Watching the Dawn

Vol 11 Chapter 171: Fire Phoenix 2 (Welcome to leave a message!)

"3 ... 2 ... 1 ...!" The members of the two blasting groups propped up on the hull of the "Roman" and flew back to the shuttle lightly. This article consists of. lwxs520. The starter left only a red flashing bomb in place.

After they entered the shuttle, the companion immediately closed the door and yelled "Preparation for impact!"

At the next moment, the plasma blasting bomb placed on the Roman's cabin door exploded! The two shuttles floating nearby were pushed away by a huge explosion. The door of the "Roman" was directly heated to a high temperature of tens of thousands of degrees by the white plasma! These high temperatures are not enough to destroy the doors, but with the sound of "呲 ~ 呲 ~", the two streams of liquefied coolant ejected from the shuttle successfully cooled the part of the door that was on the verge of melting, and quickly dispersed. Smoke particles created by an explosion in front of the door.

"!" The two shuttles turned their muzzles and fired at the door at close range! This time, through the two doors of the ice and fire, the "Roman" cabin door finally broke directly, exposing the passage in the ship and ... another cabin door.

"! Does the cruiser have two doors? Is it a decompression chamber? But who said that cruisers don't need a decompression chamber!" Said the blaster a little bit crazy.

"Don't complain! This is the old battleship ... It's been more than ten years. God knows how many of those captains have modified it. You should be more careful. If you see a heavy machine gun facing the passage for a while, I'm not surprised. The pilot of the shuttle said, "Okay, the Roman has been out of touch for more than ten minutes! Life and death are fast, let's hurry up and try again ..."

But at this time, the sound of the "Bang, Biao" wrench was heard in the second heavy door inside the passage. Someone manually opened the door inside!

"There are survivors!" The driver shouted in surprise. "Rescue team! Medical team !!!" With great sense of surprise, a dozen people on the two shuttles quickly "swept out". They carried various instruments and stood against the walls on both sides of the internal passage. But standing in line is four assault soldiers armed to the teeth!

The door creaked with a "creak ~ creep ~" metal friction sound, and finally slammed open to the inside, revealing a figure wearing armor.

"You are ..." The platoon leader stretched out his left hand to stop the person from moving forward. The scanner on his helmet quickly swiped across the other person's body, and recognized the other's identity. Standard armor, chest logo, and armor are full of cracks. It was filled with medical glue ... just when he was n’t sure. The person on the opposite side knocked twice on the helmet with finger joints, and the helmet's visor turned into a transparent mode, revealing a pale female face ...

"Captain Cynthia!" The leader of the rescue team was pleasantly surprised! "Nice to know that you are safe. Captain! The Roman has lost contact for 10 minutes and 37 seconds. We need your instructions ..."

"The communicator is damaged, you can see it outside ..." Captain Cynthia made a gesture. The communication equipment of the "Roma" was not damaged, but was directly cut off by the projectile, and there were half a bridge. "The power supply system is restarting. We have 25 wounded ... go!"

When the rescue team entered the battleship. They were completely shocked by what they saw! The "Rome" has a total capacity of 72 people, actually carrying 197 people. But because of the crack that was hit by a shell and nearly cut off half of the hull. A dead zone due to leaks and flames was created in the center of the spaceship-thus completely blocking the bridge and the passageway behind the cabin.

In other words, when the shells of the fearless ship hit the bridge. When the tragedy caused the total destruction of the headquarters. The officers and soldiers in the second half, because of the blocked passage, could only step up to repair the power supply system and fire fighting in the rear, but were unable to rescue the victims on the bridge.

But when rescuers came through the maintenance channel to the bridge. What I saw was-although the half-destroyed bridge directly leaked into space, the scene was full of charred traces and indestructible flames, and the radiation index was so high that it exploded! But the number of people killed in the battle is only 17! ...... This is a blow from the fearless ship!

What caused this result?

In a small cabin connected to the command room, which could barely maintain the mass effect field (which can guarantee basic oxygen, gravity, and debris protection), the rescue team found 25 wounded people lying in a row! This is the total number of people left by the command. Although they were all seriously injured, they all received emergency treatment. In the modern battlefield, as long as you did not die on the spot and used medical glue correctly for first aid, you basically don't need to be on the death list.

The rescue team handled the ruined bridge in astonishment and opened the passage to the rear of the cruiser with super-strong fire extinguishing agents-they could almost have guessed that it happened during the time after the cruiser was hit What happened-The ship was hit near the bridge, causing all the command staff to fall into a coma. Captain Cynthia woke up for the first time. She supported the seriously injured body, dragged the survivor into the cabin, and performed emergency treatment. Then, from the collapsed hull, she cleared a passage to the hatch, ready to ask the outside for help ...

