Watching the Dawn

Vol 16 Chapter 51: Under the cat man

"Huh ~" When the mad dog followed the minister's heel, the little man was relieved. He stretched out his hand towards 6 and said sincerely. "Thank you! You saved two children and a father! I am Arthur Weasley, a civil servant of the Ministry of Magic. Maybe I can have the honor to invite you to be a guest at home?"

"6 Yuan, my honour, I just want to ask you about the problem of modified cars." 6 Yuan said with a handshake.

"You also like this? It's awesome! Guess what I thought of? A great good idea! You have that diplomatic immunity, and our laws on Muggle goods haven't covered foreigners yet, so you can do whatever you want … Oh, sorry, I was so hot as soon as I said this. ”Arthur only remembered half of it. The two had just met, not when they were talking about that. "In short, thanks for diplomatic immunity!"

"You wouldn't take it seriously?" 6 Looking away, there was no humanity. He took out the "diplomatic certificate" and randomly played it twice, "How could I really have diplomatic immunity? This is a fake certificate for fifty yuan." But he added in his heart, "It is the information in the State Council If there is a base file, it is absolutely impossible to find out that it is fake. "

"Hat ?!" Arthur only felt that the big rise in life was too fast. How could a heart attacker play with a mental patient! "Fake? Oh my god! You're not afraid ... wait, it seems that I'm really not afraid." He stopped thoughtfully.

6 Yuan smiled and nodded, meaning "Look, you think of it". Arthur suddenly realized that two incompetent civil servants smiled at each other, and everything was silent.

For a government department, even if it is a non-governmental organization, the Ministry of Magic, the most annoying thing is to talk nonsense with another government! The fact that 6 Yuan is still involved in the third national government is simply nonsense!

Besides, just for a modified car? p1ease, eat my eagle!

Therefore, even if 6 Yuan took fake diplomatic documents, they can be used seriously. Because the cost of disassembling him is so high that he cannot be disassembled ... whenever this time, someone will hate to say, why there is no Internet connection!

"... and the hundred gallons, I will return them as soon as possible." Arthur said awkwardly. He remembered that there was a more terrible thing, that is debt. But the Weasleys had too many children, so let him take out a hundred gold gallons, that would really kill him.

"No, no," 6 Yuan shook his head immediately.

In the big deal he helped Lockhart, after distributing the profit to all the people who deserved it, he also lost a total of 284oo Jin Jialong! In other words, he now has a lot of gold coins in his pocket. How could he break the line that just took the Weasleys for the sake of 1oo Garon.

"You don't really think that the car I can buy with seven Tongxi?" 6 Yuan's face looked honest and reliable Xiao Langjun.

"That's a scrap car, it's worthless." Arthur said embarrassedly.

"Yes, it's a scrapped car. Without your craftsmanship, it wouldn't even be worth seven copper bronzes; but after your modification, one hundred gallons got it and I took the big advantage!"


"I never lie," 6 lie without a change of heart in the face. "I still have a lot of ideas for transforming this car, but I regret that my magic is limited. How is it, Arthur, do you want to help? I plan to spend another two thousand gallons on this car!"

"No problem! This is awesome!" Arthur looks even more excited than 6 and he loves to modify Muggle items. So the two people reached a dirty agreement on the abuse of Muggle items in the "Prohibition of the Abuse of Muggle Supplies".

In the following time, 6 Yuan was invited to live in the "burrow" of Weasley's house for two weeks, basically brushing the favorability of the Weasley couple to the top.

Because Hogwarts had already started school, Weinley ’s youngest child, Ginny, was sent to school. Therefore, he went to work, school, and school, leaving only the Weasleys to stay at home. The arrival of 6 Yuan has also added some popularity to this lively family, so it is extremely popular. Even if he and Mr. Weasley had time to drill into the garage with beer and noisyly modify the speeding car, Mrs. Weasley had no problem.

The burrows are narrow and weird, like the sight of many different small houses stacked randomly. If it is not magic, this lonely building may collapse in a gust of wind.

6 Far away thought that the Weasleys had such a large population that they did not expand the house because they had no money. When he saw how the magician built the house, he dispelled this suspicion. The "magic engineering" in this world is very good, and building a mansion alone is no problem at all. It is really simple for a magician to build a house (because no matter how wonderful it will not collapse) and the materials used in construction, whether it is trees or stones, are everywhere in the wilderness.

So the Weasley family is willing to squeeze into a narrow house and let the children share a room with several people. It may be some kind of traditional or educational policy ...

Judging from the future of the children of the Weasley family, it will be found that these children will all have successful careers and good qualities in the future. This at least shows that the family education of the Weasley family is very successful. It may also be handed over to the Weasley couple.

What, you said those bear children on the Dawn? Lao 6 quietly tells you that those are all abandoned ...

