Watching the Dawn

Vol 16 Chapter 65: Runaway 2

It is now 93 years, and the "9.11" in the United States has not yet occurred. Terrorism, terror, attack, and strike have not occupied most of the headlines of the newspapers. This is the golden age of the global arms trade. The wealthy “weapon collectors” like Lu Yuan, the richest man with a huge industry under his name, are also the most welcome customers of arms dealers. They never care about the price for what they love, and it is almost impossible to create incidents, so they can directly buy the necessary armaments from government-controlled arms dealers-as long as it is marked as "defensive equipment", the missiles dare to remove the leads and sell them. Give you!

It ’s nothing to fight with a fighter, showing off wealth must be satisfied.

"It's a fighter ?!" Lockhart was so surprised that after seeing the black figure passing by from the top of his head, as a rare and well-informed person on the magic side, after recognizing what was just flying by, come out! "Watfak, how can Muggle planes appear here?"

"Relax, it's just a jaguar." Lao Luyun picked up the teacup lightly, as if he didn't see the umbrella flower that was falling. "Old fighter, the grade is a bit low, but unfortunately the British Air Force only has this kind of goods."

Lockhart was scared, but Lu Yuan was still dissatisfied. It is a pity that the EF2000 "Typhoon" fighter jet jointly developed in Europe is still on the drawing, and that equipment is most suitable for the low-key needs of the old land ...

Worthy of being a professional, the low-altitude delivery of the fighter is still quite accurate, and it looks like it is flying towards the two people at an angle. When the parachute was about to hit the roof of the screaming shack, Lu Yuan pulled out his wand and pointed it at the parachute falling towards the sky, "Supply box called."

The huge military supply box was pulled by a rope, and it was unscientifically translated directly to the table between the two.

"Compared with the World War II, except for replacing the crates with plastic materials, this thing has made almost no progress." Lao Lu Tucao said, knocking on the box with a wand, the lid opened automatically, exposing the interior Arms of various colors arranged neatly! It's all British water equipment!

On the front of the first floor are two Lao 80-type 94mm anti-tank rockets placed on the front and back, and four spare fire, arrows, and bullets are neatly arranged on the side; the second layer is the neat and neat -Style grenade, C4 explosive / drug! Two specially crafted anti-stab suits, snake venom serum, lighting sticks, two large caliber pistols full of accessories, countless magazines, and more gadgets. The most prominent of these are the two head-mounted night vision devices.

The third layer is a shiny silver titanium alloy metal mesh. It doesn't look big, but it can almost cover a large room when it is opened. It is covered with tiny barbs, and no creature can be easily taken off when it is entangled.

Finally, inside the box lid, there is also a steel blue military crossbow bow, and ten neatly arranged explosions, explosions, heads, crossbows and arrows!

"Sigh ~!" Seeing these things, Lockhart only took a breath of air with a toothache!

"Is this ... is it too exaggerated?" Lockhart is not as closed as most people on the magic side, because he has known these things for a long time in the Muggle world! It can be seen that Guigui has seen that, except for the occasional carrying a pistol during the expedition, Lockhart has hardly used any modern weapons! As he thought about it, he had to rely on his wand to destroy dark magical creatures, and he had never considered modern weapons. Now let him see this, Lockhart was so scared that he didn't know where to put it.

"Lockhart," Lu Yuan patted his shoulder deeply, his eyes very sad and very peaceful.

"Do you know what to do to look professional? In this respect, you are completely unprofessional!"

"How is it possible!" Lockhart was suddenly angry because he was unprofessional. "I'm prepared too!" He flipped open the bag angrily and took out a red and yellow ... robe? "What's this ?!" Lu Yuan hardly thought, knowing that Lockhart was blind, bragging, bullying, and forced--and that the object was 80% himself! So his face was gloomy, as if to drip water.

"This ... that, Lu," Lockhart realized that he was excited and did a stupid thing. Without any bedding, the clothes were taken out. "Dear Lu," his sincere little eyes squeezed hard, but he couldn't squeeze tears. "They oppress me, they obviously don't believe me! I need to give them confidence, the best way you know is to have a very good friend. So ... in the end, in the end ... I can only say that you have to pretend A lama ... "

"I, I TM ..." Lao Lu was so angry that he didn't know what to say.

