Way of the Devil

Chapter 999: Deadlock


Huge like the Rubik's Cube in the silver space station.

A blue-green warship slowly hovered around the void, and the warships constantly flew out a long-tailed monster with a snake's head. They were all green, and the wings behind them were several times larger than their bodies.

A group of strange birds, led by a stranger with a slightly darker skin, landed slowly on the bridge platform.

The class and Li Shunxi, who have already had research meetings there, waited in advance.

It’s not just them, there are two other core executives who have officially joined, and the two great ancient beasts of the sacred level come together to meet.

"White yarn Kodfell is here? I can smell it and it hides somewhere here! Call it out and see me!"

The lead bird's head is cold, although the accent is a bit strange, but the whisper in his mouth seems to be mixed with a sharp special kind of bird song, which is harsh and dry.

Two people standing beside Li Shunxi, one is a bald-headed man with a deep red skin, called Trey.

The other is a woman, but with a tentacles on her head, her eyes are like an aquarium, and there are countless green bugs swimming inside. Her name is Beifa Yarn, an extremely rare survivor of the ancient beast.

"Who is my way, it turned out to be the great commander of the Qingyang snake and bird. You come from afar, come to us to study what will be expensive? In addition, the one you are looking for is not here."

Beifa yarn is not afraid of the Qingyang snake and bird family, but she does not want to arbitrarily destroy the hard-won life.

"Northern French yarn? You actually came here?" Qingyang snake and bird leader sneered. "Do you think that there is only one of me? Follow-up my family beast will also come in person, if you have opinions, you can talk to it yourself."

Beast God? ?

Li Shunxi and others have a glimpse of the heart. In the League of Ancient Beasts, the solid body is the highest and the strongest.

The beast **** is the strongest team he has left.

In fact, don't say that the beast god, the group of ancient beasts in front of the eyes, is not what they can handle.

That is to say, the two meditations on the bright side of the research society can come out to support the scene.

Ancient beasts and protoss are the two strongest forces recognized today, and the individual strength is also known as the ancient beast.

The Qingyang snake bird is no longer inconspicuous, but it is also for the entire ancient beast alliance. For other external forces, they are also the same giants, and they are extremely strong.

"What are they nonsense? Go directly to search!"

The other voice is far from the universe.

A group of pale golden vortex slowly opened on the side of the bridge, from which a group of strangers with silver metal inlays on the chest.

"Ella! Get out!"

The team of geeks was just getting close, and the tall men who took the lead slammed.

"There is nothing Ella here." North French yarn whispered back.

"Do you think that we are coming from our two ethnic groups?" The man sneered. "There will be new ethnic groups in a while. By that time, it will be impossible for you to see your research meeting!"

"and also?"

Li Shunxi and others are all changing.

boom! !

At this moment, suddenly there was a huge earthquake in the distant starry sky.

A huge white beak with numerous small eyes, slowly arching his head out of the darkness, looking over here.

At this time, the top of the North and the Trey are barely ugly.

"Here is the seminar? Larry? Let him come and talk to me." The behemoth is like a white whale just emerging, but the eyes are a little more.

Its eyes are indifferent and fierce, and there is a deep disappointment in the depths. A kind of disappointment to his loved ones and friends.

"There is no Larry here." Li Shunxi hardened his scalp and slowly walked up to the front.

"I can feel his breath. He is hiding here, there will be no mistakes." White multi-eyed whales are cold.

"If you don't come out, don't blame me for completely destroying this place!"

"There is really no Larry here."

Li Shunxi was unable to argue with several people.

But not only the multi-eyed giant whales, but also several teams from the Alliance of Stars, and quickly appeared, asking the research to surrender the existence they traced.

But many of them are not here. And here, it is also in a state of serious injury.

Li Shunxi and others will never hand them over at this moment.

Because of the growth of the seminar, which was mixed with the shadow of the cult Red Moon, the divisions of the ancient beasts and the spirits were not too rude.

But the pressure is indeed getting bigger and bigger, and the voices that require them to be handed over are getting bigger and bigger.

It’s so big that North French yarn and Trey can’t support it. Although the follow-up An Xi also came out to support the scene, but the research is still too weak compared to the increasingly aggressive pressure of the other side.

"It seems that you really intend to shelter those criminals in the end?" The general leader of the Qingyang snake bird stood in the front of the cold channel.

"It's not that we have to shelter in the end, but the existence you are looking for, really not here!" The class contest loudly distinguished.

The two sides are stuck at the bridge, and no one will give up one step.

