Watching the Dawn

Vol 11 Chapter 170: Fire Phoenix 5

The fleet's defense line is in danger, but on the flagship, Lieutenant General Yang and Leona are busy with other things. Their attack on the outside in full swing does not seem to be attentive ...

If you look closely at the diamond-shaped fleet, you will find that although the fleet was indeed hit by the raid fighter group "very miserable", but not that battleship was really hit by air explosion! Even the six shots of the pirate's fearless ship have caused the six cruisers of the Star Alliance to withdraw from the battle. However, relying on the "a +" formation conversion, no battleship has been completely delisted, and even the diamond-shaped battle array is still intact.

In other words, the battle damage of the Star Fleet is actually far less serious than it seems! What's more, from beginning to end, the diamond-shaped battle array still maintains a volley frequency of once every half second, and has never stopped the pace of naming the pirate cruiser-now there are few pirate cruisers, and the cruisers equipped with main guns All are killed!

The Dreadnought Ship is the main force in the decisive battle. Usually, the cruiser is the core of the fleet-in this sense, in fact, the pirate fleet has been uprooted and can not recover its vitality for decades!

"Did you find it?" Yang Zhong asked slightly nervously when he saw Leona's return.

"Yes! It's the cardigan!" Leona replied excitedly, "The identification code has been confirmed, and that ship is one of the two flagships of Batari!"

"Damn it! That's it! Leave immediately, Leona." Lieutenant General Yang immediately ordered. "Go and give it a heavy blow! At this time, we have to fight the Batari people for ten years! Can't turn over! Hold on, the interfering person may arrive in the next minute, we have little time left ..."

Leona gave a hard salute and turned to leave! It didn't take long for the fighter planes carried on the cruisers to be released. These sparse fighter planes are compared with the number of pirate fighter groups that still cover the sky. One can only think of the word "salary"-it seems that the Star Alliance is exhausted, and the skills are poor.

In interstellar combat, it is responsible for bringing the fighter into the battlefield and releasing it. It is usually a escorted aircraft carrier. However, because fighter jets are released and recovered in space, space-consuming equipment such as runways is not required. Only a simple ejection device is needed, so fearless ships, cruisers and even frigates can carry a small number of fighter aircraft.

Especially cruisers, because they often need to be sent to complex areas to perform unknown types of tasks, whether it is air patrol or ground operations, need to be prepared in advance. Therefore, under normal circumstances, each cruiser is equipped with dual fighters and dual combat vehicles, or all replaced by shuttles.

It is these fighter jets that have been released by cruisers today. This was as expected by the pirates. Less than fifty fighters were released, and the small size made them feel pitiful ... These fighters bravely attacked the pirate fleet, just like Tang Jidi who challenged the windmill. It was just that they only splashed a little bit of water and then retreated urgently, leaving only many destroyed aircraft and escape cabins on the battlefield, and the ridicule of the pirates ...

The battle began twenty minutes after the fleet bombarded the meteorite group. According to the sensitivity of this area, after the fighting officially broke out, I don't know how many eyes were involved! Especially the Shenbao has definitely got the news ... At this moment, it is estimated that there are countless political forces calculating the gains and losses and measuring whether to intervene.

However, once the fearless class "Cardigan" was attacked. The first to appear must be the Batari! All of them have only two fearless ships. I do n’t believe they dare to save!

At this moment, the pirate fighter group that can't be attacked for a long time against the ship array. It has been found that the situation is not good. Those smart people are already behind, ready to go. This situation is actually more clearly seen on that cardigan Dreadnought!

There are few cruisers in the central airspace, and the frigate is defeated! In fact, the channel of the Star Alliance battleship group to the fearless ship has actually been opened. If it is not the Star Alliance battleship group still being entangled by the pirate's three axes, I am afraid that it has begun to accelerate the assault!

Do not leave at this time, when should I wait? The situation on the battlefield suddenly changed as the Cardigan looked for an opportunity to turn to retreat.

