Way of the Devil

Chapter 1060: Air combat II

The building broke into several sections. In one of the ruins, several disciples struggled, barely arched out half of the body, and they no longer breathe.

They are all blood, glaring, as if angering the injustice of fate.

There are countless gray smokes around it like smoke, scattered everywhere, and swaying with the wind.

Hey, hey.

A pair of black leather boots slowly stopped in front of these bodies.

Lu Sheng bent down and gently closed the eyes of the body.

"Go, my blood."

Behind him, a large, distorted figure of more than three meters was gradually emerging.

"Let the whole world, witness your strength"

In the smoke, a lot of confusing giant shadows have moved, and they rushed toward the disaster city full of zombies.

Lu Sheng’s line of sight fell not far from the black and white figures of the fight.

He lifted his foot and walked slowly toward the two men.


In an instant, he brought a series of afterimages.

Everything in the eye of the eye is rapidly zooming in at a horrible speed.

Brett, who is struggling to wave the deadly sickle, is getting closer and closer in his vision.

Lu Sheng opened his hand and just calmly pointed to Bright's forehead.

Bang! ! !

A cloud of white mist suddenly exploded in midair.

Brett only felt that the whole body was like a frontal collision with the meteorite. The whole person turned around and blinked. The surrounding area was already dark.

Aside from the side, Dylan took advantage of the sword to win the road, the speed is too fast, and it is too late to close.

Lu Sheng turned and let go, the afterimage disappeared, and the blink of an eye appeared behind Dylan.

"You and my time are different."

boom! ! !

He hit the heart of Dylan.

The violent terrorist power poured into the body like a mountain torrent.

Hey! !

Explode the air in the air. A circle of obvious white marks spread slowly.

Dylan Lianren fell to the ground with a sword and stone. The whole surface was quiet first, and then quickly screamed.

Centered on the landing point of Dylan, the surrounding land is cracked and white light is illuminated. Numerous colds rushed out and spilled over the ground.

"Ah, ah!" A white light rose up and swooped toward Lu Sheng.

Numerous lines of Jianguang are densely packed from all directions to the road.

He just grabbed one hand.

In an instant, all the swords were lighted into one, and they were pinched by their death.

Dylan's pretty face is pale, and the chest has a clear blood hole. It is obvious that the palm of the hand was completely wounded.

"District npc, my Dylan will never be defeated here! Never!"

She was once again lit up with countless white lights. A circle of white pearl-like light **** emerges behind them.

"In my name, come out, the left and right doors are cold and ice!"

Dylan screamed loudly.

The ball of light behind them all blasted, and the scattered white spots turned into countless white petals.

Among the petals, a huge armor carrying a white ice wheel slowly emerged.

"Go!! Soul freeze!!!!"

Dylan opened his arms and loosened the sword.

With his movements, countless white petals are flying fast around the road, and more and more.

Brett on the ground slowly propped up his body, coughed a few times and stood up from the ruins.

Just getting up, he felt his body getting colder and stiffer.

Looking up, I just saw the huge ice emperor tens of meters.

"This girl is crazy??!" He knows how much it will cost to summon the summons of the Quartet.

At that time, Dylan was really willing to pay such a big price. Apparently she has been forced to run out of water.

"Hurry to leave!!" The soul absorbed by the power of the magical arm is restored in a steady supply. But in fact most of them are used to stabilize the devil's door.

This Devil's Gate is a portal dedicated to the entry and exit of the High Lord Demon.

The demons here are not from the world of magical things in some ordinary universes.

It is a cosmic abyss with only magic energy.

There are no other creatures besides the devil.

It is called the ancestral world by many powerful people, meaning the original source world of all demons.

The ancestral world is also a super-energy world. Among them, the devil of the higher lord is naturally powerful.

"You must leave quickly. Once the demon lord comes out, I can't control it." Brett picked up a thigh that had just been smashed and pressed it.

Just a moment he didn't even see anyone, he was killed once.

During the existence of the dark ball in the sky, he will not die if he is not killed three times in a row for half an hour.

Just now, he has been killed twice in a short time.

Hey! ! !

At this time, a piece of white ice in the sky swiftly circulated around the road.

With Lusheng as the center, a large number of ice layers around it are rapidly thickening, and in a blink of an eye, a huge ice hockey is condensed.

Lu Sheng’s whole person was completely frozen in the middle, and through the clear ice, he could see his clear face inside.

Dylan swayed the sword and pointed the sword at Lu Sheng.

"Go to hell!! Damn npc!!" She kept vomiting blood in her mouth, but her expression was extremely mad.


Suddenly the ice cracked a crack.

Dylan’s expression changed, and he slammed his sword forward.


The blade was caught by a big hand on the spot.

"The **** of the gods."

Lu Sheng’s right palm was moving forward, and the squatting squat slowly broke through the large ice sheet and fell heavily on Dean’s forehead.

Everything is silent in an instant.

Hey! ! ! !

A mid-air suddenly blew a **** fog.

Dylan's entire head exploded like a bomb.

Her headless body was suspended in the air, stagnant for a while, then suddenly dispersed and turned into countless spots.

