Watching the Dawn

Vol 16 Chapter 66: Merlin's Law

Snape still wanted to say something, but the momentum in front of him suddenly rose! The cold that seemed to hang high above the sky was pressing **** him, and Snape only felt that his chest was stuffy and he was about to vomit blood. The whole person seemed to be hit by a big truck, so dizzy that he couldn't say anything. Snape stumbled back a few steps and fell directly behind the teachers.

When he stood firm again, he found that the terrifying breath disappeared without a blink of an eye!

Snape looked around in amazement, and found that neither the teacher nor the students actually felt that breath. From the scene, Professor Snape was completely terrified by the fierce man's stare ...

"Weak chicken." Lao Lu made up a knife gently, turned around and turned away.

He didn't have a cp girl's heart, and he was very tired of American drama whitewashing routines, so he didn't like Snape as an old man.

Although I killed people, poisoned tongues, I was a Death Eater, I was in the same class as the Malfoy family, and when I was in school, I was still a secondary school. Leading evil forces gang Ling / humiliation), and I have a woman I love (although I am only a spare tire), and willing to take care of her children after her death; so I am a good person.

For this, Lao Lu will only erect a middle finger, wool!

Seeing the fierce man pointing his **** behind him, the students were suddenly scared to be scattered. "That person is so terrible!" The little beasts hid behind the teachers for protection, and Lu Yuan's side was emptied instantly.

Perhaps because of Lu Lu's tactical helmet over his head, black super sunglasses covering his face, a weed-like beard on his chin, and a huge cigar in his mouth! He swallowed up and down among the students unscrupulously-the whole person looked rude and evil-like-he was not like a bad person and no one was like a bad person!

Doing this is a great compliment to Lao Lu's camouflage-know that at least half of the hundreds of students present have patronized his "Peace Hotel". Countless people have seen him, even if his boss is no humble. But now he is standing in the hall of Hogwarts, no matter whether it is Zhang Qiu, Di Gori, or a passerby, no one can recognize him! This alone is enough to be proud.

In fact, Lu Yuan is a perfect body trained by Shaolin foreigners. He is tall and muscular, with distinct muscles! Compared to Korean-style flower beautiful men, Lao Lu is more like a muscular man like the beautiful man hero ... coupled with the charm 25 now, the reality is a flawless face of a **** national character (good violation) ... together to say The only thing is-eyebrows, eyes, and eyes!

However, Lu Yuan is too sloppy, and he is lazy in daily life. Never stand when you can sit, never sit when you can lie. The lazy person Ge You lay all year round, no one realized that Lao Lu was actually tall. So when he stood upright like a soldier, he was almost completely different from him! It is normal to not recognize it.

"Let's continue?" Lockhart's body stood up like a loose body, and he just asked Lu Yuan to cool down, as if to see the hundreds of people in the hall like nothing. Many girls saw Lockhart's "other side" and began to look peachy again.

"You're in charge," Lu Yuan patted the big gun in his hand. "This is your territory!"

So cool! Listening to the conversation between two cold-faced men who are cool and scumming, all words are simple and powerful! This time even the boys started to yearn.

"Come with me, let's go to the place where the basilisk attacked the students ... I hope to find out what the basilisk passed through before he was found in Hogwarts but was not found." The professor gave a bow, and then took the lead through the auditorium and walked in the direction of the classroom. "Find the passage, and then find the entrance to the secret room."

Lu Yuan held a big gun, followed by murderously!

There was a distance behind the two, followed by watching the lively students and teachers.

Although the teachers headed by Professor McGonagall have tried very hard to persuade the students to return to the auditorium. But no matter how strict the order is, the curiosity of the bear children cannot be blocked at this moment! Therefore, they can only be surrounded and followed together, so as to best protect these students. Because the entire school, only a few poor "obedient" students stayed in the auditorium, and most of the remaining students were watching behind them in Lockhart.

"Be careful, children! Be careful." Professor McGonagall nagged like a mother bird, her expression helpless, but she was no longer worried.