"So, do you dare to let us go in and check?" A sinister sound came out of the envelope of the ancient beast.

The class saw Li Shunxi, who gave him a positive answer.

He finally breathed a sigh of relief and nodded.

"What are you afraid of? But what if you can't find it?"

"What compensation is needed, my Qingyang snake and bird family will not let you down!" Qingyang commander sneered.

"Good! Remember your words!" Bansai hated.

The pressure is too big, so big that he can't support it.

Just now, even the two elders of Beifa and Trey also made a speech. The one in the ancient beast, the influence of the generation is extremely large, which also led to the two words being suppressed on the spot.

So at least half of the pressure here, can only rely on their own.

"I hope that you don't want to go back in time." An Xi coldly took a look at Qingyang.

"It’s ridiculous." The general commander waved his wings and immediately followed the three strongest people.

"Let's go. We will search for ourselves!"

Anxi looked ugly, and pulled the class and others to let it go.

Each ethnic group separately separated some people and joined the Qingyang Grand Commander to enter the space station to search the situation.

Ban Sai and others are naturally followed.

Although Li Shunxi had used some special means to inform the ancient beasts and protoss hiding here, who knows what trouble this group of monsters will bring.

The pedestrians followed the bridge all the way. Many members heard the news in the middle. They all came close from the surroundings and looked at the pedestrian calmly.

The Qingyang Grand Commander and another ancient elephant incarnation of the multi-eyed giant whale walked together.

An avatar of the Protoss named West Flach walked on the other side with a star spirit.

West Flack comes from a distant astrological galaxy. He is the head of the galaxy. He came here to find the murderer who killed his wife.

Although the murderer has been arguing that he is embarrassed, he does not think so.

Just like mental illness, I always claim that I am normal.

In his view, it is definitely a huge hidden danger for the research to take in a guy who is so abnormal.

One space station partition checks the past.

Both sides use special detection methods, and the red and white auras constantly scan through the various partition areas.

The aura has a certain sense of tingling, which also makes members who have been living in these places show a strong dissatisfaction.

Bansai and others looked in their eyes, and their faces became more and more difficult to look at.

"Justice needs to be enforced, hatred needs revenge, and all causes will naturally bear all the fruits!" West Flack looked awkward.

Soon all the partitions were searched, and the two people did not find anything. At this point everyone stood on a silver-white metal platform behind the space station.

This is the place that was originally used to dock battleships, but at this time there are already several ancient beasts who have narrowed their bodies and waited here.

"All the places have been searched, there is no one you are looking for, can you now?" Bansai looked coldly at the command of West Flach and Qingyang.

"That can be sure that you have found all the places to find it?" Qingyang Datong led the disdain. "There is no residential area, but the core area here? The core area is so big, hiding some people is simply a breeze."

core area? ? !

The look of Ban Sai and others have changed completely.

If the residential area is just a normal area, the place of daily life. Then the core area is the biggest reliance on the research society, that is, the area where a lot of information and core technology are stored.

There are not only a large number of core members and technicians, but also the most versatile rune machine.

It can be said that the core area is the most critical fatal point of the entire research conference.

"Hello, don't you think your request is too much?" Bansai strongly resisted the anger.

"I don't feel too much. Although the core area is important, if you can't find enough compensation for it," Qingyang Daxun sneered. "But you must find it again. After all, if you deliberately want Tibetans to go there, it is also a Very easy, isn't it?"

"But if I refuse?" The sound of the class was low.

Li Shunxi An Xi and others stood behind him and knew that they must not back down now. It’s not just that the core area has the most important things at the core of the entire research conference, but also because the people they are looking for are all there.

If it is really found by them, then the whole study will be finished.

This group of guys who are blinded by hatred and prejudice with anger will definitely destroy this place in the first place.

If they are not found now, they will still be on the surface, and they will not be directly involved without evidence. But once there is evidence.

The splendid and ancient beasts that have destroyed countless galaxies are not soft.

Just as the two sides confronted each other, suddenly a star spirit quietly sneaked into a core area entrance on the right side of the space station.


A member of a research conference is in front of him.

"Stand up!!" Anxi jerked her hand and grabbed it. The huge star force suddenly infiltrated from the gap around the space station, blocking it in front of the star spirit. This was the means he had arranged before.


The Protoss also slammed into the black star force and slammed forward.

Black and colorless stars collide and produce silent ripples.

"Go, go in!" Qingyang Datong led a sneer and strode toward the entrance to the core area.

"To cover up sin, you will eventually get black even yourself!" West Flack followed, with other stars, to the core area. 8)

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