Watching the Dawn

Vol 16 Chapter 52: On a secret date with the screaming shack

Hogwarts ’school rules stipulate that students who are in the third grade and above can get a holiday at Hogsmeade Village on the weekends after obtaining their parents’ signatures, instead of having to be kept on campus throughout the weekend like a one or two year old student Do nothing

So every Monday ’s breakfast table is a special place for senior students to boast about Hogsmeade village and enjoy the enviable eyes of their students-whether it ’s drinking butter beer at the three broom bars or bringing back big bags Duke Honey's candy can cause countless admirations on the dining table. In the eyes of one or two years old children, Hogsmeade Village is the land of gods and gods!

Today is no exception.

As soon as breakfast appeared on the long table, two twin brothers of Ron Weasley-Fred and George rushed in with their teeth open!

"Big news! Big news! Reported exclusively by Fred and George." One of them said. "Why not George and Fred?" Another habitual dismantling. "Hey, concentrate on it. What we're going to say is an earth-shattering event." "Well, you won, scream the shack!" The brothers were expressing like a crosstalk with a full expression, and shouted , The other immediately connected, "Yes, it's a screaming shack!"

"What's wrong with the screaming shack?" Their words immediately attracted the attention of countless Gryffindor lions-for the active and adventurous Gryffindor, go to the screaming shack for an adventure , The importance of this experience is comparable to adult ceremony! That is one of the things they must accomplish in their seven years in school.

Moreover, although the screaming shack is legendary horror, it still has a high popularity in Hogwarts, and even Ravenclaw College has an interest group dedicated to its research. So not only Gryffindor, but also students from the colleges next door were attracted by the news of the brothers.

"What's the matter with you?" Fred and George made regretful expressions together, spreading their hands together. "It's a big deal! The screaming shack is about to be sold! I heard that it will be transformed into a restaurant! "

"Ah ?!" The lowered surprise sound swept across the hall like a wind.

"Gosh, it's going to be sold before I've been there? Damn, why am I not in the third grade ?!" Ron Weasley buried his head in the table in annoyance, but said every second grader Voice. "Go to his stupid restaurant!"

"But things are not over yet." One of the twins spoke again, grabbing everyone's attention. Then another seamless connection continued, "Everyone, whether it is the Ministry of Magic or the rich man who bought the house, seems to have forgotten one thing!" "Yes, they forgot to ask for the opinion of the 'master'-I It means the real owner of the house! Because it is the most terrifying ... screaming shack! No one can sell the house without the consent of "it"! "

"It!" Many children shuddered. In their imagination, the screaming shack turned into a big dark monster ... Thinking of it, it was great!

"The fat rich man lived arrogantly," George mimicked the fat man's appearance with emotion. In the eyes of the students, it seems that the rich man who is rich and daring to destroy their dreams looks like a fat man. "As a result, I found myself waking up in the toilet the next day!" Fred continued.

"Then he went to the Ministry of Magic and paid for the two most powerful Aurors, wanting to surrender to the screaming shack!" George pulled out his wand and sprayed a few fireworks in the air, metaphorically fighting. Fred jumped onto the dining table and put on a miserable posture, "Then they were hung on the intersection of Hogsmeade and unconscious!"

The twins looked at each other, jumped up, folded their hands together, danced a pose on the table, "so it's still there-this is our most terrifying ... screaming shack!"

"Oh ~ !!!" Suddenly, the cheers of the children in the auditorium almost overturned the roof!

——As if they personally defeated the dead fat man.

[You used the "Dice of the Loser" to get the "Lan Ruo Temple Tree Demon Grandma" template for three hours of use. New knowledge and skills are temporarily granted and deleted after the end. You can roll the dice again after 24 hours to get a new template.

Since you have tentacles, the template gains additional bonuses: the use time of the template is increased by 21 hours, the number of new tentacles is doubled, the tentacle strength is doubled, the tentacle length is doubled, and the tentacle tremor speed is doubled (this one gets thick!

You get a temporary title: "Tentacle Department Madness". When wearing this title, the fighting power of the hostile female is halved, and there is a high probability of infecting the "sensitive physique" buff for an hour during the battle. 】


Standing in the tattered and old screaming shack, Lu Yuan looked at the spooky twisted tree below the mountain and the two adult wizards hanging upside down from the tree, slowly weeping two lines of humiliating tears .


"Have you heard? Screaming at the shack."

"Of course, I heard that this time it was the ghost of the Ministry of Magic. The Ministry of Magic wanted to deal with the screaming shack at a low price to an uninformed foreigner. How could this behavior completely anger the evil spirits living in the house? It ’s a good show. Haha ~ "

"Yeah, the incompetent Ministry of Magic! Look at the current Auror, actually hanged on the tree for an exhibition ?! They were not so bad ten years ago, when Auror talked to Death Eaters with a smile.

"But the worst is the foreigner who spent the wrong money."