"This is it?" Lockhart stopped at the place where the first attack occurred, and showed it to Lu Yuan. This is where the Basilisk attacked Filch's cat, but the warning on the wall has been washed away. Lu Yuan checked the wall, he stroked the wall and raised his finger to show Lockhart, "Look! There is water, it's very wet ... What is behind the stone wall?"

"Probably a water pipe?" Lockhart said uncertainly-in fact, both people knew that this guess was not reliable. Although Hogwarts School also popularized things like taps, it was recently replaced, and the castle was built a thousand years ago! The back is not a running water pipe, but should be a stone waterway functioning as running water. Despite the magical enhancement, after thousands of years of erosion, water still leaked from the stone wall. That was what Lu Yuan had just touched.

"The snake moved through the water channel. I guess you can find the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets as long as you walk along the water channel." Lu Yuan said, "Yes," he whispered to Lockhart as if he suddenly remembered something. "You Have you ever drunk the water here? "Hearing his question, Lockhart froze for a moment, and then his face turned white! When I think of the water he drank for a whole year, there was a venomous basilisk bathing in it ... Lockhart's stomach suddenly turned.

"Sorrow, you should be glad that it didn't spit directly into the water." Lao Lu pretended to be sympathetic and patted Lockhart's shoulder. Kolohat heard his words, but he wanted to die ... well, that's how I achieved my goal. Lao Lu took off the rocket launcher with satisfaction, and pulled the sleeve away with a snap! "Go talk to them and ask them to stay away. Using a rocket launcher indoors, the next explosion will be cool!"


The students watched the two of them knock on the wall from afar, and whispered a few words. Then Lockhart turned and shouted here, "We have figured it out, the Basilisk is using Hogwarts' waterway to move. We need to blow up a hole here now, please stay away ... far away ... some!"

Hearing Lockhart's cry, the children ran back. All the way to the corner, he leaned out again. They opened their eyes wide and stared at Lu Yuan, who was operating the rocket launcher, without fear of missing any details. As for fear? At this moment there is no fear of any bear child ...

And a large number of children ran away, revealing two that did not leave—one wearing glasses and the other with messy red hair. "Hi, Harry." Lockhart looked at Harry Potter and Ron, and suddenly became pleasant. "Dear Harry, I know you really want to take part in an adventure, but this is not game time! I assure you that the power of that weapon is unparalleled! For your safety, you better return to the teacher immediately. "

"The one who can be taken away by the Basilisk is my little sister. I must go with you!" Ron said aloud. "And we also found out that the monster is a Basilisk, and the entrance is in Myrtle's washroom! "

"Yes, as long as you ask Myrtle, you will know where the entrance to the secret room is," Harry added.

"Sorry, Harry, and Ron. We have a better way." Lockhart pointed to Lu Yuan, who had pointed the bazooka at the wall. Then the two children were held one by one half, and returned to Professor McGonagall. His behavior was praised by the professor, "Lockhart, you really have changed ... I think I should apologize to you for the misunderstanding of the past."

"No, Professor, it should be my fault." Lockhart at the moment is humble and gentle, perfectly like an ancient hero. "You know, as adults, we must separate work and life. When we work, we put on masks and turn into cruel demon hunters (he thinks this is a good name). At that time, I seemed to be another person, Hogwarts is like home to me. "

So all of his past teasing behaviors were suddenly washed away-I was vain, I bragged, I hurt others everywhere, I swayed my sister regardless of age, I was totally useless-but I am sincere! And there is a pure land in my heart, that is Hogwarts! So ... I am also a good person!

Well, the whitewashing methods on the side of Lu Yuan and Lockhart are also very disgusting ...

"Oh, Lockhart, I am really proud of you." Professor McGonagall was completely moved by this disciple! If it were not in front of such people, she would definitely hug him.

"Thank you professor ~ Now please cover your ears and don't panic." Lockhart said calmly.

