Way of the Devil

Chapter 998: Limit two

However, apart from opening Anxi, most of the rest are curious about the legendary president, but curiosity does not drive them to take the initiative.

Only Anxi one went to work, and went all the way to the innermost summoning ceremony.

Summoning the ceremonial field, here is a place where a number of high-level joint ventures contributed to build a high-level team that can quickly imprint the core research society and instantly pull it back from the danger.

Everyone is disgusted with war. Naturally, they are more yearning for safety and stability. Now, it is hard to have a place to live. It is also a good effort to consolidate this place.

After all, the core of the weird research society, if it is said that it is a road victory at the beginning, then now, it has already become the confession created by the class.

With the support of many powerful people, I have gradually upgraded myself because of my knowledge. The performance is not much better than the initial one.

Bansay’s invention talents, as well as the talents of the squad, are becoming more and more horrifying.

As long as it is a question of the energy language of the array, in his hands, it will take a long time to solve it.

He is now arranging a number of runes and arrays to form a special energy language.

Once such a language is formed, the function of ignorance will be enhanced. This is even the equivalent of the opening of the school, opening up a new school!

Many of the forces outside the research conference have already known the class as the source of the power.

Most importantly, he has unified the various energy systems that have been disorganized into two categories.

One is the energy used by all the Lords, and the other is the Lord. Taking the Lord as the boundary, Ban Sai unified the above part, called Star Power.

The energy language he is creating is also known as the star language.

Into the summoning ceremony, the class saw Tolanbach, who had already waited inside, as well as the Lord and Tongshun and Li Shunxi.

The four of them are now okay in the research conference, especially Li Shunxi. He has the evil jade, and his foresight ability is very strong, which has helped a lot of people.

Although it is not as powerful as it is because of ignorance, it is very mobile.

"Since it is the boss, we have to come over to meet." Li Shunxi smiled.

"I was still on vacation with Sakura at the seaside. I received a message and I flew back and waited for the first time." Tolambach smiled. Compared with more than ten years ago, she has matured a lot now and looks like a gentle big sister.

Tongsheng is followed by a silver-haired boy. The boy's face is cold and beautiful, and that is the apprentice he has only received for a long time.

Nowadays, with the help of his knowledge, coupled with the guidance of many powerful powers, he finally succeeded in breaking through and reaching the peak of the soldiers.

"Well, let alone, let everyone be prepared." He is now the person in charge of managing the summoning ceremony.

As he ordered, the outside staff were busy, and the entire ceremony began to tremble.

It seems that there is some kind of strong fine vibration in the underground, which is constantly strengthening.

The entrance and exit around the ceremony was slowly lowered and closed, and numerous red currents gathered at the center to form a huge mesh-shaped sphere.

"Get started," Bansai reached out.

Suddenly a transparent symbol was hit by him, falling on the ground, and blinking like ink dripping into the water, spreading rapidly. Breeding the same similar symbols that are not counted.

‘Linking ceremony is starting’

‘Super long-distance cross-border contact launches’

‘Coordinate positioning. ’

‘Create a short-term communication channel. ’

‘One-way information transfer takes thirty-six hours, twenty-one minutes and six seconds. please wait patiently. ’

The sound of sweet girls continued to sing over the ceremony.

"Do you have such a big battle? Is this necessary?" Anxi stood behind and complained.

"You don't understand, the president is different from everyone else." Bansai shook his head.

"Is it?" Anxi did not agree. During the war, he did not say anything else. He was the only one who joined the seminar recently.

Even if this president is a lord, there are so many high-level leaders who gather together to conduct a summoning ceremony.

Anxi remembers that there are several ambiguous ambiguities in the research conference. You can find at least two of them. He is also strange.

The "different" class shook his head.

"Speaking, I’m going to stop fighting, do you know?" Anxi suddenly said.

"Arms!" Li Shunxi is a strange way.

"The Star Alliance lord under the command of the Superintendent, detonated the nine silver hearts, with the destruction of the nine major Milky Ways, broke the power, and hit the strongest ancient beast God Latir selected by the ancient beasts." An Xi laughed Laughed.

"Speaking of it, the battlefield is actually far away from us. From here, we can only see a lot of ray and light and shadow that the super space spans."

"I’m going to stop fighting so quickly? It’s not very normal.” The class bowed down and wondered.

"Is the armistice still not good?" Anxi smiled. "No matter what the reason, it is a truce."

