The truth is that the Chinese people are not ashamed of their own mistakes.

They are despised by the world and have been cursed for thousands of years. People call them traitors and traitors without mercy!

From ancient times to the present, there will be such people in any era, and there are no shortage of them during the arduous Anti-Japanese War!

For their own selfish interests, these people do not hesitate to sell out the interests of the country and the nation, collude with the enemy, and betray their compatriots.

Their behavior is outrageous and has seriously damaged the dignity of the country and the feelings of the people.

In the Anti-Japanese War, countless brave and fearless Chinese sons and daughters stood up and fought bloody battles to defend the motherland.

However, on this land of boiling blood, a group of despicable and shameless people appeared.

In order to pursue wealth and glory or escape responsibility, they chose to surrender to the Japanese invaders and became their running dogs and accomplices.

These traitors forgot their roots and abandoned the bottom line and conscience of being a human being.

They assisted the Japanese army in invading and massacring China, bringing heavy disasters to innocent people.

Their actions are heartbreaking and infuriating.

The names of these traitors will be forever engraved on the pillar of shame in history, and they will be condemned and criticized by future generations.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, it was shocking that the number of Japanese puppet troops alone was as high as 2.1 million!

These people are obviously the sons and daughters of China, but they are willing to become running dogs of Japan, pointing the sharp bayonets in their hands mercilessly at their compatriots!

This kind of betrayal is really heartbreaking.

However, similar situations are not uncommon.

Throughout the long river of history, the emperors of various dynasties seem to have been accustomed to this.

Since ancient times, such treacherous people who sell out their country for glory are not uncommon.

Although this is not a new thing, it has undoubtedly brought heavy pain to the country and the nation.

Take the descendants of Confucius for example. They have always been firm believers in capitulationism since ancient times!

Especially the Northern Confucius lineage!

When the Yuan people came, they surrendered to the Mongols. When the Qing people came, they surrendered to the Qing Dynasty. When Japan came, they surrendered to Japan. The world has been repairing the surrender!

Warring States Period.

Confucius widened his eyes, his face full of astonishment, and he stood there as if he was hit by a thunderbolt.

Then, a burst of anger gushed out from the bottom of his heart. He looked up to the sky and roared with grief and anger:

"How can this be! Is this the descendant of this old man? It's so unbearable!"

Confucius' voice echoed in the air like thunder, with endless disappointment and resentment.

He could not accept what he saw. He had high hopes for his descendants, hoping that they would follow his teachings, inherit the Confucian way, and uphold the virtue of loyalty.

But now, the facts have dealt him a heavy blow - these so-called descendants have already gone the other way!

Confucius was so angry that he trembled all over, and pointed his finger at the distance with trembling hands, angrily denouncing the various actions of these unfilial descendants.

He regretted their weakness and incompetence, and was even more heartbroken that they easily succumbed to foreign pressure.

He wanted to fly to them immediately and ask them face to face how they could lose themselves and abandon the will of their ancestors?

Standing there, Confucius couldn't help but sigh to the sky, his heart full of sighs and sighs.

He thought that the ideas he advocated throughout his life would be passed on from generation to generation, guiding generations of people to the right path.

But the cruel reality was like a basin of ice water poured on his head, waking him up from a dream.

Faced with this heartbreaking situation, Confucius felt unprecedented loneliness and helplessness.

Emperors of different time and space think carefully and it seems to be true!

The screen is still playing!

"The Top Ten Traitors During the Anti-Japanese War!"

The title stands on the screen, and the narration sounds!

The number one traitor: Wang Jingwei!

The screen switches, and a black and white photo of Wang Jingwei gradually appears clearly in front of the audience, with detailed personal information attached.

The narrator continues to narrate in a heavy and serious voice: "Wang Jingwei, this name once carried the expectations of countless people for the revolution."

"He was one of the pioneers of the Chinese revolution, but the turn of fate is heartbreaking."

The camera zooms in, and the focus falls on a photo of Wang Jingwei and a Japanese officer.

This photo seems to tell a history that is unbearable to look back on.

The narrator said deeply: "During the Anti-Japanese War, Wang Jingwei betrayed his motherland, abandoned his former beliefs, and was willing to become a puppet of the Japanese invaders."

"What he did is outrageous!"

As the screen progresses, one by one, the traitors who betrayed their country and begged for money are...

The treaties of Wang Jingwei are written on paper.

These treaties are undoubtedly ironclad evidence of Wang Jingwei's betrayal of the country and selling out the interests of the nation.

The narrator pointed out indignantly: "He secretly colluded with the Japanese invaders and signed a series of humiliating agreements with his own hands, providing shameless support for Japan's war crimes.

This behavior is simply intolerable!"

What's more hateful is that with the support of the Japanese army, Wang Jingwei actually established the so-called Wang Puppet Regime.

The number of puppet troops continued to expand like a snowball, and eventually reached as many as 2.1 million! Behind this huge number, there are so many innocent people's blood and tears!

The picture gradually darkened, and the subtitles "Traitors are shameful, treason is hateful" slowly appeared on the screen.

These eight big characters are like a sharp sword, piercing people's hearts, warning future generations never to forget this humiliating history.

In the end, Wang Jingwei finally received the punishment he deserved-not only was his tomb blown up after his death, but his body was also directly burned, and there was no trace of his body!

This tragic end became the most powerful condemnation of his treasonous behavior.

Traitor No. 2: Chen Gongbo!

The screen switched to Chen Gongbo's photos and related information, and the narrator said:

"Chen Gongbo was once a representative of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China, but later abandoned his faith and followed Wang Jingwei to become a traitor."

The camera showed a photo of Chen Gongbo and Wang Jingwei, as well as his activities in the Wang Puppet Government!

"He assisted the tiger and assisted Japan in its colonial rule over China, committing unforgivable crimes."

In the end, Chen Gongbo was sentenced to death, ending his sinful life.

Next, the sky curtain showed photos and brief introductions of the other eight traitors, and their crimes were revealed one by one.

People from all time and space looked at these pictures angrily, expressing strong indignation at the behavior of the traitors.

As the introduction of the last traitor ended, the sky curtain displayed the subtitles "Don't forget the national humiliation, beware of traitors", and the whole display ended in a solemn atmosphere.

While all the people in different time and space were discussing this, Tianmu also refreshed a new video!

"Can you practice medicine without a medical qualification certificate?"

All the people in different time and space were a little confused about what a medical qualification certificate was!

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