Watching the Dawn

Vol 4 Chapter 23: Night attack

The same situation also happened to the samsaras on the opposite side. After several attacks on the anti-government army with ease, they also fell into paralysis, and then kicked on the iron plate. The anti-government army also has elite troops armed by foreign governments who intervene under the stage. As a result, another senior died, and only their captain and the new female survived. Now is also entering rest.

"Hey, Mary, we need better weapons. The next step is to occupy the military port. Should we take Thompson to charge?"

Lu Yuan took Chen Yuze to find his girlfriend, the quartermaster Black Beauty Mary at the base. Although the weapons in the online arsenal continue to increase as the rank rises, they are increasing in the direction of greater power. You can buy better items by increasing your rank. But for Lu Yuan, their demand is far faster than the increase! The squad now needs heavy weapons and firepower that can confront the opponent, rpg, vehicle heavy machine guns, armored vehicles, etc., everything is needed.

"I know, I know. Captain Lu, we are friends, but I can't help." Mary said with helplessness.

"Mary, that person said ... you know, I accidentally heard ... that guy named Kohler" that, seeing Lu Yuan's non-stop signal, Chen Yuze had no choice but to support us.

"Damn, dear you shouldn't know this!" Mary complained, pulling Chen Yuze into her arms like an object, and the two began to kiss ...

"Cough", embarrassed Lu Yuan turned his head to cough, even if you, I have to wait for me to leave?

"Okay, you know there are some things you shouldn't know. Some things have to be pretended not to know, some things we know you know, but you can't let us know that you really know ... In short, there are some firearms. I It should be noted that first, they are very expensive. Second, you need to go to the online arsenal to buy their own bullets, which is also very expensive. I only have a basic basic ammunition here. Third, I have never sold you Any weapons that are not on the list. "Mary first went out to confirm that there were no other people around, and said solemnly when she came back and locked the door.

Don't know what mechanism was pushed, her desk moved away, and a bite of alloy box rose under it. As the box is raised, the lid is also translated back to reveal the two firearms placed at the same tilt. The firearm is about 80 cm long and black. The gun body is like a rectangular wooden stick with a fixed sight on it.

"This is an experimental model firearm, a G11 assault rifle, with a weight of 4.3Kg after loading, a range of 400 meters, an injury of 40, and a firing rate of three rounds of 2,000 rounds per minute. A special 4.73x33 mm shellless ammunition is used. , You can buy it directly in the online arsenal. The accuracy of the high hit, low recoil, and three bursts is unmatched, and its power is absolutely satisfactory to you. "

"Both of them, how much is it?" Lu Yuan glared.

"One hundred thousand dollars and an" Experimental Weapons and Data Collection Agreement "."


HKG11 assault rifle experimental model

Weight: 3.6 kg

Durability: 360/360

Bullet type: 4.73x33mm shellless bullet

Range: 400m

Damage: 40

Accuracy: 100%

Rate of fire: 1000RPM

Elastic capacity: 50 rounds

Special effects: single shot, triple shot, continuous shot

Description: The high rate of fire guarantees that the second and third rounds of the three consecutive shots are not affected by recoil. It can be sold to the main **** for $ 14,200.



"Dada", the gunshot of G11 is slightly low, because it is an experimental model, and there is no corresponding silencer and other accessories. With three hits, Lu Yuan can take away an elite soldier in one shot.

"Da Da Da", "Da Da Da", Lu Yuan and Annie alternately advanced with G11, shooting soldiers trying to rush out of the house. Because Lu Yuan and the two chose to attack from behind, the first wave solved the two sentries, which made the enemy face a dilemma. Because there were no windows in this direction, it was impossible to fight back. If you don't rush out, you will be suppressed in the room and a grenade will be solved. There was no chance of rushing out to face two automatic weapons.

As for the front of the room?

A soldier holding an RPG just showed his head slightly, and his head was shattered into pieces. A moment later, a shocking gun body came from far away. There is a supersonic shooting M82 anti-material sniper rifle on the front.

For a moment, the dozen soldiers and drivers who hid in Luca's room were utterly wiped out.

Received the completion of the mission, Lu Yuan dared not carelessly, took the sniper rifle on the roof to alert him, Annie started searching for loot, and Ding Mumu drove the convertible car over. Because of the vehicle, Ding Mumu also carried a sniper rifle. Although a small woman, she was violently messed up in her bones and bought a M82, the most powerful anti-material sniper rifle. For the reincarnation, even the petite Mu Mu, recoil is not a problem.

Unfortunately, the heavy weapons they need, whether they are rocket launchers or grenade guns, are still not available. In the end, the idea can only be put on the head of the government army. The attack on the second division's transport team this time was due to their weaponry.

Sure enough ~ ~ The intercepted transport trucks are full of weapons and ammunition, as well as various canned foods, and there are thick armor plates around the cab of the vehicle. If not most people got out of the car and entered the Luca room for a lunch break, Lu Yuan was unlikely to succeed in their ambush. It may kill several people, but the transporter will definitely run.

Sell ​​all the quest items to the main god, this time a lot of gains. It may be because the battle is not fierce and the gains on weapons are not much. For a whole vehicle of weapons, only three firearms that were not mission items were found. An M16 and two RPG rocket launchers. Fortunately, I found two 40mm grenade launchers that can be mounted under the assault rifle. Because ammunition is not a mission item, there are full semi trucks. This time finally has the heavy firepower to attack!

It was just three people who did not attack the military port just like that. It can be said that after a specific analysis, it is the most foolish behavior to attack the military port directly with the power of three people, and sneaking into combat is the only option. Before that, much preparation work needs to be done. For example, we must find ways to transport weapons, and then obtain information such as maps and personnel distribution. Again, the biggest problem is overcoming fear.

None of the three people are special predators. They used to be ordinary people in ordinary society. Even if you become a senior, wrapped in a strong body, you will also be afraid and weak, and this emotion will bring about task failure and death. Lu Yuan took them to attack other weak targets stationed in the Second Division, one was to get used to the increased combat intensity, then to overcome the psychological fear, and finally to weaken the support force outside the military port, and then adjust in the Second Division Before deployment, turn around and destroy the military port.

PS: Thank you Laoke for your reward.

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