Watching the Dawn

Vol 16 Chapter 46: Lockhart Book Fair

"Ho1y! Ho1y! Ho1y! LoRd_god_a1mighty, hito_bsp; (Holy, holy, holy, holy! Almighty God, who was, is, and will be forever!)

The headline ad published in the Daily Prophet the previous day had a huge effect. Early in the morning, almost all the shops in Diagon Alley had not yet opened for business, and the streets were already crowded!

When the whole magical side still stayed in the "alcohol is not afraid of deep alley", only dare to dare to sew advertisements in newspapers. √6 Dare to smash 5oo Jin Jialong in the distance, and contract the headlines with heavy gold, it is a shocking move! Fortunately, there are endorsements of Lockhart ’s best-selling books for decades, and the advertisement ignites huge shopping enthusiasm, not overwhelming accusations.

As a "friend of women" for girls, young women, middle-aged women, and old women at all ages, Lockhart has a very high influence in the female group. Among the tens of thousands of people who have swarmed into Diagon Alley today, female readers account for the vast majority of them! They are wearing beautiful clothes, holding Lockhart's book in their hands, and holding a magic wand in hand to continuously release fireworks into the air, waiting for the "idol" to debut with the most shining gesture!

Lockhart did not disappoint them. With 20 salutes roaring, huge paintballs exploded in the sky and covered the fireworks, and turned into flying birds! Dozens of fairies rode on brooms, with small white wings on their backs, and flew trumpets across Diagon Alley! After they showed off in fancy fashion for a few laps, it was divided into two rows, and fresh petals were thrown down.

When the song "Holy Say! Holy Say!" Sounded, countless old guys were frightened to jump from the bed and they thought they would return to the time when they were going to be grilled by the Vatican! But women do n’t care if it ’s a hymn to praise God. If so, it ’s appropriate to sing Lockhart! When the long-awaited arrival came and saw an illusory door being pushed open, tens of thousands of women screamed in unison, like the roar when the plane took off!

Accompanied by the golden light of the sunrise, four white horses sprinted from the air, a gorgeous carriage, carrying the golden glittering Gidero Lockhart, came to Diagon Alley!

"Ahhh!" At this moment, I don't know how many girls witch fainted, and the camera's flash turned into an ocean!

At seven o'clock, Lai Keng Bookstore starts its normal business two hours ahead of normal time!

When the customer walked into the Lizhen Bookstore, it turned out that there were earth-shaking changes here. Forty fairies used space expansion spells to expand the interior of the Lizhen Bookstore into a modern shopping mall! So I saw tens of thousands of customers flooding into Lizhen Bookstore, but that small store seemed to be always filled with dissatisfaction, and the capacity was unlimited.

6 Yuan's original intention was to reduce the crowding of Diagon Alley, so as not to affect other businesses, but how could he think of it, as Diagon Alley reduced the number of people. More witches across the UK are rushing here through the empty flyway net ...

The entire bookstore is modeled as a class shopping plaza and transformed into a fully transparent hall.

Especially on the first floor, the entire open counter is used to display and sell Lockhart's works! Mainly divided into two areas, "signature version" sales area and "non-signature version" sales area. Although there is a big price difference, the sales area of ​​the signature version is now crowded, and the non-signature area is the door. In fact, the psychology in the middle is enough to write a monograph!

From aisle style to lighting choice, from shopping experience to interaction between customers.

The two areas that appear to be fair on the surface, in fact, except for the area, the rest are all one-sided. They tend to sign the sales counter. Imagine that the non-signed version of the book selection area is just under the vision of the checkout area of ​​the signed version. In the eyes of the gang of customers who are about to buy a signed version of the book, it is absolutely necessary to take a "cheap" non-signed version from the shelf!

I don't know how many people have fled in this gaze.

6 The signing of Yuanyuan is different from the signing of Muggles, and well-signed books have long been on the shelves. And the only thing that Gidero Lockhart has to do is to sit at the core of Ersha, chat with the female fans who are sitting around him, answer their questions, and respond to various ... the most important It is polite and gentle to invite them to sit down, and then politely and firmly ask them to leave after five minutes!

Lockhart's success is by no means accidental in arranging book fans, others can achieve 6o points, and he can achieve 12o points! 6 It is the job he is best at that he has arranged for him!

What is 6 Yuan doing now? He's raising prices! That's right, price increases. Because ordinary capitalists rely on integrity, crazy capitalists rely on the market!

"The magic version of" The Magical Me "is too crazy to sell! The stock is less than%! The price increase is 12 gallons!" Such shouts are everywhere, relying on the outstanding mathematical and financial talents of the goblins. The price increase system is rushing! And every time the price increases, it will only lead to more crazy snatches!

The sales frenzy gradually stabilized until most of the autographs were out of stock. Customers started to patronize other areas of the bookstore or temporarily rested in various types of Changsha throughout the bookstore. They either soothe their mood or appreciate the "trophy" just now. Of course, it is inevitable that some women will feel regret after waking up from the shopping frenzy.

But the "Full Price Recycling Signature Edition" brand played by the fairies quickly dispelled their doubts. What is it called? This is called appreciation when you buy it! For things that appreciate, people always hold tightly in their hands, and only a few of them are re-sold.

In the whole building area, the most popular area is only the area where Lockhart is chatting. The ladies stared fiercely there, and by the way of reserved eyes, they scanned the number plate in their hands in rapid rotation, whenever someone deliberately dragged on and refused to leave, or looked too beautiful. , You will be collectively cursed by the witches in the hall!

By the way, the curses of the witches are particularly effective. Just now a witch with a face covered in pocks ran out crying ...

