Watching the Dawn

Vol 4 Chapter 22: A painful lesson

Lu Yuan gently stroked the scar on Annie's face, which was once a scar that could see the jawbone, silent. Although it was no harm under the treatment of the high-level medical kit, the huge scar still remained, destroying Anne's beautiful appearance.

"Don't worry, it can be eliminated after returning to the space", Anne protruded from the quilt and wrapped in gauze upper body, hugged Lu Yuan leaning against the bedside comfortingly. On the other side of Lu Yuan, Ding Mumu's thin body was covered in a quilt, holding Lu Yuan's waist tightly, and Lu Yuan could still feel her shaking.

In the morning, the Alpha team received the main task four "recover the military port".

At that time, the three people were a night of Shengge, and they climbed up with great perseverance. Then Ding Mumu was obsessed with "master feeding a special breakfast", Lu Yuan readily obeyed, and also caught the reluctant Annie, and the result was tossing until nine o'clock. Then the three men made a little preparation and set off in a command car.

At this time, after a long time of brushing money and accumulated character bonuses, the three people are high-end goods from head to toe, and Anne also carries a huge military crossbow.

Since she acquired the specialty of "Gunpowder Weapon Mastery (Advanced)", the two women have moved their minds. Now that gunpowder weapon types can be combined, what about the other? Ding Mumu was originally good at long swords and daggers. Now most of the enemy kills are hacked to death with a dogleg knife after sneaking in to see if he can get the specialty of "blade weapon mastery". As a big knight, Annie uses bows and arrows very well, but is restricted to knights' creeds and cannot use crossbows. Now we are specifically training crossbow arrows to see if they can be combined into "long-range weapon mastery".

Lu Yuan teased that she had to master the catapult and the city crossbow, and Annie was furious. Lu Yuan is obsessed with repairing and assembling weapons, and is happy to build a double legend of hot and cold weapons. Therefore, although it is a task, all three people are thinking about how to train to obtain better merge skills.

After arriving at his destination, Lu Yuan chose a small forest as an offensive base according to his training. He hid his car behind the woods, and then chose sniper and ambush positions in front of the woods. As usual, he arranged while listening to Annie's instructions in the headphones. Ding Mumu chose an ambush point closer to the military port, ready to sneak in at any time.

Unfortunately, the development of the matter was much unexpected.

First, when Lu Yuan sniffed the outpost, his head shot was not dead! And an alarm was issued before adding a shot! Lu Yuan felt bad at the time, with a headshot of 62X130% X3. The damage of up to 241 was not dead! (Of course, it is impossible to be so high. If you have a helmet, you need to wear armor before calculating the damage.)

Less than ten seconds later, when Lu Yuan was hesitant to retreat, the gate of the military port was opened, and four armored vehicles rushed out! Lu Yuan immediately retreated the two of them. He replaced the armor-piercing projectile and tried to block the driver and the wheel by sniper. After seven or eight shots, the last armored vehicle overturned; the other was driven halfway, the driver was killed, and the machine gun was placed on the spot to suppress the shooting; only two rushed to the position. Then came the heavy machine gun in the car. The single rocket launcher started to set fire at a distance of 100 meters. Lu Yuan could only dodge with light power and full speed, and he fought back.

When all three of them were retreating into the woods in awkwardness, Lu Yuan was shot in the abdomen and seriously injured. Annie rubbed a gun on her face, her spine was blown up, and she was dying. Fortunately, it was not a direct hit. Only Ding Mumu was still intact, only a broken right arm. Ding Mumu supported Annie, and the three of them fled desperately.

At this time, the weird whistling sounded again, Ding Mumu only had time to shout "RPG!", And the three were blown out. Waiting for Lu Yuan to wake up, the scene he saw almost made him incredible! Anne's blood volume that had just been pulled up by the medical kit came to a bottom again, and there was blood lying all over him. Ding Mumu fell into a coma, his right leg was only a little bit connected.

He didn't have any thoughts, but just hugged two people wholeheartedly, lifted all his internal strength, and fled to the command car.

Along the way, three people were given injections of treatment needles alternately, hanging the last point of life. I do n’t know the great luck there, so that the three people can escape to the A.I.M forward base and then be sent back to the airport base for treatment. It was three days after the three people awoke.

Annie's face left a huge scar, at least this world can not be eliminated. Ding Mumu's leg was connected, because the world only has blood volume and no residual limb effect, so she recovered the fastest, but the fear of the moment she was blown up is still there. Lu Yuan pulled out dozens of shrapnel in the back. Moreover, because the internal force is draining and fishing, it causes extremely serious internal injuries. This cannot be cured by the medical kit, and can only be slowly nurtured with internal power.

After waking up, the three of them climbed onto a big bed and hugged them tightly.


"It's all my fault", Lu Yuan said bitterly, "As a captain, there is insufficient intelligence, and the enemy is underestimated. At the critical moment, he hesitated. I almost made all the mistakes I can make. I ... or Anne as the captain.

"It's not your fault!" Said Annie decisively. At this time, Ding Mumu also came out of the quilt, prostrate on Lu Yuan's chest, nodded in agreement, "Ayuan, you are a new person, this error is between me and Annie of."

"Yeah ~ ~ As a veteran, he even forgot that this is a cruel world of trial! Practice skills, score points, and desolation ... Desolate prostitution", said Annie blushing, "This is really not That ’s it! A Yuan, you ’re a good captain. Experience can be accumulated, but the ability to act is born. Although you have a lot of immature places, in the end, you rescued us from danger. You did n’t give up on us To prove that you are the best person to be a captain! "

"Well, I also want Ayuan to be the captain. Only when Ayuan is by my side, I feel safe." Ding Mumu said while kissing on his lips.

They look forward to an indulgent joy that can dilute the great fear of life and death.

In the days after, through continuous investigation and communication with the opposite side, Lu Yuan finally confirmed the fact that the enemy strengthened.

Is not a very obvious reinforcement. Lu Yuan was faced with second-line troops and temporarily recruited militia. The military port guards the second division directly under the government army, and also has some international mercenaries. Although the second division level is the "division" level, there are actually less than two thousand combatants, scattered and guarding eight or nine locations. There are dozens to hundreds of people in each location, and the rest are stationed in the northern part of the capital. As the two trump cards in the hands of the government army, although the first division and the second division lacked heavy weapons because of the arms embargo, a large number of sophisticated light weapons were still equipped by arms dealers.

The military port is a garrison area directly under the Second Division. It not only has a large number of armored vehicles, light and heavy machine guns, RPGs, but also comprehensively installs automatic weapons such as the M16 as standard weapons. A full set of tactical suits, bulletproof vests, and helmets are also available. Twice. The combat effectiveness is completely incomparable with the local troops still using weapons of World War II.

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