The sky was full of anger and resentment.

Above the sky!

Suddenly, a roar filled with endless anger and resentment exploded like thunder!

The voice seemed to have infinite power, shocking the hearts of every listener.

"Do you know how long it takes to starve a living person to death?"

Then, the voice sounded again, revealing an unspeakable grief and anger in the tone.

The people watching the sky in different time and space looked at each other, thinking in their hearts: Who can know the answer to such a cruel question?

"Have you ever thought about how much precious water is hidden in the human body?"

The voice continued to ask, as if to arouse people's thinking about the essence of life.

People from all planes began to stir, and whispers echoed around, but no one could give a definite answer.

Finally, the voice whispered like a demon: "So... does anyone know how to quickly separate the flesh and bones of a living person?"

Hearing this, all the people watching the sky curtain couldn't help but feel a chill, and deep fear and confusion surged in their hearts.

These questions are too bizarre and too bloody to be imagined.

Then the sky curtain changed the tone.

[I tell you, these Japanese know that they experimented with living Chinese people! ]

Then the sky curtain picture changed.

At a glance, there were dense crowds of people in front of them. They were tightly crowded together, and the number of people was at least tens of thousands!

And these thousands of people were all so thin that it was shocking! It seemed that a light breeze could blow them to the ground.

Every face was filled with undisguised hunger and despair, and those empty eyes seemed to have lost hope for life.

When people from different time and space witnessed this scene, they were shocked as never before!

How could humans be so thin?

It was beyond imagination!

There was only a thin layer of skin left on their bodies, barely covering their bony bones.

This horrifying scene frightened many ordinary people with weak psychological endurance to the point of weakness in their legs, and they could hardly stand.

At this time, the angry voice on the sky came again!

It seemed to tear the whole world apart, making everyone who heard it terrified.

[They gathered tens of thousands of Chinese people together and did not let them eat anything except water. ]

[These poor people struggled in hunger and despair, their bodies gradually became weak, but they had no ability to resist at all. ]

[After a long and cruel experiment, the first conclusion was finally reached: a person can survive for up to 60 days without eating and drinking only water without starving to death. 】

This conclusion hit everyone's heart like a heavy hammer!

Many people looked at the sky and gasped involuntarily!

"Only drink water? No food, this..." Someone muttered to himself, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

"What?" Another person exclaimed, his eyes full of shock and fear.

"Tens of thousands of people starved to death, just for such an absurd conclusion?" Someone asked angrily, his voice full of condemnation of this cruel behavior.

For a while, the crowd talked a lot, and no one could accept such a fact.

They couldn't imagine what kind of pain and torture those imprisoned people in the future had experienced, and they couldn't understand why someone would do such a cruel thing.

At this time, the picture on the sky changed again.

The densely packed naked children, like fish in a can of sardines, were stuffed into an iron house that was as hot as a steamer!

Those poor children, each of them had a red face, as if blood could drip out, and large beads of sweat mixed with saliva kept flowing out of their small bodies.

One after another, the children fell down helplessly!

[They drove our descendants of China into this terrible oven, using extremely high temperatures to ruthlessly roast them until they were completely dried up before they came to the second conclusion! ]

[It turns out that the human body contains up to 78% water! ]

Witnessing this scene, many people burst into tears, these are their own descendants!

How can they not be heartbroken?

The emperors of various time and space also clenched their fists in anger!


The eyes of the First Emperor were full of anger, and his voice

Extremely cold:

"How dare these beasts treat my people like this!"

As the words fell, Qin Shihuang's clenched fist slammed on the dragon throne!

"I will make these Japanese bastards pay the price!" He roared at the sky, as if to release all the anger in his heart.


Emperor Wu of Han stood on the city wall, looking into the distance, his face gloomy and frightening.

He gritted his teeth and said: "The Japanese's actions are intolerable! I, the Han people, should repay blood with blood!"

Under the city wall, the soldiers were indignant, waving their weapons and shouting slogans: "Kill the Japanese to serve the country! Kill the Japanese to serve the country!"

Turning to face the soldiers, he raised his right arm and shouted loudly: "All soldiers listen to my orders! Follow me to the expedition, and I will not stop until the Japanese pirates are destroyed!"

Before the words fell, the city gate opened wide, leading the army to march towards Japan.

At this time above the sky!

In a freezing cold environment, a group of women in tattered clothes who could barely cover their bodies were suffering inhumane torture.

They were ruthlessly stuffed into a huge ice block that exuded a biting cold, as if they were in an extremely cold place.

Every woman was dying from the severe cold, some of them had their lips turned a terrible purple, and some even lost their lives in this cruel freezing.

A thick layer of frost gradually formed on the surface of these poor women's bodies, which made people wonder how low the temperature here was!

However, this was not the cruelest part.

Then, the inhuman torturers pulled these women out of the cold ice bucket and mercilessly threw them into a boiling pool of bubbling and boiling water.

In an instant, miserable screams resounded throughout the space! The women's flesh and bones were quickly separated under the action of extreme temperature differences, and in the end only a pile of white bones was left, which was horrifying!

Such a scene is simply hell on earth, but the perpetrators turned a blind eye to it, and their cruel hearts were outrageous.

[At this time, they came to the third conclusion, that is, if people are quickly frozen to minus 30 degrees, and then quickly put into 100-degree boiling water, the flesh and bones will separate instantly! ]

How could ordinary people living in different time and space have seen such a horrifying and horrifying scene!

Many people's stomachs churned and they couldn't help vomiting!

Then, a shocking murderous intent erupted like a volcano.

At this moment, the emperors from various time and space had already been blinded by anger and completely lost their minds!

They began to mobilize troops regardless of everything.

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