Way of the Devil

Chapter 1066: Meeting two

"Let's say, we need time, blue starlight can drag, but can not be willing to read the alliance. First look at whether you can cope with the ability to talk about the alliance." Lu Sheng is very clear about the intention of the blue starlight to recruit at this time.

The Nianneng Alliance is about to start, and it is absolutely not easy to tolerate such a huge inter-galaxie organization that has doubled against them in the double star.

After all, this is equivalent to provoking their majesty.

Therefore, retaliation will surely come, but only for a long time.

"They want to give charcoal in the snow, but we don't necessarily need them to help." Zheng Huan sat in a flat position.

"Another point, the guy named Sidford Reddy is now the chairman of the Juyi Group, Li Shaozong, who is a bodyguard."

"Gathering a group? Gathering a biomedical technology?" Lu Sheng even if he is so ignorant, fascinated by the martial arts, but also heard of this company.

Not because of anything else, but because there are 50% of all kinds of drugs on the double star, they are all produced by the group.

"Yes. Their group's business involves all aspects, not just biotechnology." Zheng Huan explained. "Do we need to do it for them?"

"Why do you want to do it? We are good citizens who abide by the law. Is this kind of random destruction of order, is it possible for us to be able to do it?" Lu Sheng looked awkward.

"" In addition to not committing suicide, we do everything.

Zheng Huan’s words were in my heart, and I didn’t mean to come out.

"Look back to Su Shi and see what opinions they have. Li Shaozong, this person, may be a key figure." Lu Sheng said casually.

Up to now, the situation of the Nine Gods has been fixed. If the two forces are only the strengths shown at the moment, the one-year battle of annihilation will not necessarily be extinguished.

Lu Sheng leaned back and slowly sat in the leather chair.



Double Star East Guzhou.

Juyi Group headquarters.

Inside the huge triangular silver-white building, the first hundred floors of the large office.

Li Shaozong sat in a leather seat with a solemn expression, and his hands were staggered and supported on the armrests.

Opposite the table in front of him, a sleek long-haired woman with glasses is waiting quietly for his approval.

"The crossfire that occurred in Ansin Province, Anming City, has been investigated and it has been confirmed. One party is a large-scale biochemical virus infection that suddenly broke out. One is a local large-scale security company and the police military."

“Why put the security company in front?” Li Shaozong said.

He is a leader who is usually frivolous but extremely serious and rigorous at work. The impact of this war is too great.

The entire high-level department of Arnos was shaken, and the entire Department of Defense of the Begaing Star sent a large number of investigators to Anming City.

The secretary looks calm.

“The security company, named Jiu Ming Tang, is now the largest civil protection force in the province of Arnos. It has performed very well in several small-scale terrorist incidents.”

"What does it mean to behave very well?" Li Shaozong picked up a document on the table. “After one day, about 230,000 people with malignant infections were removed. Is this kidding me? Which civilian security company is so strong?”

"The specific situation is unknown." The secretary bowed slightly. "I will urge the intelligence department to give more information as soon as possible."

“No need.” Li Shaozong stood up. “Everyone sent the meeting application to me. You should go out first.”

"Yes." The secretary quickly got up and left the office.

Li Shaozong vomited and gently pressed another button on the table.

"Chairman, the person who agreed to the meeting time has arrived." A sweet machine female voice slowly sounded.

"Let them go directly to the agreed place."


Li Shaozong vomited and took out a white cigarette from the drawer and gently pointed it to himself.

Not long after, there was a burst of footsteps coming out of the door.


The door was knocked.

"Please come in." Li Shaozong calmly said.

Hey, the door opened, a tall, burly, middle-aged man with a black-haired head, carrying a small silver suitcase in his hand and striding in.

"Boss, are you looking for me?" the man asked.

"Well, I will meet with a group of more troublesome people in a while. I need the protection of you and your team members." Li Shaozong said simply.

"Who? Background, strength."

"It is the top of the nine life halls in the province of Arnos. It should be their boss."

"No problem." The man nodded.

"What about the newcomer? West Freddy?" Li Shaozong suddenly asked.

"Fortunately, he is the most promising newcomer this year. He used to be a member of the Alliance." The man introduced.

"Let him go with him this time." Li Shaozong said casually. "Although I don't know why, people want him to be there."

"??" The man gave a slight glimpse.

"Let's go, people have already arrived." Li Shaozong stood up and took the lead to go outside the door.

The Bobfield star field.

With a few bodyguards, Li Shaozong walked slowly down the helicopter and quickly entered the elevator from the side of the apron.

The elevator goes all the way down to the underground research institutes hundreds of meters deep.

When the elevator door opened, he took people to transfer to several encrypted elevators and strode into a beautifully decorated white hall.