Watching Lao Lu's furious squeak fist squeeze fist, Lockhart quickly raised the lama ma robe to cover his head.

"Don't hit your face!"


"Sorry, children. Sorry!"

Professor McGonagall stood on the stage in the auditorium. She repeatedly said "sorry" to the microphone, almost tears. The students did not sit on their seats, they stood around the podium, like a bird nestled next to a female bird. It is a pity that even female birds cannot protect their safety now.

"Children, you all know that another child was attacked by monsters. I must tell you all this. Dumbledore was fired by the board of directors. Our teachers have no choice ... sorry, children ... Hogwarts ... That's it. "Two lines of tears finally flowed down Professor McGonagall's wrinkles. Among the students, there were countless low sobs.

No one mentions Gerald Lockhart anymore, because in the afternoon, countless people saw him rushing out of school—even without taking his luggage! At this moment, no matter whether it is a boy or a girl, seeing Lockhart will smash his book into his face!

Professor McGonagall choked with a sigh of relief, and finally continued with grief. "... Everyone must live in the auditorium tonight, and the teachers will guard you for the last night! Tomorrow, everyone will leave here on the Hogwarts Express ..."

"After this holiday, will we come back?" A child asked aloud.

All students immediately looked forward to Professor McGonagall and the deans of their respective colleges standing behind Professor McGonagall. It's a pity that the teachers are all face-to-face, without a trace of expression, and can't see any information at all. At this moment, even the Slytherin Academy, the pureblood base camp that was not afraid of being attacked by monsters, objects, attacks, was dead. When hemp, melon, mixed, and blood were attacked, they were also gloating—but no one wanted the school to be closed!

"... I don't know, my dear, I can only say that you need to wait for the notice." Professor McGonagall's hands were clenched and loosened. "That depends on the board's decision-they are asking experts and Aurors for the holiday Clean up Hogwarts, or just shut down the school ... I do n’t really know. But if the monster ca n’t be removed, then Hogwarts ’thousand years of school history will end today."

Recalling that this year happened to have been created by Hogwarts for a whole thousand years, all the teachers instantly had the illusion of making gods!

For a moment, the sorrowful atmosphere condensed above the auditorium, and even the magic sky on the roof of the auditorium turned into a thunderstorm.

Just when Wan Mazi was talking, "No, Hogwarts will never end today!" Someone shouted loudly-with the thunder exploding in the sky, it was deafening!

"Who is it, who is in the hustle and bustle?" Professor McGonagall slammed into the microphone, looking away from the student group-seeing Harry and Ron in there, she was relieved. Compared with closing the school, Professor McGonagall is more worried that these young impulsive students will do irrational things under the circumstance of blood. Ginny Weasley's disappearance has made her extremely sad, if there are any student casualties, she will not be at ease in her life!

But Professor McGonagall found that all the students were turning their heads, looking in the direction of the door--

Is it someone outside who speaks?

"Bump!" The two thick gates of the Hogwarts Auditorium were violently pushed away from the outside and hit the walls on both sides! A man stood in the storm and announced loudly: "If I want to shut down Hogwarts, I would never agree to Gidero Lockhart!"


The magical weather above the Hogwarts Auditorium faithfully reflects the weather conditions outside, but it will not really rain or snow. In other words, the weather on the roof at this moment is thunderstorm, which means that it is also raining outside.

Therefore, the open door allows the wind to catch the rain and sweep into the auditorium in pieces! The children standing outside couldn't help but scream, but they were immediately shocked by the tremendous pressure that shut their mouths. I saw two tall silhouettes of men standing like gates at the gate exit.

One of them stepped forward, and "Shao ~" pulled the raincloth off his body and threw it on the aisle.

"Ah! It's Teacher Lockhart!" The students could not help but exclaim-the man who came dripping water was really Lockhart who "escaped" in the afternoon-but not the one they were familiar with. Lockhart! " The man in front of him wearing half-hugged hard leather armor, carrying a huge steel crossbow, carrying a potion bottle on his belt, and the iron chain occasionally striking the ground jingled, the man with fierce eyes ... really the flower peacock Lockhart? !

