Way of the Devil

Chapter 1061: Chaos one

People who fly or fly, or gallop, continue to walk through the chaotic city and head toward Lu Sheng.

Almost one-third of the entire city of Anmin has been ruined by the chaos in the chaos, the deadly battle between the reincarnations, and the clearing of the ninth cadres, which have continuously increased the destruction of the entire city.

But no matter what, it is humanitarian, and here is the consciousness of its own headquarters. The cadres and disciples of Jiu Ming Tang, while eliminating the zombies and the reincarnations, are constantly trying to rescue those who are still alive.

Their rescue is not so much a rescue as it is to help lift the threat.

Starting from the headquarters of Jiu Ming Tang, many cadres led the members to gradually move forward in all corners of the city. All the safe areas, the surviving police officers and the small number of troops left by the military together to defend together.

After the rescued rich people were undecided, they waved a check and asked to hire the Nine Gods Church to rescue their loved ones.

But Jiu Ming Tang ignored it.

The situation broke out so suddenly that many upper-level people did not make any preparations at all.

The spread of the virus lasted only one hour, and basically the entire city of Anmin was completely infected. However, according to statistics, the virus seems to be able to immunize a lot of people, many healthy people with strong constitutions can safely survive this crisis. But the poorest is the child.

They are weak and have the fastest spread by viral infection.

This time, almost none of the children in An Ming City were under the age of ten.

The small buildings of various buildings were damaged to varying degrees. Most of the survivors were allowed to enter the line of defense after being screened by the body and confirmed that there were no wounds under the guidance of Jiu Ming Tang.

Soon, two hours later, half of the city’s area was completely eliminated. Only the last hardest hit.

The central business district with the most concentrated zombies and the most reincarnation.



Lu Sheng quietly stood on the roof of a three-story villa, with a flesh of more than five meters wide behind him, slowly fanning, from time to time with a strong wind.

There is already a line of understanding below, and the unrecognized figure appears on the ruins, and he is kneeling on his knees.

The extermination does not require the road to take the initiative to control. This is completely passive. As long as it is defeated by him, he will be forced to break the line of defense and plant the evil spirits at the deepest level of consciousness.

In theory, only the type of extremely determined will can resist the implantation of the species. But so far, Lu Sheng has not seen people whose willpower can be tough.

The number of people is slowly increasing, gradually increasing from single digits to double digits.

Soon, two key figures appeared.

Blatter, who had been fighting with people and made the door to the massacre of the devil, was shaking his body, staring at Lu Sheng with a frightened look, but his feet slowly and unconsciously walked toward Lu Sheng. near.

He had to listen to the orders of Lu Sheng while he was afraid.

The other person is the white disc that had escaped from Lu Sheng.

Her arms are **** and seem to have passed through a certain killing. At this time, her face is white and pitiful. It is like a wounded little beast, and she needs the comfort and embrace of others.

Lu Sheng didn't know that the virus was under the white plate. At this time, it was just a sweep of his eyes, and he fainted.

The white scorpion dish was originally terrified, and this slowly subsided. What she is most afraid of is that Lu Sheng knows that she is under the virus.

The drawbacks of the genocide are also revealed at this time.

The fear of extermination will make people unconsciously awe and obey the instructions of Lu Sheng, but this fear may also lead others to hide some key in order to avoid more fearful and more fearful results.

Waiting for a while, the surrounding people continued to come out and several people, all of them are reincarnations.

No one will arrive any more.

Lu Sheng then slowly opened his mouth.

"No matter where you come from. No matter what mission you are. Now, you are my servants."

He paused and his eyes stopped on Bright.

Hey! ! !

Bright hasn't had time to talk. I felt a sharp pain in my forehead, and then the whole person was black, and then I didn’t know anything.

The rest of the people only saw that the whole person of Brett burst open instantly and turned into a **** fog. In the blink of an eye, it was blown away by the wind and disappeared between heaven and earth.

Only a few black boxes that looked very delicate fell.

"The rest of the people, to eliminate the existing residual city, remember, put on the special sign of the nine life hall." Lu Sheng Ping.

The people below rushed to the ceremony, and then they ran silently away from the distance.

The same is true for the white disc, and my heart is fortunate, I am about to turn and fly away.

"You stay." Lu Sheng’s voice suddenly sounded in her ear.

The white scorpion dish trembled and almost ran away, but the horror and awe of the road sorrow caused by the annihilation of the species, and hard to let her stop.

"You are more than twelve beats per minute than others." Lu Sheng's figure brought out a series of afterimages, and it was immediately behind her.

"Tell me, your people, who is the strongest person who came this time? Who was the old man?" Lu Sheng tried to figure out the details of some reincarnations from the mouth of the white gong.

"I don't", the white disc is crying and sorrowful, slowly turning around.

"Who is the virus?" Lu Sheng suddenly asked.

"I am not me!! Ah!!!" The white disc was terrified and frightened.