"Every army has it. Turn to the second stage!" Lieutenant General Yang ordered to the communication array loudly.

With his orders, the frigate group of Star Alliance immediately gave up the target that was entangled. U-turn towards the fearless ship in the distance! The diamond-shaped battle array completely abandoned the remaining cruisers, and began to attack the cardigan fearless ship over distance.

At this moment. Even the most stupid pirate can see that the trend is gone! But at this time, the roar of the pirate commander sounded in their communication channel! "I order you to kill those cruisers immediately! Don't be afraid, the imperial navy will arrive soon! The victory ultimately belongs to us!"

The pirates looked at each other, and then most of the fighters and shuttles still regrouped and swooped towards the cruiser group! In any case, at least on the battlefield here, pirates still dominate!

But at the next instant, the laser cannon controlled by the system of diamond-shaped battle array burst out! Several times the orange-red light suddenly lit up, as if the entire fleet radiated endless light outward!


A month ago, when these old cruisers were assembled near Pluto, and coordinated the offensive and defensive drills with the staff. Occasionally passing by Mu Xing (Gagarin Space Station is also in Pluto's orbit), he casually asked someone to ask, "How can these ships still use the same type?"

Those who heard it will of course explain carefully for the little princess of the Star Alliance, "This batch of old warships waiting to be retired, divided by 60 years, just missed the Type 2 system."

"Assembling and training in this way is to carry out combat missions? Why not upgrade the defense system?"

"This ... because they are all old battleships that will be retired, is there any need to upgrade?"

"The design goal of the system is to increase the survival rate of the battleship, that is, the survival rate of the crew. Upgrading the system is very expensive, but the life of each soldier is also very valuable."

"Okay, you are right, I will apply." Mu Xing's point of view is naive, but the person doesn't want to argue with Mu Xing about such trivial matters, so he succumbed to a little resistance.

But after thinking about it, Mu Xing continued. "It just happens that I have some suggestions for the transformation of the Navy's system, so it's called Type III. Just take this battle to test ..."

So it was like this-the original old cruisers should be installed on the first type (the orange laser beam was emitted, causing continuous burn damage); but on the eve of the retirement, they were prepared to spend a large price to replace the second type Launched a milky white droplet-shaped light ball, compound damage); then became Mu Xing's test product, which was replaced with a three-type!

Mu Xing seems to have intentionally caused some misunderstanding. The third type also emits an orange laser beam, but it causes compound damage. And not only that, wireless power transmission, heat absorbing tiles, new lens materials, etc ... The use of a large number of new technologies makes the power of the three-type system seem beyond imagination? !

It is precisely because of safety that the navy was willing to allocate twice as many personnel to each battleship ...

Every cruiser ~ ~ Whether it is outside the diamond-shaped battle array, or has been "damaged" before, it is dying behind it-at the moment, 24 guard laser cannons were set up and fired at the target crazy , Damn it! The computer of the system completely took over the manual operation, and then the maximum power burst out! The orange beam of light emitted from the lens has not been interrupted at all. When it penetrated a plane, it just dragged it to the side to lightly "cut" the other shuttle into two pieces!

This doesn't look like a laser cannon at all, this Nima Mingming is a "laser sword" with a length of tens of kilometers! Countless slender orange blades meander across the sky, leaving countless explosive fireworks and beautiful laser traces.

Looking at this scene outside the window, General Yang on the flagship couldn't help but sigh with emotion, "The tactics of small fighters ... have completely become history from then on."

It is not difficult to imagine that when the Type 3 system is popularized, when the defensive artillery of the warship has super explosive and extremely accurate hits-the tactics of using the flexibility of the small fighter and the small target to restrain the big warship, I am afraid there is no way out Day!

In the future, heavy ablative armor will inevitably become the mainstream of defense along with kinetic barriers. (To be continued) ()

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