I have tried an anti-tank rocket launcher in the basement of Lu Yuan before. Although the power is indeed amazing, he already has a spectrum in his mind. Of course, with a bazooka indoors, the jet tail flame is more dangerous than a rocket. If he was not a magician, he would never dare to do this.

The students covered their ears, and the professors displayed "obstacles" and "iron armor" in front of them. After seeing that everyone was ready, Lockhart made a gesture of "ok" to Lu Yuan, and Lao Lu also raised his hand in response. The students held their breath, watched the landing and opened the red dot on the bazooka to aim, stood at the twenty steps and steadily aimed at the wall, gently tapped!

"Ah!" The students exclaimed subconsciously, and many girls even closed their eyes in shock!

But half a minute later, nothing happened ...

"What's wrong? Is it malfunctioning?" The student straightened his neck and looked over there, saying a good explosion?

At this time, Professor McGonagall smiled, looking confident. "This is another lesson I gave you, Lockhart. Although you are a good boy, I doubt how you got your graduation certificate ... If you can, I really hope you can go back to school and read a few more Yearbook. "

"What's wrong?" Lockhart's eyes were confused, and he had no problem with the rocket launcher. "Is it prohibited to use Muggle weapons in Hogwarts?"

"Ah ~ wrong." Professor McGonagall shook his head. "This is common sense, Lockhart." She raised her voice to the students. "Who can help Mr. Lockhart answer this question ... Zhang Qiu!" In the straightened arm, the old lady ordered Zhang Qiu's name, and she turned it into a live teaching. I don't know why, Lu Yuan's appearance made her put her suspended heart down at once, and even unconsciously played Lockhart's joke.

You know Professor Mike is a very old-school person, and few people have seen her laugh.

"It's Merlin's Law, Professor." Zhang Qiu replied crisply, "We learned in class. The enchantment set in the magic world can protect the magician from Muggle weapons. But this enchantment is limited. Yes, the closer to the core area, the greater the binding force. And Hogwarts can be said to be at the core of the British magic world. The restriction here should be the strongest! No Muggle weapon can play a role. "

"Fantastic answer, Ravenclaw added five points." Professor McGonagall felt a little sorry that Hermione Granger was not there. This kind of book can find the answer to the question. Miss Masterstone can answer it more comprehensively. "Autumn, you have set a good example for your seniors."

Hearing this, even the thick-skinned ones like Lockhart couldn't help but blush.

Just as the students expressed their "sudden understanding", Snape couldn't help but start spraying venom. "Sorry, this is the weapon that you (do double quotes) demon hunters use? Ah ... I seem to understand a little bit ~ ~ who caught the animals at the Muggle Zoo." The following meaning, you are also catching ordinary animals for the zoo. Black magic creature? excuse_me? You do n’t even have the most basic common sense, are you going to eat? !

"Lockhart, it's too late to stop the farce ..." Snape persuaded again.

"Professor, we can go to Myrtle's bathroom! I swear that the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets is there!" Harry also interjected anxiously, and he and Ron were most afraid that Lockhart would go home! They also wanted to hurry up to rescue Ginny, and at this moment all eyes were on the teachers.

In the distance, completely ignoring the noisy Lu Yuan here, he patted the bazooka first-the expression was like saying, "What a shit, this is the key moment to drop the chain!" Wait until he sees the constant shaking, unable to lock Immediately realized after the electronic aiming screen.


I saw that he took the cigar in his mouth, knocked on the bazooka, and sprinkled some ash on the bazooka. The electronic screen returned to normal in an instant, and a slight beep lock sound immediately followed.

Then pull the trigger again-Boom! ! !

The shocking waves pushed the pupils standing in the front row onto the students in the back row; the deafening loud noise echoed in the stone corridor of Hogwarts! Portraits hung on the walls, screaming, and many characters hid directly.

The gravel flew hundreds of meters away, because it was a confined space, and the smoky smoke directly blocked the sight!

After a while, the crowd saw a figure carrying a rocket launcher and stepped on the gravel to get out of the dense smoke.

"Excuse_me, what did you say just now?" (To be continued.)

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