"How is it?" Finally, after a busy time, the basic attributes of Lao 6 are exhausted. He rarely sat down and whispered a question to the goblin beside him. "Oh oh ~!" This fairy with wings still has a little scoop in his mouth, and he can't speak in a tone. Although he works in a bank, he can collect gold coins like a tide like today, really! No! see! Ever!

Less than two hours later sold out books signed by more than 40 people overnight! It's unimaginable! You know, other shops in Diagon Alley have not yet opened ...

"Okay, this first pot of gold is considered to have ... Yes, there is a small thing to do!" 6 Yuan just wanted to stretch his legs in relief, and saw the window, the Weasleys, Hermione Ge Lan Jie and her parents, and scarred Harry Potter, a group of people walked towards the Lijian Bookstore.

"Go, take some complete sets, the ones I left." He explained to the fairy on the side. When Lockhart sent away this group of book fans, 6 Yuan stopped the next wave of customers who came forward, "Sorry, please wait, some guests who have made an appointment ... Wesley's home The Lange family and our undead boy Harry Potter! "

The dull and dull Lockhart, who was entertaining, heard Harry coming, and suddenly he was upset. After the big scene before, he hadn't thought of taking a photo with Harry Potter and rubbing the heat. Lockhart is mainly to take a breath, he never thought it would be such a terrible thing to accompany female fans ...

Next, although the Weasleys and the group of children were caught off guard, it was a good thing after all. And there are two fans of Mrs. Weasley and Hermione inside, and finally managed to cope with it. Lockhart also took the opportunity to announce that he will become a teacher of the dark magic defense class at Hogwarts School.

6 Looking away from the side, feeling satisfied for a while with advertisements, appearances, autographed book sales, and Harry taking a photo of what he promised. Finally, everything was done ... Well, everything except the little **** the side.

Ginny Weasley was hiding behind her brothers, staring 6 far away with the most fierce eyes, trying to deter him! The expression clearly said, "It's not good to follow the plot, it's up to you!"

To know that today is her "big day".

Today, Malfoy will take advantage of the chaos to secretly hide the "Voldemort student's diary" into Ginny's basket. Then Ginny will open the secret room under the "control" of the diary. This is the beginning of the semester's secret room incident. Now 6 Yuan has changed Lizhen Bookstore to resemble a square, and there are many people here. What if Malfoy's method is broken? !

In the face of the girl ’s complaint, 6 Yuan quickly raised two thumbs up and gave it to me! Just organized a large-scale sales, he is now confident and believe me, yes!

When Mrs. Weasley was warmly chatting with Lockhart, Mr. Weasley was bored waiting next to him, just when he met the Malfoy father and son who were coming in. The old 6 a "Lingbo micro-step", with the speed of not being able to cover the ears and the bell of the bell ringing, rushed to the two people's **** and kicked each of them! When the two embraced each other passionately, he kicked again and kicked Draco Malfoy into Harry's arms!

ok! Enemies meet! Two pairs of men who have long hated each other for years have suddenly joined together to form a ball! 6 Far away, another clever hand left the black notebook in Ginny's basket ... "Look, I said I can do everything!"

He smiled and wanted to get a "like", but in the end he suffered a more angry eye attack from Ginny!

"Don't fight! Dad! Don't fight, Harry!" When Ginny screamed and pulled her father away, Dad had a bruised nose and a swollen face.

The two most important men in my life were injured at the same time! ! ! Ginny ’s anger is going to be reduced to substance, and the guy must be burned to death! He is the demon of my world! When she was so angry that she wanted to find 6 far away, the guy had quietly slipped away.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" The wrath of the Lord God, you wait!

"Hi ~! Lockhart."

Standing in front of the restored Lizhen Bookstore, Lockhart glanced at the store again. Although for more than ten hours, he felt that he was living in the depths of hell! But at this moment he crawled out of "hell", but he missed the moment surrounded by the book fans ... maybe people are so contradictory.

"I think I will always remember everything that was born today ~ ~ Lockhart said with emotion. But when he turned around, he saw that 6 Yuan put a piece of paper in front of his eyes." This What is it? "

He took the check and saw that the series of numbers written on it, even as an author of a book bestseller, was still shocked by the amount! Immediately, he thought of the origin of the money. To be honest, although Lockhart has always behaved a little IQ, but he is actually narcissistic and vanity, not mentally handicapped!

Therefore, from the beginning, he knew that 6 Yuan would pull a few tons of gold wool from him. What he thought was that as long as 6 Yuan could do everything he described, then he was willing to be pulled wool! Who knows, 6 Yuan will really leave his "that part" out. This copy is excluding the normal sales of books, and the extra income obtained through the signed version. Of course, because many people divide, this is only 30% of them.

"I only take the one I deserve." 6 Yuan took out another piece of paper and showed it in front of Lockhart. The figures above are equally striking, but they are less than half that of Lockhart.

"You are ... a very nice guy!" Gidro Lockhart actually felt a bit sore in his nose. "Re-recognize, I am Gidro Lockhart. Not a Merlin Class III Medalist, Nor is it a writer, or an honorary member of the Anti-Black Magic League ... just Lockhart! Can I know you? "

"Of course," 6 Yuan smiled and took Lockhart's outstretched hand, "I'm 6 Yuan, 6's 6 is big, far away."

ps: In the next half month, there are so many things, and we can only update as much as we can. Now I'm mainly sorting things out, the mailing away, the throwing away, and the move on the weekend. Then immediately, once the hospital was placed in bed, his wife would have surgery. It ’s good to be busy after half a month. In fact, the plot of my world has been completed. It should be said that it is very smooth to write, mainly because there is no time. 8

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