"Teacher!" Without looking at the scared little beasts, Gidero Lockhart's gaze jumped directly over the students' heads, staring straight at Professor McGonagall. "You promised that I could find my assistant, and then come back to solve the secret room and the monster! But you did not do it!"

His eyes with some anger and questioning made Professor McGonagall speechless for a while. This is really that student of mine, all day pitting · mont · abducting · cheating, there is no truthful words in the mouth of Lockhart? "Sorry, Lockhart. I really don't know ... I thought ..." Professor McGonagall suddenly realized that he might never have known his students. Perhaps the years since Lockhart left have really changed a lot ...

"Stop your farce, Lockhart!" Just as Professor McGonagall staggered, Severus Snape, a professor of potions, stood up. Unlike Professor McGonagall who was a good old man, Snape, once a Death Eater, had a lot of lives! So he easily saw through Lockhart's bluff! The shock that Lockhart pushed when he opened the door shocked all the students, not so much from Lockhart as from the person standing behind him.

The man didn't know what had happened, and the breathtaking murderousness that he carried with him was almost like substance! Even Voldemort, who doesn't count as a murderer, may not compare!

After staying in that person for a moment, Severus Snape turned his gaze back to Lockhart. "You idiot, we are not letting you go to save your life! You don't know the fear of the Slytherin Chamber being opened, and you don't even know what kind of evil monsters you will face! It's with you The bedtime stories I wrote are completely different! Do n’t be silly, Lockhart! We do n’t tolerate your nonsense anymore ... "

"Snake monster!" Said Lohart, who was standing quietly, spitting Snape suddenly. "What?" Snape asked, frowning.

"I said," Lockhart said in a loud voice. "The monster placed in the secret room is a snake and a monster! The monster and egg laid by a rooster in the sky and sky of Sirius, and a monster hatched by a toad! Its sight can be caused People die, but indirect gaze will only make people petrified-this is the truth about the students who were attacked at Hogwarts! "

In the crowd, Harry Potter shivered when he heard Lockhart, and Ron did the same. The two stared at each other in horror, and Qi Qi whispered, "He really knows!" Yes, these two guys had just guessed that monster was a snake after being prompted by Hermione. They are planning to sneak away in tonight to rescue Ginny. Unexpectedly, Lockhart really knows the answer, and he still spoke it out in a large audience ~ ~ Snake strange? Snape repeated the sentence first, only to realize that what Lockhart said was probably true! Unlike the students, the professors were knowledgeable and only had a few tips and experience. So when Lockhart said After the words "snake and blame", they quickly remembered the innumerable information about the snake and blame, and then immediately corresponded to the situation of the students being attacked! It is really a snake and blame! Their confidence in Lockhart multiply!

Snape was surprised, but he still did not believe that Lockhart could really defeat the snake-blame-as a poor man who had been harassed and tortured by Lockhart for a whole year, he always wanted to die. This big, fine, fine! It can be said that Snape's trust in Lockhart is extremely low! So, he thought for a moment, realizing that after finding no flaws in Lockhart, he shifted his spear to the person standing behind Lockhart, "This is what you invited ... La Ma Huh ~ do n’t tell me he ’s a la ma? ”

The two people who walked in were armed to the teeth. But unlike Lockhart, the man in the back is wearing military uniform and body armor, with a bazooka behind him, full of various magazines and grenades, and a fierce, tough, big gun in his hand! It's a fierce, cruel rice, a country, a big soldier, and it doesn't look like a western, Tibetan, la, ah.

"Slap ~" The man flicked his hat and eaves and took out a cigar and clicked it. After deep, deep inhalation, he came to Snape and looked down at the professor with fierce, evil eyes, spraying a breath of smoke on his face!

"Laozi and Lockhart are specialized in hunting, killing, demon, law, creatures, creatures, hunting, demon, hunter, and people, code-named" Lama "! ...... Say you have a weak chicken?

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