The battle was won, and the battle was won.

All planes were shocked by the fearless lineup on the sky, as well as the powerful military spirit!

"This... is there more?"

"There are already millions of people, right?"

People from all ages and all spaces began to get restless, whispering to each other!

How could these ordinary people who make a living by farming have ever seen such an amazing scene?

Not only the civilians were shocked, but even the emperors who were in high positions and controlled the power of the world were also shocked!

Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng said with emotion: "How can China not prosper with such brave and fearless men!"

Han Gaozu Liu Bang shouted excitedly: "If China cannot prosper, it is simply unforgivable!"

Tang Taizong Li Shimin said excitedly: "Our great Chinese nation, as a great country, will surely rise and move towards glory!"

Zhu Yuanzhang stood up excitedly and said: "If every citizen can be as brave and resolute as this, we will definitely win this war!"

The screen of the sky curtain switched again at this time!

The familiar voice sounded again.

[Do you think there are only so many people? Do you really think there are only so many people? ]

[No, of course not, there are countless and countless Chinese people and countless foreign friends who are not used to the behavior of the devils! ]

Get up! Get up! People who don't want to be slaves! Build a new Great Wall with our flesh and blood!


Accompanied by the national anthem,

The screen of the sky curtain changed again!

A non-commissioned officer in a neat military uniform, with a solemn and angry expression, shouted at the top of his lungs:

"Pull it up! Pull it up quickly, you bastards! The commander has ordered him to pull it up immediately!"

The commander tightly grasped the intercom in his hand, his eyes wide open, and screamed at the top of his voice:

"Chonghui! Chonghui! Did you hear me? I order you now to pull up the fighter plane quickly! Immediately! Immediately!"

At this moment, in the clear blue sky, a fighter plane was billowing thick smoke, rushing straight towards the Japanese warship like a burning meteor!

Suddenly, a weak but firm voice came from the intercom.

"Goodbye, Commander! Goodbye, my beloved teacher! Goodbye, dear brothers!"

"Ah..." The commander sighed painfully.

Then, there was a loud earth-shaking sound - "Boom!"

The fuel tank of this brave and fearless fighter exploded and successfully hit the enemy ship, but the young pilot also sacrificed his precious life at this moment and died heroically for his country!

The sky changed again!

Photos appeared on the sky, and the voice of grief and indignation sounded again!

[They are the first batch of air force pilots in our country. They stood up at the critical moment of national crisis! ]

[They were all born in famous families, but they are the most passionate rich children in history! ]

[The average age of them when they sacrificed was only 23 years old! The youngest was only 17 years old! ]

[They all graduated from Hangzhou Jianqiao Aviation School. More than 1,700 students who graduated from it all died for their country in order to resist the invasion of Japanese invaders! ]

[In 1937, the Battle of Songhu broke out. The Chinese Air Force was extremely brave and shot down more than 40 Japanese planes in just one day! 】

【Achieved the first victory in the air battle with the Japanese army! 】

【With more and more Japanese fighter planes, facing this situation, these young airmen would rather die in battle than perish with the enemy! 】

【Just like their school motto: "Our bodies, planes and bombs should perish together with the enemy's warships and positions!" 】

【"Our bodies and planes are the last bombs we shoot at the enemy!" 】

【More than 1,700 soldiers have kept this sentence in mind forever since entering school! 】

The sky screen changes again!

A plane in the sky perishes together with the enemy plane!

"Chen Huaimin, he was the first person in the history of world air combat to collide with an enemy plane. He could have lived a wealthy life, but he gave up writing and joined the army to serve his country!"

"In a battle against the enemy, he was surrounded by four enemy planes, but he still fought hard. After shooting down an enemy plane, his fuel tank was accidentally hit. Faced with this situation, he gave up the idea of ​​parachuting to survive!"

"He adjusted the direction and pulled the control stick hard. The fighter plane turned up 180 degrees with thick black smoke and crashed into the oncoming enemy plane!"

"He was only 22 years old that year!"

"Shen Chonghui!" He was born into a prominent family. His father was a well-known justice at the time. His mother told him stories about national heroes since he was a child, which made the young Shen Chonghui yearn for it!

After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, the Japanese invaders burned, killed and looted. Shen Chonghui was very angry when he saw it!

Then he had the idea of ​​joining the army to serve the country. After graduating from Jiangqiao School,

In a battle with the Japanese army, because the fighter plane he was driving was riddled with bullets and could not return, he immediately decided to drive a fighter plane loaded with bombs from a high altitude and swooped down and crashed into the enemy ship!

He died with the enemy. He was 26 years old that year!

There are many more things like this!

These people were all born into prominent families and had a bright future, but at the critical moment of the country, they stood up without hesitation!

When their instructors learned that all the students had died in the war, they were very angry!

Flying a fighter plane alone into the sky!

The diary wrote: "All my students died in the battle. As their teacher, it's my turn to go on the field!"

He fought against 32 Japanese fighter planes alone!

He also died for his country in the end!

This first batch of air force, composed of all children from wealthy families, shot down more than 1,200 enemy planes in total in just a few months from graduation to death!

Some people became cold words on tombstones, and some did not even leave their names!

The sky screen changed again!

Of course, there are some foreign friends who helped China!

For example, "Lieutenant Schmeling", a German military adviser who died in the Battle of Shanghai!"

[During the Battle of Shanghai in October 1937, as an adviser in the German advisory group, "Lieutenant von Schmeling" was an adviser in the German-equipped 88th Division! ]

[Originally, he could stay away from the front line, but he chose to fight with the Chinese soldiers in the rear! ]

[He was sent to China in June 1935 and served as a military advisor in the 88th Division of the Central Army of the German-equipped Division! ]

[In August 1937, he followed the 88th Division to the Songhu Anti-Japanese War front and held out for 76 days with the Chinese army. ]

[On October 12, 1937, the battalion where Lieutenant Schmeling was located was surrounded by the Japanese army, and the retreat was almost completely cut off by artillery fire! ]

[In a critical moment, the battalion commander persuaded Schmeling to leave and go to the division headquarters, actually wanting to save his life, but the young lieutenant chose to advance and retreat with the soldiers on the position out of chivalry! ]

[After the death of the battalion commander, Lieutenant Schmeling took over the command and led the remaining troops, fighting and holding on until the last moment of his life! ]

[After the war, the National Government posthumously awarded Schmeling the rank of colonel, and the German Army posthumously awarded him the rank of lieutenant! 】

Of course there are heroes who are extremely brave, and there are also villains who surrender and sell out their country!

Compared with the Japanese army, they are the most infuriating!

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