Lu Sheng saw this scene and already knew the answer.

"What else? Take it out." He calmly said.

The white scorpion dish looked horrified, stepped back, his face flashed hesitant, hesitant, tormented and other expressions. In the end, she reached out and shook her hand, and two more sealed, test tubes with silver rotating liquid.

Lu Sheng reached out and took the test tube and looked up at the light.

"Go, let's say the key people you know." He grabbed the long hair of the white scorpion and dragged her to the far side.

Business district, the most concentrated neighborhood of several shopping malls.

The black and crushed zombies are constantly moving around here, one by one, just like hanging out on the streets as they were before.

Their skin is already festering, and there are many places where you can see rotten flesh and blood. Many organ tissues, except the digestive system, have been completely scrapped.

If you look down from the sky, you can see that the entire range of hundreds of meters in the vicinity is full of countless zombies.


Suddenly in front of a hardware store door, there was a loud and harsh sound.

A large number of zombies squatted and looked up slowly in the direction of the sound.

Hey! !

Suddenly a more intense metal knocking sounded again and again.

This time, more zombies completely determined the position, speeding up and rushing in the direction of the sound.

A group of zombies gathered together to form a larger group and walked towards the source of the sound.

Ansha kept circling a short knife in his hand and tapping on several metal tubes on the ground in front of the hardware store.

He stared at the black squash that was slowly approaching in front, and his expression was cold and dull.

"So, this kind of meaningless garbage, how much more, is just garbage."

Soon, the zombies gathered enough.

He stopped tapping, erected a short knife, pointed his back at himself, and slammed his finger.

Hey! ! !

In an instant, the entire short knife completely collapsed. Turned into countless metal fragments.

The debris was again shredded into finer silver gravel, like a long wave of silver fog, blowing into the zombie tide.


The subtle humming sounds continuously.

In an instant, the entire corpse tide metal is not moving.

Ansha turned around and didn't look behind him and left in the distance.

Behind it is a large number of zombies that have been smashed into pieces of rotten meat.

Another big shopping mall edge. The entire triangular mall, half of the building, is slowly falling down, splashing a lot of gray and yellow smoke.

Hey! ! !

Halfway through, the large floor collapsed and collapsed.

In the smoke, the huge body of the red thorn is more than four meters, and it slowly appears. Gently jumped to the ground and stood in a large ruin.

A green vein like a blood vessel emerges from the skin of her whole person, and the green tube of the face transports a large amount of green liquid at high speed.

A horrible muscle almost reached the point of deformity, like a myriad of tumors piled together, and a tree root tumor that grows wildly in the giant tree. Some muscle blocks are even bigger than her entire head.

"Get out! A group of monks!" The red thorns walked on the sandstone of the ruined building. The sound grows and the ground is shaking.


Several men and women who were hiding in the cracks of the broken wall were alarmed, and the fear of the wolf was drilled out and fled in the distance.

The red thorn does not look at it, just look around and look for a few reincarnations who have just played against her.

The reincarnation, the teacher Wang Mumu told them so. She doesn't know what it means, but no matter what it means, it's all dead. Anyway, it doesn't matter if you know it.

"District np!!" A sound of a negative test suddenly sounded.

At the same time, a gray figure rushed toward the red thorns.

The other two gray figures stood far apart, showing their bodies from the smoke, and they held a complex machine like a smashing arrow in their hands, which was already aligned with the red thorn.


boom! !

Two smashing arrows came out of the string, and instantly turned into two blue electric long dragons in midair.

"court death!"

The red thorn body arched, and the palm of the hand trembled rapidly, gathering a large dark green spot.

"Meng Xing Gao Xiang!!"

She slammed into the palm of the ground, and a large piece of dark green light roared into green light and plunged into the earth.

I was silent for a moment.

boom! !

Large pieces of cement on the ground suddenly exploded. Countless stone shells blasted in all directions. In an instant, the brontosaurus and the gray figure close to it were vomited and flew out.

Wei Handong was wearing a black leather suit, and his strong chest was wearing a black jade pendant that his sister gave him. The shape was a strange inverted moon.

In his hand, he dragged a masked woman who was covered in blood. The place to be dragged was the woman's leg. Although the woman seemed to have a certain color, Wei Handong had no interest in other women except her own sister.

Therefore, in this moment when the woman opened his beautiful charm to him, he went up to be a black tiger, and the outcome was completely determined.

"Little Lotus!! Ah! Ah! I killed you!!"

A black figure jumped out from the rear, and the heavy tomahawk in his hand took white light from top to bottom and squatted on Wei Handong's head.

clang! ! ! !

A ring of bells banged loudly.

Wei Handong had a crack at his feet, but he just looked at the person in front of him indifferently.

Because such a situation is not the first time.

This man has the same skill as teleportation. He can't catch him, but this person can't cut him.

Simply he is too lazy to start, let him cut.

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