In the hall, a burly big man took a hockey stick in his hand and gently pushed a white ball into a small hole in the distance.

Li Shaozong approached the past, and people did not come to laughter first.

"Hahaha, this is Mr. Wang Mu, the head of Jiu Ming Tang? Fortunately, I will be lucky."

Lu Sheng put down the hockey stick and turned to look at Li Shaozong.

"Li Dong is very polite. I am here to entrust your company to research a batch of virus-infected variants in my hands."

"Oh? What kind of target requirements does Wang Tangzhu need? What kind of results and degree do you want?" Li Shaozong’s heart was moving. He was looking for someone to get some samples like this. I didn’t expect people to come to the door.

"I don't understand these. I just want to understand the principle of the virus, the resistance to drugs, and the cycle of the attack. I intend to eradicate the virus completely, so as not to harm more ordinary civilians." Lu Shengyiyi said.

"Wang Tang is not a defender of the people who can protect the peace of the people." Li Shaozong touted.

"Li Dong is not the leader of the Group. In business, we have to learn from you." Lu Sheng laughed back.

After the two men boasted, Lu Sheng’s eyes slowly glanced behind Li Shaozong and soon found the guy named Sifu Deledi.

Sifredetti’s appearance is soft and the body is slender and powerful, but there is no sense of weakness shared by the little white face. His whole person will give others a harmless peace temperament. Obviously, the body contains a strong explosive force, but it can make people feel uneasy.

In addition, Lu Sheng also noticed that in the few people behind Li Shaozong, there are actually three senior high school teachers.

This lineup, in the case of the district plus star, is really overkill.

At the beginning, Li Ze, as a senior numerologist, was able to organize a large group of interests in the province of Arnos.

And here, senior Nian Neng can only be used as a bodyguard.

"I heard that you are buying scalestone mining everywhere. We have a small number of channels and partners in this group. If necessary, we can introduce it to you." Li Shaozong threw an olive branch.

The captain of the bodyguard behind him has repeatedly sent him several extremely dangerous signs.

This means that if the other party does, they will never leave the hall. Because the captain who is a senior Nian Neng elite can't guarantee his safety.

This also makes Li Shaozong not only afraid of Lu Sheng, but more curious.

Risks always coexist with interests. How much risk there is and how much interest there will be.

Li Shaozong has always believed in this.

Regardless of not rushing to end the meeting, he played a hockey with Lu Sheng and talked about the company management experience.

When they talked about security work, Lu Sheng pretended to casually ask about the situation of West Freddy.

Li Shaozong answered one by one. But when Lu Sheng proposed to discuss with West Freddy. Li Shaozong still refused.

In this case, the competition actually won't be good, and losing is not good.

"If it's just a simple discussion, I think I can try it." Suddenly, Li Shaozong's security team, a young man with short blond hair slowly came out and looked calm.

"Mor you!?" The captain looked a little behind him.

"I have heard about the unparalleled power of the Nine Gods, and today I have the opportunity to really see it." The blond man calmly said.

Lu Sheng smiled and smiled. A senior high school teacher in the district wanted to play against him. He didn't need him to do it himself.

"I am coming." Lu Wei was behind a black-eyed woman who was slow to go forward.

Moore still wants to say something, but then he looks slightly.

"Whether, as long as it is the master of the nine life hall, I am willing to accompany you."

He slowly walked out of Li Shaozong's side, paced with some strange rhythm, step by step in the hearts of everyone.

Hey! !

Suddenly his foot was down, the ground was cracked, and his figure was like a lightning bolt and flew straight toward Lu Sheng.

Hey! !

A little bit of cold silver flashed.

His speed is actually too fast, and even the many masters around Lu Sheng have not responded at all.

This speed is even more than double the fastest of their fastest white county.

In the short-term acceleration, Moore's mouth and nose began to violently bleed. This means that his internal organs can not withstand excessive acceleration and rupture.

But he still looked indifferent, faceless, and his mind could control a silver spike, and tried his best to puncture the road to Forehead.


"kill him!!"

Several of the bodyguards behind Li Shaozong changed their face and rushed forward to stop.

But Moore is too fast.

Silver light is flying like a silver mine in the night.

In an instant, I arrived at the road to win the eyebrows.

"Horus greets you." Moore finally flashed a trace of cruelty in his eyes, and the sound spread rapidly.

The silver spiked and slammed into the eye of the road.

clang! !

The dull shocks blew directly.

Lu Sheng did not sit still, gently raised his hand and held the spike.

The people around him didn't even move and didn't move. Just like this assassination is like a bad drama.

Hey! !

The thorns were broken, and Moore’s whole man was like a smashed invisible giant hammer, and flew out. The blood in his mouth rushed and slammed into the wall and rolled.

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