After that, Li Zicheng led his troops to march into Henan. Here, he demonstrated his extraordinary leadership and appeal, and successfully gathered a large number of rebels. These rebels came from different backgrounds, but they all had dissatisfaction with the rulers of the Ming Dynasty and a desire for freedom. At the same time, many desperate refugees heard of Li Zicheng's reputation and joined this huge team. Most of them were poor people who were displaced by natural disasters, man-made disasters, and oppression by the government. The injection of these fresh blood made the rebels grow like a snowball. In that year, Li Zicheng led his elite division to launch a fierce attack on Luoyang.

After a fierce battle, the city wall was finally breached and the defenders in the city were defeated.

However, the most shocking thing happened - Li Zicheng actually ordered the execution of Zhu Youjian's uncle "Fu Wang Zhu Changxun"!

What's more terrifying is that Li Zicheng also ordered people to skin and pull out the body of Fu Wang, and put his meat and venison into a big pot and cook them together, calling it "Fu Lu Banquet".

Then, he personally shared this horrible dish with all the soldiers to show his authority and determination.

This bloody incident made people both fear and respect Li Zicheng, and further consolidated his position in the rebel army.

After conquering Luoyang, Li Zicheng's reputation reached its peak, and more people came to join his rebel army.

The size of his army expanded rapidly and became a formidable force.

However, Li Zicheng was not satisfied with this.

He knew that the Ming Dynasty's rule was already shaky, and now was the best time to overthrow it.

So he decided to lead his army to the capital and fight a life-and-death battle with the last line of defense of the Ming Dynasty.

On the road to the capital, Li Zicheng's army was in high spirits, and wherever they went, the enemy fled.

The people watched with mixed feelings, and they longed for change.

In 1644, Li Zicheng proclaimed himself emperor in Xi'an and established the Dashun Dynasty. In the same year, Li Zicheng's army marched straight to Beijing.

At this time, the three camps defending Beijing were all old, weak, sick and disabled, with no combat effectiveness, and collapsed at the touch of a button!

The sky curtain changed and Zhu Youjian's voice came from the sky curtain.

"I have been on the throne for seventeen years. I have let many people down, and even more people have let me down!"

"Whether it is self-destruction or self-willedness, I want to be the ruler of the revival, but I became the ruler of the ruined country!"

When Li Zicheng broke through Beijing, no one in the city went out to fight, and the civil officials who had read thousands of books ran faster than each other.

Zhu Youjian was accompanied by only one eunuch, Wang Chengen!

The two stumbled to the top of Coal Hill.

The sky screen turned,

"Run for your life!" Zhu Youjian said desperately to the eunuch Wang Chengen beside him.

"Your Majesty! I am willing to follow you to death! I am a man of the Ming Dynasty in life and a ghost of the Ming Dynasty in death! Let this thief God witness the friendship between us, the monarch and the minister!"

Wang Chengen burst into tears and responded to Zhu Youjian unwaveringly.

Zhu Youjian looked at the loyal minister who had been with him for many years, and his heart was filled with emotion.

He knew that there was no way out at this moment, but as the king of a country, he could not easily give up his dignity and responsibility.

So he slowly walked towards the crooked tree, ready to defend the last bit of dignity with his life.

At this moment, the sky suddenly flashed with thunder and lightning, and the wind blew violently. It seemed that God was also crying for this tragic emperor.

Zhu Youjian stood under the tree, staring into the distance quietly, recalling his former glory and loneliness.

He remembered the days when he was deceived by treacherous officials and the people suffered; he remembered his helplessness in trying to reform but being unable to turn the tide...

However, everything was irreversible. Zhu Youjian took a deep breath, then spread his hair to cover his face, and resolutely put on the rope.

As his body gradually hung in the air, he felt a burst of suffocation and severe pain, but his heart was extremely calm.

"See the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty off!"

Wang Chengen, who was standing aside, saw this and cried out in grief.

He followed closely behind Zhu Youjian and also chose to hang himself to express his loyalty to the emperor.

The wind was still howling and the rain was still falling.

Zhu Youjian and Wang Chengen's figures were forever fixed on the crooked tree!

He left a last word:

["My ministers have misled me. If I die, I will have no face to face my ancestors.

Emperor Chongzhen, take off your crown and cover your face with your hair. Let the thieves split my body, but don't hurt any of my people!"]

[With Emperor Chongzhen hanging himself on Coal Hill, the fate of the Ming Dynasty came to an abrupt end, and this once glorious empire was destroyed.]

[The Ming Dynasty, as the last unified dynasty established by the Han people in the history of my country, experienced the rule of 16 emperors and lasted for 276 Years. 】

【It not only carries countless honors and disgraces, rise and fall, but also a magnificent chapter of history. 】

【During these long years, the Ming Dynasty has always adhered to a unique integrity - no cession of land, no marriage, no tribute, no compensation. 】

【This firm position demonstrates the character and backbone of the people of the Ming Dynasty, and also makes future generations full of admiration for it. 】

【Looking back on the past, we seem to be able to see the iron-boned Ming Dynasty, which is like a bright pearl, shining in the long river of history. 】

【"The emperor guards the country's gate, and the king dies for the country", this famous saying that has been passed down through the ages is the most appropriate evaluation of the Ming Dynasty. 】

【When facing foreign invasions, the monarchs of the Ming Dynasty did not flinch, set an example, and guarded the country's territory and dignity; 】

【And when the country was in trouble, they were unyielding. Gu Di chose to live and die with the country, and interpreted loyalty and responsibility with his life. 】

【Such a dynasty with a strong character, how can it not move people? 】

【Its existence not only left us a precious cultural heritage, but also established a spiritual monument for future generations. 】

【A bowl at the beginning, a rope at the end! 】

【Emperor Chongzhen Zhu Youjian also defended the last dignity of the Ming Dynasty with his death! 】

【Finally, it is not that the emperor is incompetent, but that it is destiny! 】

Ming Dynasty.

In another time and space, Zhu Yuanzhang saw all this through the sky curtain, and his face was full of grief and indignation.

He could never have imagined that the Ming Dynasty, which he had worked hard to build, would end in such a tragic way.

You say blame the emperor, this emperor is not a tyrant!

"Is there no dynasty that can escape the law of prosperity and decline?"

At the same time, when the various time and space planes were thinking, a voice sounded from their minds!

"Congratulations to all the history books, start the barrage function, just recite it in your heart! ”

“Be careful not to reveal historical facts!”


“What is this?” Ying Zheng thought in his heart?

Then this conversation emerged in his mind!

Daqin Zulong: “What is this?”

Dahan Wild Boar: Who is talking in my mind?

Then people from all time and space understood that this barrage was an existence that could connect all time and space planes!


A broken bowl: “Zhu Qizhen, come out!”

Emperor Yongle (Zhu Di): “Zhu Qizhen come out!”

Good Saint Grandson: “Zhu Qizhen come out!”

A group of old Zhu family members madly tagged Zhu Qizhen.

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