The huge ice emperor shadow also slowly dispersed.

The ice layer beside Lu Sheng also quickly retreated.

He took back his hand and didn't even get a little blood on his body.

"Next, it's up to you." He lowered his head and looked at Bright, who was rushing.

At this time, Bright has turned into silver light and flies away from the distance.

The devil's door will be formed immediately, and his undead regeneration will be completely over. If he does not leave, he will be dead.

Lu Sheng’s foot was on the emptiness, and the squatting behind him exploded a wave of air, and the whole person quickly caught up with Brett.

Hey! ! !

At this moment, in the huge black ball of the sky, a huge and extremely heavy cockroach suddenly came out.

Lu Sheng has a slight shape. Looking up.

Inside the black ball, a huge head of the head of the horns slowly rises.

It is like a sculpture with a black cloth.

The human face seems to be breaking away from the suppression of some kind of power. Constantly uttering roar of unknown meaning.

"Humble the worm, the false world, let me, the great Shaduhars, come to end this meaningless planet."

The huge human face, which is hundreds of meters wide, is more and more bulging, and the surface of the black ball is arched higher and higher, as if it is likely to be broken at any time.

Just in front of his face, in front of the tip of his nose.

Lu Sheng's body shape flashed, slowly emerged, quietly suspended in the air, and continued to blast a circle of white air waves.

"What did you say?"

He actually used the same devil language to speak out.

The huge demon face suddenly stagnate, and the line of sight quickly concentrated on Lu Sheng in front of him.

"Devil!? Invisible Devil!!?"

Xia Du Hals was shocked.

There are also devils in the ancestral world, but there are very few that can reach the level of the invisible demon.

This is almost the closest level to the demon king.

It is a horrible existence that claims to be almost impossible to kill, and he is at the same level.

Even if he is a demon prince, the lord of the high devil, who belongs to the hegemony in the ancestral world, is not willing to offend these difficult characters easily.

Only the genius of the ancestors of the genius is extremely scattered, and all the invisible demons are just a few, which is not much known than the other demons. How can he never remember that this magical domain has such a strong invisible demon?

"Since there is already a demon lord here, then I am taking the liberty." He is not willing to conflict with this almost unkilling character. The huge face quickly shrank back and turned back to the black ball.

The black ball also shrinks rapidly at the same time, and soon returns to the original size of the human head, and then slams and directly dissipates.

The entire door of the demon is like a farce that has just closed.

Countless white souls rushed out and fell towards the original place. This demon prince has even returned most of his soul. It is very good for face.

Lu Sheng suspended in the air, the body seems to be hooked, unconsciously began to exude a sense of silky black tentacles.

Originally, he had already done a good job with the big guy on the bar, but he did not expect the other party to take the initiative to retreat.

Devil's language, he naturally will, when he ate so many pure demons, he secretly learned it when he was lurking in the dark.

"Well, since the biggest two problems have been solved, it is time to clear everything. Find out the culprit."

Hey! ! ! !

In the city below, a large number of zombies do not know when they actually come together to form a huge mass of monsters up to several kilometers. He is reaching out to the giant hand in midair.

Lu Sheng backhanded a slap in the face.

Hey! ! !

The giant hand slammed back into the ground with lightning and scattered into countless pieces of zombie flesh and blood.

The monster slammed down to the ground and was quickly surrounded by core cadres who were more than three meters tall.

But for a moment, the whole monster was completely separated by a group of strange giants.

Several fighters flew past Lu Sheng, and the driver shouted to Lu Sheng through the driving window.

The battleship slowly receded. Although there are a large number of zombies below, but in the trust of the nine life hall, the commander of the military region quickly issued a place to recover the military to more need to suppress.

"Now." Lu Sheng was suspended high in the sky, and the sound was transmitted to the ground in a circle like a shock.

"Break the blood of my blood."

Brett on the ground suddenly felt a bit, looked up and looked at the sky.


A huge shadow like a hill rises from the ground around Lu Sheng.

They fanned the flesh behind them, one by one like a giant with a black wing in mythology, centered on road wins, roaring and flew away in all directions of the city.

"My God! In the end, the Lord God mentioned the difficulty level!!?" Brett couldn't help but scream.

"Even if the demon prince is blocked on the spot, is there such a place?"

If he is allowed to choose another time, he will never be willing to take the risk of falling into this world.

"Even the ice emperor of the Quartet Emperor freezes the monsters that kill the soul! This metamorphosis is still handed over to the Angels and the Magic Team. I am not waiting for it!" He turned and turned into silver again, facing away. Fly away.

But I haven’t just flown far. A sense of panic and depression rising from the bottom of my heart shook his whole heart.

"I am!!" His face changed rapidly. In the deepest part of his consciousness space, a strangely shaped black sphere was slowly rooting deep into his consciousness.

"Any kill will make me stronger."

The sound of Lu Sheng was passed down from high altitude. But at this time, Brett could not hear anything. His whole person was completely caught in a strange illusion and could not extricate himself.

"Return, my servant!"

Lu Sheng’s voice is like a wave, and the layers spread in all directions.

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