The emperors of all time and space looked serious when they saw the scarlet subtitles on the sky.


Ying Zheng's eyes revealed endless majesty, and he roared in a low voice: "The land of China is riddled with holes? Who is it?"

The ministers were terrified and knelt on the ground, shouting in unison: "Your Majesty, calm down!"


Emperor Wu of Han, Liu Che, was furious. He slammed the table and stood up, angrily saying: "Since I ascended the throne, I have been determined to make the country strong and expand the territory, making my Han Dynasty famous!"

"Now someone dares to destroy China. Do you really think my sword is not sharp?"

Generals such as Wei Qing and Huo Qubing clasped their fists and asked to fight, willing to wipe out the bandits for your majesty.

Liu Che waved his hand and said loudly: "All generals, listen to my order! After I finish watching the sky curtain, I will not stop until I kill this beast!"

For a while, the court was excited and the morale was high.

Tang Dynasty.

"Riddled with holes?" Li Shimin was stunned!

"Who? Who is it!"

"I am very protective of my son!"

At the same time, the sky curtain began to play.

All I saw was war, collapsed houses, and piles of corpses!

Lines of scarlet characters appeared on the sky curtain!

It was a heart-breaking day - September 18, 1931.

On this day, the Japanese invaders directed and acted out a despicable farce: they blew up the South Manchuria Railway, then dressed two innocent people as Northeast Army soldiers, brutally shot them, and tried to put the blame on the Chinese army, claiming that it was the Northeast Army that destroyed the railway.

And all this was just an excuse for the Japanese to start a war.

They had already sharpened their knives and were ready to go.

Finally, when this "perfect" excuse appeared, the premeditated Japanese troops pounced on the largest barracks in the Northeast - Beidaying like hungry wolves.

A bloody fight began...

At the same time, the Japanese infantry battalions pounced on Shenyang City in three directions like hungry wolves!

When bursts of gunfire suddenly came from Beidaying, many officers and soldiers were still in a daze. They naively thought that this was just another routine exercise of the Japanese army.

However, as a deafening sound of artillery shells exploded in the camp, everyone woke up from their dreams - it turned out that they were attacked by the enemy!

But the problem was that Zhang Xueliang had already issued an order not to resist, so even though they knew they were in danger and under attack, these officers and soldiers still did not dare to easily fight back!

The thousands of soldiers in Beidaying, facing the Japanese army of no more than 600 people, had no power to fight back and could only let them slaughter them, with extremely tragic casualties!

Until five o'clock in the morning, the few remaining Northeast Army soldiers had no choice but to retreat.

The reason for all this was that Zhang Xueliang strictly ordered not to fight back, otherwise the Japanese army would drop deadly poison gas bombs on innocent people in the city!

Seeing tens of thousands of elders and villagers behind them, Beidaying had no choice but to endure humiliation and hand over to others.

At three o'clock in the morning on September 19, 1931, when everything was quiet, the Japanese infantry battalion moved quietly like a ghost.

According to the carefully planned strategic deployment, they marched towards Shenyang City in three directions.

Every step was full of insidious cunning and long-planned malice.

Faced with such an organized and planned attack by the Japanese army, the Chinese army fell into a passive position because of the order not to resist issued by the superiors.

In just two hours, the Japanese army was unstoppable and easily broke through the solid Xiaoxi Gate inside Shenyang!

Shenyang City fell in an instant, and the originally quiet night was replaced by endless noise and panic.

The noisy sounds echoed everywhere in the city, and people were terrified. They hid in their homes, closed the doors and windows, and prayed that they could spend this terrible night safely.

Everyone had an ardent expectation for dawn in their hearts, naively believing that as long as the sun rose, everything would be restored to its original state.

However, what they had never expected was that when the long night was over, what awaited the people of Shenyang was not light, but endless darkness for fourteen years.

At noon on September 19, the situation became worse.

The Japanese army successively captured a total of 18 towns including Changchun, Shenyang, Sipingkou, and Dandong!

What is heartbreaking is that during this period, the Northeast Army had almost no power to fight back, and actually handed over the vast Northeast land to the invaders without any resistance!

As Shenyang completely fell into the hands of the enemy,

Hands, the Japanese began to show their hideous faces.

They raged wildly, burned, killed and looted wantonly, and the whole city was reduced to ruins.

Innocent people were killed, their homes were destroyed, and there was grief everywhere. The scene was so tragic that it was beyond words!

Shocking photos, like bloody paintings, were displayed on the vast sky.

These photos truly recorded that tragic history:

The invaders cruelly cut off the heads of Chinese people and hung them high at the city gate for public display;

Innocent babies who were less than one year old were ruthlessly thrown into boiling water;

The brutal Japanese army raped Chinese women, and no matter old or young, noble or humble, they could not escape the disaster.

The September 18th Incident came so suddenly that the Northeast Army was caught off guard and had no time to transfer precious materials and property.

The greedy Japanese invaders took the opportunity to plunder more than 10 billion silver dollars and used this huge sum of money to expand the size of their army.

Not only that, they also occupied our arsenal, holding weapons and equipment that should have protected the safety of the Chinese people, but used them to harm our compatriots.

For a time, the war was raging, the smoke was everywhere, and the entire land of China was shrouded in thick smoke!

The emperors of all time and space looked at the cruel scene in the sky for a while.

They were all angry.


Ying Zheng's face was gloomy and frightening. He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth and said, "Damn bastards, how dare you trample on my Chinese land like this!"

He turned around, picked up the map and looked at the ministers, with a flash of determination in his eyes, "I have decided to build a ship and go to sea to destroy these Japanese invaders who dared to touch my Chinese land!"

The ministers were shocked, but no one dared to raise any objections.

Han Dynasty

Liu Che's anger seemed to burn the entire palace. He slammed the table and said, "How can we have a home if the Huns are not destroyed! Now even a small Japanese pirate dares to invade China. I will never tolerate it!"

He looked at Wei Qing, Huo Qubing and other generals, "You should quickly reorganize the army and horses, build ships and go out to sea with me!"

Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin's face was full of grief and anger, "How can the Japanese run wild in China!"

He immediately summoned important officials in the court to discuss strategies to resist the enemy.

Soon, an expeditionary force composed of Tang troops was born. They will go to the front line with the glory of Tang Dynasty.

Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Yuanzhang looked sharp and said fiercely, "These Fusang Japanese pirates dared to take advantage of the situation and bully China!"

He immediately ordered the East Factory Jinyiwei to collect intelligence and ordered coastal areas to strengthen defense.

Zhu Di then stepped forward to ask for battle, "Father, I am willing to lead the navy to fight and wipe out the Japanese pirates!"

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Zhu Di, a trace of relief flashed in his eyes, "Good! You are worthy of being our son! But you must be careful on this expedition and don't underestimate the enemy."

Zhu Di took the order and began to prepare warships and troops to go to sea!

However, the video on the sky screen has not ended yet!

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