The sky was full of horror, and the sky was full of horror.

On the sky.

One after another, the creepy photos stood on the huge sky like ghosts, and each one seemed to tell the history that was unbearable to look at.

The sad and angry voice continued to ring in people's ears like thunder!

"Their crimes are far more than that!"

This sentence is like a sharp sword, piercing the barrier of time and bringing people back to that dark era.

"They actually performed inhumane vivisection on the Chinese without anesthesia!"

The indignation and shock in the words are beyond words, and it is impossible to imagine how cruel the scene was at that time.

"What's even more abominable is that these Japanese military doctors believe that only when the subjects are fully awake can the data obtained be true and accurate!"

This absurd reason is simply a trampling on human conscience.

"And those poor Chinese women, they are forced to be infected with germs after they become pregnant, just to wait for the fetus in their belly to form, and then suffer the same terrible live dissection."

The grief and helplessness in the words are heartbreaking, as if you can see the desperate tears in the eyes of those mothers.

"And this is only to observe the physiological state of the fetus and meet their so-called scientific research needs!"

They made the baby into a specimen and put it in a glass jar filled with formalin.

The last sentence is like a heavy hammer hitting people's hearts!

People in all time and space were frightened by the cruel scene in the video.

Even the First Emperor couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling!

At this time, the sky screen changed again.

"Human-Animal Blood Transfusion"

The video presents a horrifying picture:

A group of Chinese people with astonishingly pale faces lie lifelessly on cold beds.

Their faces are ashen, as if the vitality of life has been drained away.

In front of each person are two cold machines - a blood drawer and an injection machine.

The blood drawer keeps drawing blood from these people, while the injection machine on the other side injects a mysterious liquid into their bodies.

A closer look reveals that the liquid in those syringes is actually the blood of animals, and there are also chicken feathers that have not been cleaned up!

This weird scene makes people from all time and space shudder!

The whole ward is filled with a depressing atmosphere, as if time has frozen.

Those Japanese devils in white coats don't take the Chinese seriously at all, and are still recording experimental data.

Under the banner of solving the problem of "inferior races", they began inhumane experiments.

These madmen mercilessly sucked a lot of blood from the Chinese people, as if they wanted to drain them dry.

And those faces that were once full of life turned pale as paper due to excessive blood loss.

However, this was not the cruelest thing.

Then, the demons forcibly injected the blood of livestock into the Chinese people, trying to change their genetic composition.

This behavior that violates the laws of nature is simply a trampling on human dignity and life!

It is conceivable that all the Chinese compatriots who participated in the experiment suffered unspeakable pain and torture, and eventually died tragically in this bloody atrocity.

People from all time and space were furious. These Japanese pirates actually said that we are "inferior races?"


The First Emperor thought to himself that it was too easy for these beasts to kill them.

Qin Shi Huang's eyes were cold and flashing with anger. He turned around and ordered the generals around him: "Go out to sea and capture these beasts for me. I will make them live a life worse than death!"

"I will make them live in fear of the Chinese nation forever."

And above the sky, the picture changed again.

The sad and angry voice sounded again.

"Plague Virus Experiment"

They wanted to kill Chinese soldiers and civilians more efficiently, so the 731st unit captured and raised millions of mice.

These mice were used to breed the terrible plague virus. They cruelly injected the virus directly into the bodies of "Chinese people", and even newborn babies were not spared!

Under the ravages of the plague virus, the victims suffered unbearable pain and their lives were shockingly short.

Some people died in just a few seconds, and the longest lasted only a dozen seconds.

Their bodies turned black, bleeding from all seven orifices, and their deaths were extremely miserable!

As technology matures, these inhumane Japanese troops will become

Thousands of Chinese people were tied up on the open land, and then the plague virus was thrown from the sky to test the killing range of this new weapon!

Innocent compatriots tied to the ground died one after another, and everyone's face turned black due to poisoning.

However, the Japanese army, who committed heinous crimes, was very satisfied with the lethality of the new weapon and recorded the experimental data as if nothing had happened.

With the successful experiment, these beasts became more and more crazy!

They actually injected the plague virus into huge ceramic jars and threw these "lethal weapons" on the vast land of China by plane.

In an instant, the plague spread like wildfire, and the Chinese people suffered heavy casualties.

According to statistics, during this period, there were as many as 12 million confirmed infected people!

In 18 counties including Luxi in Shanxi Province alone, at least 200,000 innocent Chinese compatriots died tragically in this germ war launched by Japan.

What's even more outrageous is that when they finally chose to surrender!

Those rats and fleas that had not yet been destroyed were released from their secret base.

This move directly led to another large-scale outbreak of plague in China.

The once prosperous and peaceful Harbin Pingfang area was not spared and completely became a plague-stricken area!

It became the only place in the world where plague was caused by human factors!

The sky screen changed again!

"Weapon Penetration Experiment"

In order to test the lethality of the newly developed weapons, this group of inhumane beasts actually captured our compatriots as test subjects.

They covered the eyes of these innocent people with black cloth and forced everyone to group ten people!

Let them be naked or wear different types of protective gear, and then line up neatly!

These extremely hateful Japanese devils, holding guns, started shooting from the closest person and gradually moved forward.

Such cruel and ruthless behavior, just to find out which protective equipment can provide better protection and the difference in lethality between different weapons!

In an instant, the whole land seemed to be dyed red with endless blood, and the strong smell of blood filled the air, making people sick.

However, this tragic scene did not stop the evil deeds of those crazy Japanese devils. They even recorded the data and results of each shooting in detail.

What is even more infuriating is that in these records, they actually wrote such a sentence:

"The pain caused by these experiments is incomparable to any torture!"

It is hard to imagine how bloody and terrifying the scene was at that time.

Finally, these inhumane Japanese devils arrogantly declared: "No Chinese will be able to leave Unit 731 alive!"

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