"You are a real hero, Captain Cynthia!" The leader of the rescue team saluted Cynthia who was sitting. He knew how difficult it was, especially when Cynthia himself was seriously injured.

"The real heroes are fighting outside ..." Captain Cynthia shook her head, not acknowledging his compliments. "This is just a mother's insistence."

"Mother?" The leader of the rescue team repeated doubtfully. But when his eyes crossed Cynthia's bulging armor belly, he couldn't help but realize!

"Can you prepare a delivery bed for me?" Although Cynthia's face was pale, her smile was holy and happy. "It seems that the little guy is not very satisfied with the environment in which she lives. She is coming to this world in advance."


"Captains! I'm Captain Leona."

On the central battlefield, when a group of Star Alliance frigates were driving away the pirate frigate group like a rabbit, on the command channel of the Star Alliance frigate, the voice of Lieutenant Lionna also sounded. Because during the temporary fleet integration training, Captain Leona assisted Lieutenant General Yang in handling the fleet affairs, the frigate captains were all familiar with her voice.

"There is a very dangerous mission here! I need four of the most powerful warships to complete with me!" Leona's words just fell, causing a sensation in the frigate! Numerous requests are sent in an instant. But the reply I got was either "the communication line is busy, please wait" or "your record is not enough"! This is crazy! In order to avoid excessive competition and increase casualties, the specific data has always been controlled by superior units.

So even if the captains have a clear idea of ​​their own defeat, they still have only the crazy ones-how many records can they satisfy! You have given a quasi letter!

"Hi, partner, count me!" The busy **** finally showed up, and the thick male voice said on the frigate's channel, "Here is the Guandu. I'm Lin Zhuxue! The record ... 28 fell!" He reported The record makes the frigate's communication channel exclaim! Originally holding seven or eight records in his hand, he thought that he was already a very large number of captains. Suddenly found that there is still a long way to go-the original real cattle are here!

Especially the name of "partner", combined with Captain Leona's resume, many people guessed that it was the Akuz attack! That incident happened to be the famous battle of the frigate "Guandu", after which Captain Cynthia was promoted to captain of the cruiser, and the first officer Lin Zhuxue became the new captain of "Guandu". Even Captain Leona, who temporarily joined the advance team, was promoted to Lieutenant General Lin, the temporary fleet ...

With the voice of Captain Lin Zhuxue. A communication request appeared in front of Leona. On the terminal in front of her. Listing the records of all frigates, the Guandu scored 28 defeats. Ranked fifth! For the time being, Leona only accepts requests from the top ten warships.

Leona hesitated a little. Lin Zhuxue was added to the data link. "Welcome to join, Zhuxue!"

"Observe your orders, Chief Leona!" Lin Zhuxue said seriously. But he immediately switched to a private channel and asked slightly anxiously. "Leona, what happened to Cynthia? She hasn't responded to my newsletter handshake, and I noticed that the Roman Horn seems to ..."

"Relax, Cynthia is okay!" Leona reassured with some guilty conscience. In fact, when she left the flagship, the "Rome" was still dead. "Sorry, Zhu Xue, there is a new request for access ..."

Leona quickly escaped the second request as if she were running away, cutting off her private conversation with Lin Zhuxue.

"Here is the Taierzhuang! I am Lieutenant Muyu! I have fallen down to 26! I represent 57 strong men on board requesting to join!" Muyu's slightly exaggerated voice appeared on the channel.

"Please wait a second, Lieutenant Muyu ..." Leona looked at the frigate "Tai'erzhuang" ranked seventh, hesitating. This record is slightly behind (in the top ten)-but it is possible that other battleships are ranked first, but the hull has been seriously damaged in the previous battle and is not suitable for participation.

"No no no!" Keenly aware of Leona's hesitation, Muyu immediately interrupted her and quickly added chips to herself. "Listen, I ’m the hero of Skirian ’s raid! If you check the list, my name is in the first row! If you think the number of defeats is not enough ... that ’s not my fault ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ Everyone knows that my wing captain is a fool! "

"Muyu! How can you say that to me! I want to turn your face!" The captain of the frigate Guam protested loudly.

"Get out! I don't need you anymore! Oh ~ Hahaha!" Muyu smiled arrogantly on the channel-in fact everyone knows that he just didn't want his friends to take risks with them-now fighting It is not a military achievement, it is probably a bed covered with the Star Alliance flag.


ps: I want to talk to my friends who read books.

This brief war drama of the protagonist playing soy sauce is a test of Lao Lei to the book friends. I want to understand everyone's response and requirements to the war drama through this. Because of the mass-effect world, there must be several super-wars around the landing distance and the dawn.

If you have any ideas, please come to the book review area to speak actively! Thank you!

Lao Lei (to be continued. (Lwxs520.))

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