"Just" suddenly a class game, looking at the red mesh ball in the air.

"Come on! The link is about to be established! Ready to open the advent!!"

Dozens of light years outside the star field of the weird research society, somewhere in the planetary belt.

A huge black turtle with a body that spans a small half of the planet belt suddenly seems to have sensed something. Slowly open your eyes and look into the distance.

"It’s finally coming." The giant tortoise Xidi slowly moved to the body, and thousands of legs and legs were densely packed around the sides of the shell.

"According to the agreement, I am coming."

In front of the thousand-footed giant tortoise, a silver-white metal ball full of zigzag lines slowly unfolds, and countless metals are quickly combined automatically, turning into a tall figure composed of metal skeletons.

"Please come to you this time, I am not convenient to personally shot." Thousands of giant turtles look to the figure. "The holders of the card of the same hegemony, you are qualified to fight each other without restraint."

"Reassured, I will solve the problem completely." The metal warrior slowly waved a sword-shaped metal strip extending from his arm.

"In addition, although I can't directly deal with the holder of the tyrant's card, if I accidentally succumb to each other without knowing it, then I can't blame me." The thousand-footed giant Xidi smiled.

"Do you intend to directly target the weird research society?" The metal warrior is awkward.

"Also, there are dare to take in the members of the Protoss and the Ancient Beasts who fled from the battlefield. This makes the branches on both sides very dissatisfied with them. This is the way to find death."

"Okay, go." Xidi smiled.

The metal warrior whispered slightly, turned and flashed a few times, disappearing into the universe.

Watching the metal warrior leave completely, the West Bank opened his mouth and spit out a golden light.

The golden light exploded in front of him and turned into a red Mars, which soon disappeared.

"Come on! I am coming!" The sound of eight eagle lion beasts came from Mars.

"It is just that a group of people who have been chasing the Qingyang snake monsters have been hiding in that research meeting, and they have to send experts to check in the past!

Hey! I have to look at this time to see how the monk died! ”

The original shame, it still remembers it until now.

Therefore, he not only wants that person to die! Also destroy all that is related to that person! everything!

“When did they arrive?” The giant tortoise was slightly stunned.

"Qingyang strange birds are the fastest, it should be earlier than us." Po Mira simply said. "I hope they can stay a little longer, hehe, or wait for us to go, maybe there will be only ruins."

"No, there is a spirit to go! This is their own death! The alleged criminals of the Star Alliance dare to take in, hahaha!!"

Lu Sheng is full of the soul of the huge to the extreme, in the crazy compression into the body.

As a tyrannical body of Wang Dong, he is merging into his own body at an extremely exaggerated speed. Become part of the ontology.

This time the harvest is great. It is not only the soul of his own hard work, but also the mysterious energy that the world universe supports and absorbs.

The soul of the billions of Dura, let the road win almost one person is equivalent to the sum of the soul of the entire planet.

Although for a ontology, a planet is nothing, but it is all extremely high quality, similar to the mysterious energy of the level of evil spirits, it is completely different.

The integration of the huge soul force, his body is also rapidly rising.

Originally his level of meditation has far surpassed the ordinary meditation, the body of the soul is huge and incredible.

Now, I have poured in so many high-energy spirits, and suddenly the spirit of his spirit has changed again.

He has made good plans, and when he goes back, he will retreat and practice, and thoroughly digest this harvest. Perhaps it should be able to go further and break through the glory.

After the mourning, what is the realm of the realm, he only knows a name, how to go forward, there is no clue.

If we can determine the birth and death of a star system, then the dead star should be a higher level of qualitative change. It is a higher energy with a large amount of subordinate energy and condensed matter.

The sacred, known as the limit barrier of all Terran.

It represents the highest level of the whole world of the devil and the human race.

The human race, no matter what kind of human race, its soul limit is the peak of the glory. The only way to go up is to change the body and completely transform the soul. Let yourself be no longer a human being.

The dead star is the limit of life that the human race can never surpass.

In this passage, Lu Sheng has seen more than one place.

Just like all the cheats he has ever seen, all of them only mention the meditation, and the rest are no longer followed.

Lu Sheng himself is very clear, although he is awkward, but in essence, still the people of the race. The composition of the soul is this.

In other words, he is also very likely to have so-called biological limits, population limits.

Now his soul of the gods is already thousands of times the size of the same level, but there is still no way to break through the qualitative change.

This may also disguise this point, the human race is the limit of life. 8)

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