"Haha ~ That's right, it was a big idiot." The man knocked on the table and said aloud, "Respect the foreigner, I wish him such an idiot forever!" His words caused a laugh and a response in the bar. It can only be said that the village of Hogsmeade is too small and too closed, and it is rare for an interesting thing to happen. It is worth talking about by the entire village!

——When Lu Yuanfengchen walked into the three broom bars, he saw such a hot scene.

Lu Yuan, whose ears are so sharp, was able to confirm that the topic they were talking about was himself. However, at this time, the best way is not to take out the wand and fly here, but to pretend not to know-anyway, the man who is fatter than a pig and sleeps in the toilet is definitely not him!

The only thing that embarrasses him now is the letter of apology received from the Weasleys early in the morning. The rumors on the magic side also exceeded the speed of light. After hearing the bad rumors, the husband and wife regretted that they couldn't take their hearts out. Lu Yuan could only smile bitterly at this, because he knew very well ... that most of the things in between were actually made by him.

"Hi, Lu! I'm here!" Lu Yuan just entered the door, leaning on a table inside and a man warmly greeted him.

The man has brilliant blond hair and a purple satin jacket, pleated under the candlelight! Gidero Lockhart, this man who brings special effects everywhere! But he seemed to be a little embarrassed by Ms. Rosmerta on the side, and seeing Lu Yuan appear as amnesty.

"Look at Merlin's face," Lockhart whispered after the two of them sat back at the table and sent Ms. Rosmerta away. "Don't be in this place next time. You know, The women look like they are going to eat me! It ’s more terrifying than the **** who went on vacation with me ... "

"No way, who asked you to be a teacher of the Black Magic Defense Class at Hogwarts-when I saw this news in the newspaper, I was shocked!" Lu Yuan said complimentedly. "You have taken the mysterious person's unavailable seat ... Congratulations on becoming a teacher at Hogwarts, and toast for tomorrow's legend!"

Lu Yuan picked up the beer delivered by Ms. Rosmerta and toasted.

"Hahaha ~ Actually ... haha ​​~ Cheers!" Lockhart smiled and saw his face. For a long time, everyone regarded him as a "fiction-writer"-only those girls and moms who were fascinated by him believed in his heart that he had really done those great adventures! Most people doubted this peacock-like man.

And Dumbledore invited him to be the teacher of the Black Magic Defense class at Hogwarts School, which is undoubtedly equivalent to some kind of identity certification-and it is made by the greatest contemporary wizard! How could Lockhart be unhappy.

As for saying that Dumbledore can't see Lockhart as a straw bag? Lu Yuan scoffed in his heart, how could that be possible!

Of course, according to the logic of Dumbledore's God — before the truth does appear, Lockhart should be given a chance to prove himself — just as when the werewolf Lupin entered the school of magic? However, in fact, the children who had been with Lu Ping for seven years have been under the threat of being bitten by werewolves, but they didn't know it until graduation. In fact, Dumbledore enrolled Lupin in school, but he did not monitor Lupin's behavior all the time.

He let Lockhart be a teacher. If it was just to satisfy his feelings for the Virgin, where would he place the children who had been delayed in education for a whole year?

Compared to the reason of the Virgin, Lu Yuan is more willing to believe that the old fox is also guiding the savior Harry Potter-last year it was "adults are not trusted ~ ~ this year is" adults are not only untrustworthy, even Even the academic qualifications ... are falsified in strength ", and finally Harry will surely come to a conclusion-" Sure enough everything still needs a day ... no, it is on his own ".

"What's the matter, Lu. You know, I've always been busy. In order to write back to the fans, I have to go to bed until ten o'clock every day." One thing Lockhart will never forget is showing off!

"Right, have you heard? Screaming about the shack. Hahaha, really a stupid foreigner!"

Lu Yuan smiled, leaned his hands on the table, and said clearly. "Lockhart, I am that stupid foreigner ..."

"Oh ~" Lockhart's laughter stopped abruptly. "You bought a screaming shack? Are you kidding!"

"No, I don't. You know that we made a lot of money by cooperating, so I want to buy a house, but ..." Lu Yuan looked at the novelist with the most innocent eyes, "Lohart, you know proud Luo has failed. And you are an expert in black magic, and you are my only hope now! "

"Me ?!" Gidero Lockhart jumped from the chair like he was nailed. He was frightened at first, and when he realized that many people were watching him, he grabbed a few unconsciously and managed to calm down. "... I ... I mean I'm busy lately, and the school is ... right! That's right, there is a weird secret room being opened at the school, and even the terrorist incident of students being petrified! Need me to deal with! Sorry ... brother ... I am weak. "

"It's okay, just walk down the road once." Lu Yuan smiled, but his hand held Lockhart firmly. "Who makes us brothers!"


ps: I changed my phone today and finally bought Huawei's mate8 to support domestic products. (To be continued.)

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