Watching the Dawn

Vol 16 Chapter 47: Next leave

The biggest puzzle in hp is, why didn't Harry finally become a pervert?

This is actually very incredible ...

You know, Harry was originally a good boy, even if he was abused from an early age, his heart was still full of sunshine until he encountered an older pervert, Dumbledore! We never knew what Dumbledore really wanted, and all his "self-explanations" were actually ambiguous. The whole process of "conquering" Voldemort also appeared dark and ambiguous, completely inconsistent with the image of his greatest master.

When Harry Potter stepped into the magic world for the first time, the rush of praise smashed him dizzy! On the one side was the closet boy who had no sense of presence at all, and on the other side was the savior whom many people worshipped, Harry was lost in his heart. He couldn't find his place. After all, he was just a 12-year-old kid.

At this time, Dumbledore appeared on the colorful clouds.

When Harry Potter shouted Voldemort's name recklessly, everyone thought he had a problem. Only Dumbledore was loudly applauded; Dumbledore gave the invisibility coat to the 12-year-old Harry Potter. To make him "unusual" from the beginning! Look, everyone must abide by the school rules, only Harry has golden fingers to do whatever he wants; then he also designed a "mini-game about magic stones" to let Harry Potter "defeat Voldemort" and "protect the magic stones", And save the world again!

He deliberately put Harry on a "No one believes what I said, but I am brave compared to anyone, only I dare to call Voldemort's name", "Everyone is against me, only Dumbledore supports me "Environment. You should know that throughout the Magic Stone incident, Harry asked the teachers around him many times, but these teachers all looked like, "Are you brain-dead, do you want to go to the hospital or go back to bed?"

Plus Snape kept chasing Harry bite like a mad dog.

This reaction of the teachers seriously hurt Harry's trust in adults; however, after Harry "beaten Voldemort", no one believed that Voldemort really appeared, and no one believed what he said was true, and Deng Brido will not testify about this between Harry and the people around him, erected a wall.

Dumbledore blocked all the roads and completely isolated Harry so that he could only choose to believe in himself (perhaps including two little friends).

After the hard work of the first year, Dumbledore finally made Harry Potter stunned! He no longer trusted anyone, even Dumbledore! He stubbornly called Voldemort's real name as if it were a glory; his hidden savior plot was completely irritated, thinking that there is nothing that he can't solve. If it can't be solved, then there must be God to help.

In this way, Dumbledore stepped Harry Potter and his friends, and even took most of the entire school of students, to the hostile position of Voldemort. In fact, we can understand it by looking at our eyes:

The battle between Voldemort and the magic world is a whole society and battle! This is a fart for Guan Nima students! The Muggle wizards of the whole society of Nima are hiding behind as **** pigs and letting them be slaughtered. Only a group of stupid students are pushed out as cannon fodder!

The vast majority of adults choose to sit idly by and watch a group of students rush to die, which is the most shameless thing! Dumbledore's good abacus: He instigated Hogwarts students. If the students succeeded, the day was peaceful; if the students failed, their blood and joint hatred could also wake up more people to resist! And the slaughter of the students themselves will allow Voldemort's forces to fall into a state of injustice!

To be honest, the incitement of students with bare hands to strike forwards has been repeated over and over in history ... No matter how Voldemort chooses, he is a loser.

As the principal, Dumbledore ’s students who had never loved him remembered that from the beginning, the war was directed to the campus, making Hogwarts a battlefield for both parties! Yes! This! Pcs! people! The whole chain is that students believe in Harry Potter and his friends, who believe in Dumbledore. What about Dumbledore?

Dumbledore Donima is dead!

Regardless of whether he is a real or a fake, it is this old chrysanthemum. The responsibility of the entire society is stolen by the responsibility of the Phoenix Society, and then the responsibility of the phoenix society is stolen by the responsibility of Hogwarts students. Lipot's responsibility.

So, it ’s really strange that the kid did n’t skew in the end.

Child Harry didn't know anyone was slandering him.

After all, he was only fourteen and sophomore.

He was anxious about the end of the holiday; he was annoyed that he had not received a letter from his friends; the anxious elf had probably messed up Mr. Dursley ’s big business, and almost made Mr. Dursley slaughter him; Gerald Lohatra was so stubborn, and now he was all wrong; worried ... The train to the school was about to leave, but the nine and three quarters of King ’s Cross Station could not get in!

"Why am I so unlucky ?!" Harry hurriedly lifted the cart that hit the wall and was bounced. "Stop calling, Hedwig, please." He picked up the pet cage and pleaded in a low voice, but it was useless. Since the cage fell to the ground, his pet Hedwig has been screaming loudly, attracting countless pedestrians to look over here. You know, pet abuse is a felony in the UK ~ ~ Harry, we are about to miss the car, I do n’t know why the aisle was sealed by myself. "Ron said.

"Ten seconds left." Harry pushed the car again to the platform of nine and three quarters. He pushed the car against the wall and pushed hard, but there was no movement on the wall. "It's time, we're done. Can you call your parents?"

"But I don't have money." Ron spread his hands and looked at the policeman approaching here, whispering. "We have to leave here soon."

"It's better to go back to the car and wait, it's too striking here ..."

"Harry, you said a car! That's right, we have a car. We can drive a car to Hogwarts!" Speaking of the car, Ron's eyes were all bright! "What are we waiting for?" The two of them ran towards the flying car together.

Ron ’s father, Mr. Arthur Weasley, worked in the “Prohibition of Muggle Supplies Division” of the Ministry of Magic. His responsibility is to place Muggle items for abuse, but he is obsessed with Muggle items and technology. This flying Ford car is the one he modified according to a loophole in a law he made himself. As long as he does not drive the car to heaven, a simple modification is not illegal ...

Unfortunately, he has several naughty sons.

Arthur Weasley is an interesting middle-aged man who loves his family and is compassionate. He is the kind of ordinary man who doesn't know himself, but is also a rare good and normal person in the Harry Potter world. If possible, 6 Yuan would like to get to know Arthur Weasley, there is an opportunity in front of him

He watched the car flying in the sky, pulled out a small handkerchief, and waved, "Brave boy, go and get into trouble!"

ps: Only half of it is written, the hospital informs that the bed is free, there is no way, I can just throw everything away and carry the bag away! Sorry everyone! Must wait for me to come back! 8

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