ming army particularly difficult in the anti-Jin war!

Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Yuanzhang was furious when he saw this.

He never expected that there would be traitors at this time?

They even took away the treasures of the Ming Dynasty!

Old Zhu slammed the table angrily and shouted: "These unfilial descendants really make me angry!"

"The country we fought hard for was ruined by them!" His eyes were full of disappointment and pain.

At this time, the pictures on the sky kept changing, showing the chaos in the late Ming Dynasty:

Corruption in the officialdom, people's livelihood, foreign invasion...

Zhu Yuanzhang felt sad, he knew that the Ming Dynasty had come to an end.

[In 1636, with the cooperation of Lu Xiangsheng, Hong Chengchou and Sun Chuanting, Gao Yingxiang, the most powerful rebel among the rebels, was captured! ]

[After Gao Yingxiang was killed, Li Zicheng was promoted to the King of Chuang! ]

[In the same year, Huang Taiji proclaimed himself emperor and the country was named Qing! 】

【In 1637, Yang Sichang, a cabinet minister, planned a "four-sided and six-corner" encirclement and suppression strategy! 】

【This move forced Zhang Xianzhong to surrender to the Ming Dynasty. Li Zicheng was also defeated by Hong Chengchou and Sun Chuanting in Tongguan, and took 17 people to hide in the Shangluo Mountains in southeastern Shaanxi. 】

【As Huang Taiji sent Dorgon to lead troops into the pass, the Qing army directly pushed across the hinterland of Shandong, which was known as the "Wuyin Change" in history】

【This also gave Li Zicheng, the King of Chuang, a chance to breathe, and Zhang Xianzhong rebelled against the Ming army again. 】

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