The Weasleys are hospitable and welcoming and helpful. It can be said that as long as you put down your guard and communicate with this family without purpose, you can easily become friends who do n’t speak. 6 Far away at Weasley's house for nearly two weeks, during which he just mentioned his plan a little bit, probably after drinking too much and talking about it, he was "forced" to accept the Weasleys Kindness.

What is the specific thing?

It was 6 Yuan who mentioned that he wanted to run a small shop for mechanical maintenance and then wanted to buy a house in Hogsmeade as a foothold in the UK. These two things.

As a result, when he woke up from a hangover, he was told that both things were in sight! When Weasley and his wife were on the dinner table and notified him with a proud expression, 6 Yuan was almost ashamed to pretend to be the old master 6 this time, and this time he was actually shown a face, and there was no way to revenge!

It can be seen that although the Weasleys are poor, they have accumulated a huge network and goodwill for so many years. It is no wonder that their children can come forward one after another, it is really difficult to be unsuccessful! It is said that this is the world messed up by Voldemort. In the peaceful era, Arthur Weasley may be able to steadily be elected a few ministers of magic.

Okay, gossip and mention the book.

Arthur's price for the storefront linked to 6 Yuan is 20,000 gold gallons. It is located at the back of the intersection of Diagon Alley. The storefront is semi-concealed and connected by a flyway network. The store is divided into upper and lower double floors, the internal space is very large, and there is a work room in the basement that can be perfectly adapted to the needs of 6 distances! Because 6 Yuan plans to work in the store for up to two days a week, most of the time will wander outside, so it is basically enough.

The target customers of his future stores will not be those who walk in casually while shopping, so this option provided by Arthur makes him very satisfied.

But another 6-home residence in Hogsmeade made him feel very disorganized ... Screaming shack! It is actually the haunted house that is famous all over the UK!

Well, let ’s first look at the advantages of the screaming shack: it is a villa with a long history; it is located on the top of the hill, has a good view, and will not be disturbed; its land ownership has reached the bottom of the hill to At the junction with Hogwart Village, it has good expansion space and ... a large overgrown garden; the last advantage, it is very famous!

And 6 Yuan, who understands the background of the world, clearly knows that the screaming shack not only has no ghosts, but also has a secret passage leading to the Hogwarts Forbidden Forest in its basement. This is equivalent to one more option for the 6 distances that need to enter and exit Hogwarts.

But the disadvantages are also the same: the screaming shack has a secret passage to Hogwarts. This is known from far away, Harry Potter ’s father of four (Porter, Sirius, Lupin and Wormtail), Snell Pu also knows that even Dumbledore knows!

The origin of the name Screaming Hut is that every time Lu Ping turns into a werewolf at full moon, he roars hiding in this abandoned villa! The villagers heard screaming thought they were ghosts, and Dumbledore pushed the rumors to scare everyone away. Over time, it was called "Screaming Hut".

First of all, this transformation place that helped Lu Pin conceal his identity was provided by Dumbledore. He also planted a beating willow at the exit of the forbidden forest! The people who walked in and out of this secret road were all members of the Order of the Phoenix; secondly, Wormtail Peter now betrayed the Order of the Phoenix and was loyal to Voldemort, so the Death Eaters camp also knew that the secret way was ~ www. ~ This channel together with the screaming shed itself, the future Tm will be one of the focal points of the battle between the pros and cons!

To make him an uninformed foreigner live on the crater, what does Dumbledore mean? 6 Yuan certainly won't believe that this will be Arthur Weasley's idea, this honest man can't do this kind of black things.

But Old Deng Fox can definitely be on his way, but it is covered with the bones of the victim!

"... This house and the owner of the surrounding land have long been heirs, and the current ownership is owned by the Ministry of Magic. But the Ministry has no energy to manage it, so it is decided to sell the house together with the land. The only requirement is to buy it People must solve the haunted problem as soon as possible. The department sends Auror several times a year to check, and Fu Ji is tired of it. "Arthur nagged.

"Arthur, are you serious?" 6 Yuan spread her hands and made an incredible look. "Screaming shack?"

"Oh," Arthur Weasley lowered his head subconsciously, avoiding the sight of 6 away. "As long as 1,200 gallons ... very cheap, if you need them." As 6 guessed, someone exerted an influence on him. That person is someone Arthur Weasley trusts and respects very much. Although he felt that there might be some problems, he couldn't refuse in his heart.

And he is convinced that that person is very "kind" and will never hurt 6 Yuan.

"Okay," 6 Yuan Pa clapped his hands, and his face instantly turned into a smile. "The name sounds funny, I bought it!"

ps1: I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

ps2: The names of the previous two chapters are wrong and have been revised.

ps3: Someone in the book review area asked whether this article is abusive or not, but it turns out that many people say they have been watching the old 6 pretending ... What a big truth! 8

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